"Riley, Riley"
I hear a voice whisper in my ear.
"Riley baby wake up"
"Huh" I said turning over. I opened my eyes enough to see a brown haired blue eyed boy smiling at me.
"Yes sweetie"
"Why did you wake me"I said as a threw a pillow at him
"It's time to eat" he said laughing
"Okay."I got up and walked over to the table and set next to Lucas we laughed and talked for a while. We went back to the couch after dinner to finish what we were watching. I laid my head on his shoulder and started to dose off. When I woke up the next morning I was laying in my bed " I don't remember going to bed" I though to myself. I looked around the my room and found Lucas asleep on my bay window.
"Lucas Lucas wake up"
"Lucas wake up"
"Lucas" I yelled as I threw a pillow at him
"I'm up I'm up"
"What happened last night the last thing I remember we were watching flip or flop"
"We you fell asleep while we were watching it You looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake you so After it was over I carried you up to your room and laid you in your bed I decided to stay here because it was so late so I just slept on your bay window so you dad wouldn't kill me."
"Well thank you Lucas"
I went to my closet and picked out my favorite t shirt and Nike shorts. I walked over to the bathroom and changed my clothes and brushed my hair before walking Down stairs for breakfast. After we ate breakfast we ran by Lucas' house so he could change before we caught up with Farkle and maya at the subway.
"Y'all ready for school today" I asked
"Not really" maya replied
We walk onto the train and set in the first 4 seats we saw. We talked about the most random things. Then We finally arrived at school. I went to my locker and grabbed everything I need for my dads class. I walked in there a a set in my seat and waited for the rest to come in. I started writing stuff down in my journal. I write all the important and fun things that happen in my life down so that I will never forget them. Also I'm hoping that it will help with my song writing . The bell rang and everyone filed in and sat in there seats. My dad started teaching his lesson which always started off as one thing and ended with us. I could not stay focused in his class all I could think about was Lucas and how he's so sweet and how much fun I have when I'm with him. The bell rang and everyone got up and left.
"Riley you okay" my dad asked me
"Ya I'm fine dad why"
"You just seemed so spaced out during class "
"Im fine"
"Okay honey have a good day"
"Bye dad"
I walked out of his class and went to my locker and got my books for my next class. I had art next I was never really good at art but maya was and so was Lucas. I went in and sat in my seat next to maya and Lucas.
"What are you drawing riles" maya asked me
"It a sun set"
"It looks really good "
"Not as good as yours maya"
"Sure it is"
"Thanks peaches"
I continued to work on my project for the rest of class. The bell rang and I went to my next class. I could not wait for this day to be over so that I could go home. The final bell rang and the day was finally over. I went to my locker put all my stuff away and grabbed what I need for my homework. I walked with Maya and Farkle to the subway. Lucas had basketball practice so he couldn't come with us. We went to Topangas to worked on all the homework we had.
"Riley is everything okay you seem really down today." Farkle said
"Ya I'm fine I'm just really tired"
"Are you sure"
"Ya I'm sure"
"Riley i know you your not fine what's wrong"
"Nothing going on"
"Yes something is going on please tell us Riley you can trust us." Maya interrupted
"Okay I'm scared. I'm scared of losing Lucas to another girl"
"Riley Lucas cares about you he will always care about you you mean everything to him and I know this is true he goes on and on about you and about how much you mean to him and how he he's so lucky to have a girl as amazing as your are and how he never wants to hurt you or loose you" Farkle told me
"Ya Riley he tells me all these amazing things about you too so why are you scared of loosing him" Maya added
"I'm scared because..." I paused and took a deep breath "...because someone told me that Lucas doesn't love me and that he's just pretending to love me so that I don't get hurt and that he could never love someone like me and it not be fake. Also that he really has feeling for her and he doesn't want to admit it." I told them as a tear rolled down my face
"Who the heck told you this Riley" Maya yelled very angrily.
"I'm going to kill her" Maya said as she got up and started to head for the door
"Woah there Maya" Farkle said holding mayday back "murder is not going to solve any of this"
"But Farkle she hurt Riley she made Riley cry nobody is allowed to make Riley cry and get away with it."
"I know Maya I don't like that they did this either but violence and murder is not the answer."
"But nothing"
"Fine" Maya said as she pouted and sat down
"Riley were going to fix all of this no one is going to do this to you am diet awaits with it."
"Thanks toy Farkle I appreciate it"
"But you its told me that I can't hurt them and now your says you can" Maya interrupted
"Maya I'm not hurting them I'm just saying that there not going to get away with hurt hung Riley"
"But that's what I said"
"No you said you were going to kill them"
"But. Ugh whatever I give up."
"Y'all are so cute" I said laughing
"Riley were going to fix this" Farkle assured me
"Thank you guys"
"Do you want us to take you home"
"No I think I'll walk I need to clear my mind"
"Okay be safe"
"Ya be safe."
"I will I love you guys."
" We love you too Riley" they both said
I walked to my apartment trying to clear my head but nothing would work the thing she to,f me just kept running through my mind.
Farkle P. O. V.
"I'm calling Lucas" I told Maya
"Farkle don't"
"Why not"
"Because Riley would t want you to do that"
"Well I am Lucas deserves to know"
"Fine"Maya said
I walked over and picked up my phone and called Lucas.
"Hey Lucas"
"Hey Farkle what's up"
"There's something I need to tell you but I don't want you to freak out"
"What is it."
"Someone is hurting Riley"
"What" Lucas said with this stern tone in his voice "what are they saying to her"
"They told her that you didn't care about her and that you were just doing this to be nice because you felt bad for her and that you really liked this other girl"
"Who said this to her "
"Who told her this"
"It was Adrian but please don't go all Texas Lucas on her"
"I won't"
"Lucas don't do anything stupid"
"No promises"
"Fine I won't but thank you for telling me"
"Your welcome bye Lucas"
"Bye Farkle"
Riley P. O. V
As I walked home I kept questioning if he really end liked me and if he really cared about me. I got to my apartment and walked in and went up to my room. When I opened my door I saw this shadow of a figure sitting on my bay window. I turned on my light to see what it was .

The Second Greatest Love Story Ever Told {Rucas}
FanfictionRiley and Lucas go through everything together her will there friendship and love bear to stay strong or will it crumble under the pressure