Chapter 18

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~Alexs p.o.v~

Last night had been fun, but it had been time for us to head back.

We had a normal day, plain as always, and decided we wanted to go on a walk.
We walked around the back area, a trail that lead us through the forest.

I looked over at Luke who was walking an inch away from me, and our eyes met. I stared deeply into his icy blue eyes. He had a lip piercing, and his jawline was sharp. When he smiled, he smiled so brightly it lit up the whole room. His facial features in general were completely perfect.

"Hey guys, can you stop giving eachother doey eyes for one minute? God, it's disgusting," I heard Jenna say, pointing her finger at her mouth signalling her throwing up.

"Shut up." Alex responded, As Lukes face flushed with red.

We came to a stop, looking at where we had come. we had made it all the way to my favourite creek, which held a beautiful water fall. It was so perfect, and a gorgeous area.

Michael yelled, stripping his shirt and pamts off, leaving him jumping in the water in his underwear. splashing Ashton.

"FUCK YOU!" Ashton laughed, jumping in behind him, followed by Hope and I taking off our shirts and jumping in with shorts and a bra on.

"Fuck it," I heard Lexie say, Doing a cannonball as she jumped in, followed by Jenna. We all ended up laughing and playing around in the water, splashing and having a good time.

~Hopes p.o.v~

"Psst, Hope, follow me." I heard a whispered voice directly in my ear and arms wrap around me, pulling me into a hug.

Michael took me behind the waterfall, where you couldn't hear anyone else but eachother and the sound of the water hitting the pond.

"So...I've been meaning to ask you something..." He spoke.


"I don't really know how to do this, and God, I'm so awkward," Michael brought up.

"Will you...will you be my girlfriend?"

He asked, completely red and nervous.
I engulfed him in a hug.
"Of course I will you idiot." I said smiling.

"Shall we go see the others before the try to come look for us again?" I mentioned.

"Right. M'lady." He said, leaning down so I could hop on his back. He gave me a piggy back ride to the others.

Lexie hopped on Ashton's shoulders and tried pushing us over.

"Dammit Lexie!" I said laughing and falling off of his back.
"WE ARE THE MASTERS!" I heard Ashton shout in a deep voice below Lexie.

We laughed and played for a good hour, eventually getting cold and getting out go dry off.

"ITS FREEZING OUT HERE!" I heard Alex shout.
"Meh, you'll warm up soon." Jenna mentioned, as Luke walked over and hugged her tightly, her laying her head in his chest.

We all walked back, drying off as we walked, thanks to the bright sunshine.


Back at the house, it was around 10pm.
We had all gotten ready for bed, even though it was still extremely early.
"God, I'm so tired." I brought up.

"You didn't seem tired the day you kissed Calum." Michael laughed gently.
"The-wait, what?" Jenna said.

shit. I thought.

"Hey Jenna, come upstairs with me for a sec?" I asked.

"Yeah." She spoke sounding pissed off.

I headed upstairs, her following close behind.

"Would you like to explain what the fuck Michael was talking about Hope?"

"Okay. This isn't-it's not...I, I don't know. I don't know how to explain, how to make you understand. It didn't mean anything, not to me, not to him. We're friends. We've been that way for forever."
I suddenly thought about it, how I always had a childhood crush on him, and how I told him everything.

It was just a kiss, wasn't it?
It had to be.

I have a boyfriend now, and Calum likes Jenna. It had to be a just a kiss.

"How come it's so fucking hard to believe you? I can't believe you.
This wasn't even- it was in the moment. It was all you, all your decision. You could've pushed him away. You could've slapped him, or said no, or something.
You know what, It's not even the fact that you kissed him. It's that you decided to lie to me about it.
God, I was so stupid."
She stormed upstairs, me deciding to give her time.


It had been a while, and Calum and Michael had gone out for a while. I had told Calum what had happened, and he went pale, realizing how much it could've affected her.

"Fuckfuckfuck." He muttered.

"I need a break. This shits taking me down. Come on Michael, you're coming with me." I heard, and that was the last I heard of them for a while.

As soon as they left, I got worried. I knew how much he liked Jenna, I could tell. I remembered how much he hated the feeling of hurting people, mostly when it was his fault.

Eventually, I fell asleep next to Luke, while watching Under The Dome, Lexie and Alex laying together as well.

At least, that's how it was for a while.

Until I heard a small crash coming from upstairs, waking me up.

"What the shit?" I whispered quietly.
I headed upstairs to see what was going on, only to find Calum completely wasted and falling down everywhere.

"DO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?" I whisper/shouted, noticing it said 4:32am on the clock.

"Hope, I'm sorry. I tried convincing him to stop drinking. He just wouldn't stop...he kept going. He threw up, and eventually I had had enough. I picked him up and put him in the car, but I don't know what to do now. He's completely drunk and doesn't know what's going on.
He-he was making out with some girl earlier, although I didn't see who."

"Holy fuck, don't let Jenna see him like this."


Ooh, Calums in troubleeeeee
Anyways, hope you liked the chapter ;)

Question of the day: who's your idol?

Read my friends story's!
Lexie- the_fandom_pain
Jenna- jennamm_65
Leticia- LeticiaMoody13

Update soon!

Nothing Lasts Forever • A 5SOS fanfic •Where stories live. Discover now