Chapter 42

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On the other side of the door, stood Kayla and Geoffrey Rushford-Smith, wanting to welcome their new neighbours.

"Hello," Mary greeted the visitors. "Can I help you?"

"Hello. We live next door. We wanted to welcome our new neighborus." It was Kayla who did all the talking. "Geoffrey and Kayla Rushford-Smith."

"Come on in. I'll see if they are up for visitors." Mary left the Rushford-Smiths in the front sitting room, as she walked to the rear of the house to where Kensi and Deeks were still exploring their house.

"You have guests." Mary spoke quietly to warn them the suspects were in the house.

"Thank you, Mary." Deeks smiled at the other agent. "You may send them through."

Kensi had perched herself on a sun bed out by the pool, with Deeks reading the paper beside her. He stood to welcome their guests. "Hello." He smiled to the couple that stood before him. "I'm Derek Hobson, and this is my wife, Kelly."

Kensi stood to welcome their guests. She greeted Kayla first. "Hello."

"Hello, Kelly. I'm Kayla and this is my husband, Geoffrey."

"Hello, Derek. Kelly." Geoffrey shook Deeks' hand. "Welcome to our neighbourhood. We hope you settle in quickly and enjoy living here, as we do. You'll have to come over soon for drinks."

"Thank you, that would be great." Deeks kept his smile in place, as he conversed with their new neighbours. "Can we offer you anything while you are here?" He asked politely, while studying the man before him. He and Kensi wore button cams, with mics, so the rest of the team could have visual and audio of their time with the suspects.

"Yes, thank you. That's would be great." They moved to the outdoor dining area, which looked over the expansive pool, as they waited for Mary to bring out the drinks.

While Geoffrey and Kayla sat next door, talking with Kensi and Deeks, Sam and Callen snuck into their home to plant cams and mics, with Charlie on the lookout.

It seemed too easy, Callen thought to himself. Too easy for him and Sam to just sneak into their suspect's home like that. His gut told him something was not right.

"I don't like this, Sam. This is all too easy." Callen whispered to his partner, as they headed up the stairs of the Rushford-Smith home. "Hetty, advise Mary and Jonty to keep a special eye on the visitors with Kensi and Deeks."

"Will do, George." Concern crossed Hetty's face as she thought on her nephew's gut instinct.

"Someone's just pulled into the driveway guys," Charlie advised Callen and Sam. "Get out now."

Charlie watched two men in business suits arrive to the Rushford-Smith's home. "They are carrying," she added. She hoped they could get out. She didn't want anything else to happen to her team, especially after them all just starting to return to normal again.

Callen and Sam quickly exited the rear of the home and jumped over the wall to Kensi and Deek's home. They were protected by bush from being seen by the suspect, thankfully. They could see Geoffrey's cell ring and he excused himself to answer it.

Rushford-Smith ended the call. "I am sorry, but I am going to have to return home. Some business associates of mine have arrived. Are you happy to stay, Kayla dear?" He looked over to his wife.

"If Kelly doesn't mind, I would appreciate some female company," she replied.

Kensi nodded. "That's fine." She put on a smile for the woman. The husband was their only suspect, so far in this case, and they had no idea of what the wife knew of her husband's work. This time with the wife alone, could give them a heads up if she was in on it too.

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