„Elena's dead," Rhiannon muttered hanging up on Stefan and walking towards the bed, her eyes wide with shock as she was stopped mid-way by Elijah placing his hands on her shoulders with a very concerned look on his face.
"What happened?" he asked in a whisper looking down at the distressed woman in his arms.
"Rebekah," Rhiannon choked out. "She ran them off the Wickery Bridge."
"Oh god," Elijah muttered and enveloped her in a crushing hug, whispering "I'm sorry" into her hair. He finally felt the strangled sobs escape her mouth as she finally gave into her grief. He walked them slowly towards the sofa by the window, sitting down and dragging Rhiannon down onto his lap, cradling her and letting her cry herself to sleep.
Couple hours passed and Rhiannon was still sleeping in his arms, when her phone rang once again. He laid her down on the sofa as quietly as he could and grabbing her phone, he ran out into the hallway.
"Yes?" Elijah announced himself picking up her phone.
"Elijah?" he heard Stefan ask confused. "Where's Rhiannon?"
"Sleeping," he retorted. "Before you say anything, let me please apologize for my sister's actions. We were back at the house, packing and getting ready to draw Alaric away when you called. I am genuinely sorry for your loss. I know all to well how terrible it is to lose a loved one."
"Thank you," Stefan muttered into the phone. "But Elena's not dead."
"What do you mean?" Elijah asked utterly confused.
"Earlier when Jeremy brought her to the hospital, her injuries were worse than Meredith has led on. She used Damon's blood to heal her," Stefan said, pausing to either give Elijah time to process, or for himself to gather his thoughts.
"When Bekah, ran them off the bridge, she had Damon's blood in her system, didn't she?" Elijah asked incredulously.
"Yea.." Stefan agreed. "She's in transition."
"Oh dear," Elijah muttered. "How is she?"
"Don't know yet," Stefan retorted. "She's been in and out all night. I just thought Rhiannon should know."
"Yes, thank you for letting us know," Elijah said. "If there's anything we can help you with, just let us know."
"No, I think your family's done enough for one night," Stefan bit back with an edge to his voice.
"Right," Elijah retorted, not really surprised by his reaction. "Take care."
The young vampire hung up without a word and Elijah propped himself against the wall, sighing loudly with relief. He was glad Elena was alive...ish. He briefly contemplated whether to go tell Rhiannon now, or to tell her after she wakes up. He decided against the latter, because knowing her, she'd give him so much crap for not telling her right away.
He walked into the room to find her curled up at the sofa, just as he left her before answering the phone. He crouched beside her and caressed her tear-stained cheek softly.
"Rhiannon, darling, wake up," he murmured, softly rubbing her shoulder to bring her back into reality, but the only response he got from her was a soft whimper as she desperately clung to her dreamless sleep. "C'mon sweetheart, I need to tell you something."
Finally, she very reluctantly opened her eyes. "What is it Elijah?"
"C'mon sweetheart, sit up," he said helping her up, then sat down next to her, grabbing one of her hand. "Stefan called. Elena is not dead. She's in transition."
"What?! How?! When?!" she blurted out crushing Elijah's hand.
"Earlier when Jeremy rushed her to the hospital, her injuries were much worse than anyone of us thought. Meredith used Damon's blood to heal her and when Rebekah ran them off the bridge, his blood was still in her system."
"Oh wow," Rhiannon muttered, clearly undergoing another shock. "I don't know what to think. I mean... I'm glad she's alive... well sort of... but she never wanted to be a vampire. Honestly, I don't know how she's gonna cope with that."
"She has Salvatores to help her with that," Elijah retorted, snaking his arm around her shoulders. "Even you, if you want to help her out, which I'm sure you do. Now, how about we get some food in you and then we'll get some sleep. It's been one hell of a day."
Elijah woke up really early the next day, letting Rhiannon rest. The hunter was dead, so there was no need for running anymore. However, there was still one thing left unresolved and that was Klaus's mysterious death. He was hundred percent sure, Klaus sired the bloodline of the Mystic Falls supernatural gang. They should've all been dead. He thanked all the deities that came to mind that it didn't happen, but that could only mean one thing. Klaus was alive, and Elijah was pretty sure where he'd find him.
When Rhiannon woke up, it was almost two in the afternoon. She found a note from Elijah saying he had some urgent matter to attend to. She had a vague idea what that might be since the feeling that Klaus wasn't dead at all was nagging her ever since they found out that everybody except Tyler had survived.
She showered and was about to go down to fetch something to eat when she heard sounds of struggle coming from downstairs and when she got there, whoever attacked Rebekah was gone and she was laying on the ground with several shot wounds and a huge wooden stake lodged in her heart. Before she could do anything to help, she heard more shots and felt several needles prick the skin on her back and then everything turned black.
When Rhiannon came to her senses again, she realized she was tied to a steel bench in a moving van. The sirens of police cars accompanying them were making her head throb in pain. She tried to pry her hands free but to no avail.
"Vervain ropes..." Caroline muttered solemnely. "Looks like Alaric outed us all to the council."
"Well shit," Rhiannon muttered, seriously pissed.
"The council," Rebekah muttered drowsily. "What exactly do they think they can do to me?"
"Where the hell is Eli-" Rhiannon asked but was interrupted by something crashing into he van and knocking it over, making Rhiannon bang her head against the wall which didn't help her migraine at all.
When the van stopped moving, all three girls started to look around, panting heavily.
"What the hell happened?" Rebekah breathed out. Then the van door opened revealing Tyler. Rhiannon was too dumbstruck to see him alive that she didn't even realize that he was only freeing Caroline.
"Wait what about us?" Rebekah cried out.
"Keep 'em busy little sister," Tyler retorted winking at Rebekah. Now it all made sense. That sneaky bastard! Well she should be thankful that Klaus was alive because otherwise, her and her friends would've kicked the bucket too. Her thoughts were interrupted by the police officers barging into the van and shooting them with more vervain bullets to keep them weak. She was vaguely aware of being dragged somewhere where it smelled like cattle and then someone plopped her unceremoniously on a dusty ground.