Niall screamed. Terrified out of his wits, he could briefly feel what the Mad Hatter felt every second of his life. Fear clawing at his tiny amount of sanity left, pushing its ugly head to the foreground to proudly show off its crazy colors of terror and absolute lunacy. Niall was hung upsidedown by the tips of his bare toes, Harry laughing as he kept a tight grip. Niall could feel his face go red as blood rushed to his head, warm cheeks contrasting against cool, night air.
Only for a second, Niall could faintly see cotton candy trees and chocolate milk rivers. He could see playing cards and giant, singing flowers. Only for a second, he could see the sunset Harry had described to him. It was the shortest second he had ever experienced, only a flash of paradise before he came to terms with what was real.
"Do you remember now?" Harry called down to Niall who was dangling over the balcony's railing.
"Not really," Niall called back. "The only thing we have managed to accomplish was wake up the maid." Niall points to the candle light emmiting from the downstairs window.
"That is a shame," Harry shook his head in disappointment. "However, this is not a failure!"
"How so?"
"Because for a brief moment, I know you remembered. I saw the nostalgic look on your face," Harry hauled Niall back onto the balcony and pushed him into his room. He hurriedly tucked Niall into bed and retreated to the glass door. Footsteps grew louder as they ascended the stairs. "You yearn for Wonderland as Wonderland yearns for you. That was all the confirmation I needed. The next time you see me will be in Wonderland."
The Mad Hatter was gone just as the maid appeared, casting a dull glow over Niall's closed eyelids as she peeked inside. "Such a sweet boy. So peaceful as he sleeps. I hope he always stays like this. I'd hate to see him so depressed like Greg." It was not the maid's voice Niall recognized. It was his mother's soft drawl, creating a soothing melody that coaxed him to sleep.
"I hope he finds his Wonderland again."
"Why are you always grinning, Mr. Chesire Cat?" Itwasdarkandgloomyandcold. Thetreeswereloomingandcurvinginon themselves, ganglybranchesswayinginthenightbreeze. Thesweetscentof rotting appleblossomsfilledtheair, signallingtheimpendingdoom of the dyingappleorchard. Itwasscary, butNiallfeltsafe.
"Because I am always happy." Thegrinningcatreplied, brighteyescontrastinggreatlywiththedrearysurroundings. Thevoicewasalightinhumor, asoftwhisperofgoofinessinhistone.
"Even when your friends are all gone away for a very long time?" Niallaskedinnocently, eyesshiningincuriosity. Hisheadlookedtowards the fat cathangingfromatreebranch, tailswishingbackand forth gently.
"Even then, I am still happy."
"Why that's. . . You're crazy!"
"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours."
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Niall woke up with a start, heart pounding in sync with his head. What was the peculiar dream? How could a cat smile, nevertheless, talk! He rubbed a trickle of sweat from his hairline, taking in deep, ragged breaths. He was not scared, but he was confused and uncertain of what he saw.
It was barely dawn, the sun still sleeping on the bed of rolling hills in the horizon. He wrapped himself in a robe before slipping his feet into slippers, sneaking quietly from his bedroom, down the stairs, and out of the house. It was a long ways from the garden, but he would gladly make the trek any day to gain a piece of his mind back.
Gravel and dirt crunched under his feet as he traveled, a few squirrels scampering along the path. Thinking about the acorn-loving creatures reminds Niall of the Mad Hatter's rambling about the "nuthouse" and how ridiculous it would be to live in a house made of nuts. He giggled quietly to himself, wrapping his arms around his body to conserve warmth. Without the sun's rays to heat up the air, it was quite chilly as Niall walked.
Eventually, he made it to his destination: the entrance of the maze. He looked left and right before venturing inside, hoping by some miracle he would find the rabbit hole again.
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Left, left left, left seemed to make him go in circles. Right, right, right, right the same. Perhaps in Wonderland it would be different. Itshould, Niall thought. Itshouldbedifferent. Left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right, straight. A clearing with a huge tree appeared before him, his heart speeding up. Therabbithole. . .
The deep, dark hole was still there, waiting for him to jump in. He takes a deep breath and leaps.
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