What?! Michael said
I'm pregnant baby. I'm about 3 months I said happy looking at his unreadable expression.
How long have you known he asked.
3 months I mumbled.
What the hell Rochelle!! When were you going tell me the baby shower!!
Baby I'm sorry i didn't know how to tell you i said grabbing his hand
It's cool he said kissing me. Are u excited he asked
Yes very I smiled.
Well we can tell e... He was cut off by the doorbell.
I'll get it. I said getting out the pool. I dried off and put my swimsuit cover up/dress on. I opened the door to a what looked like 16 year old girl.
Hi I'm sorry but do you have the wrong house I said sweetly.
No I think this is the right house. Can I speak to a Rochelle Williams.
That's me. How can i help you i asked.
I'm your little sister Chloe.
Hi sorry this chapter is short I will have another one tomorrow swim stuff in media at the top⬆️⬆️

Was he the One
RomanceREAD THE FIRST ONE IS HE THE ONE So after Rochelle found out some weird information on Michael she wants to take a break from Michael and keeps it friends until she realizes she needs Michael as much as he needs her. but after both have already move...