Part 19... My Dearest Friend

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Introducing Lili Simmons as Kaya Chambers

Kaya POV

"When can I go home?" Vera asked the doctor.

"We will keep you for a few days since you hit your head and we want to ensure that both you and the foetus are safe before you leave." Dr Riley said. He wrote something on his chart and looked at me. "I will see you in an hour. If you feel you have a headache, feel any nausea or your vision is getting blurred please inform the nurse immediately."

"Yes." Vera said

"Thank you, doctor." I said as the doctor left the room.

"Did you tell Uncle Keith?" Vera asked me.

"Do you want me to?" I responded.

"No because he wants nothing to do with me." Vera looked very tearful.

"What did your uncle say to you this time?" I did not realise she still had contact with her reprobate of an uncle.

"He said I was not allowed to bring any b*stard child into his house. Dorothy was even worse she told me to have an abortion as a child would ruin my life." Vera stated tearfully.

I was puzzled.

Why would she say such a thing?

Since I had been following her I knew she had no contact with her relatives.

"Vera when was the last time you spoke to your uncle?" I asked cautiously.

"Today, when I came back to tell them about my pregnancy." Vera was starting to cry. I came to her and held her comfortingly.

My hand rubbing her back smoothly.

A huge smile appeared on my face.

Flash back

"What are you going to do?" I had asked Vera as we sat on the grass in the park. It was my lunch break more like 15 minute rest break.

"I don't know, but I will try to finish the year so that I don't lose my scholarship." She had responded.

"How will you survive, will you get a job?" I asked concerned for my good friend.

"I can but it will be tricky since the scholarship conditions state that I can only work for a maximum of 15 hours a week." Vera explained.

"What? That's so wrong? Why?" I was appalled at this news. How could a company dictate how and when a person should work?

"Well the Scholarship Trust wants its recipients to spend maximum time on studying and school. They believe any job would be a distraction to the purpose of college. Hence their conditions but they do provide a good living allowance which negates the need to work." I stared at Vera. Her face was very conflicted as she rubbed her stomach absently.

"So what are you planning on doing after you have your baby? You can't continue to live in the dorm, can you?"

"When the baby is born I would definitely need a new place and money. My roommate says we can share a flat together. Her family are wealthy and she is willing to help me out. I just want to complete my first year and maybe work for a year and then go back to college. If I do that I won't lose my scholarship."

Vera stared out lost in her thoughts.

The park was pretty quiet. Kids were still at school and only a few mothers with strollers were around the play area. Vera was going to join these women soon. She would be another statistic. I felt really sorry for her since she was really intelligent and after the crappy life she had, she should be climbing the mountain of success not sliding down it.

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