So since you guys want a sequal that leads onto to more questions (yay!)
1) what do you guys want to see in the next book. I'd really like to know because with out you guys I probaly would have given up on writing completly
2) what improvements (asides from spelling) do I need to make in my writing?
3) name suggestions for the sequal?
4) suggestions for the discription for this books because I've tried and descriptions aren't my forte.
5) I may have accidentally started shipping red (aka scarlet) with some one and I was wondering if you guys want to see who
6) I suck at discribing charaters and places because I just don't think it's 100% important because even with discriptions sometimes people have already a mental image so I was wondering if you guys wanted to see how I imagined Wade's and Peter's house and how red looks.
I think that's all the questions I had for you guys, I probaly forgot a couple I had thought of.
Love you guys
I hope you have a good day/night