Dear mother
Oh great. That was weird. See? I told you this would be strange! Anyway here's the first letter that I promised to send. I'm writing right after we have settled into our dorms and stuff. I'm tired though so I won't make this too long.
It's gorgeous here. I wish you could see it. I'll make sure to take lots of photos though. And thanks for the scrapbook! I've already begun putting some pictures in.
The food was great but nothing beats yours. I'll miss it but I'm already looking forward to the first vacation. Not that the people here aren't nice or anything. Not all of them are very talkative but they all seem at least decent. Oh that reminds me! Me and Arthur are both in Slytherin! It's so exciting!
The common room is amazing. It's the one lowest down and the entrance is all the way down in the dungeons. It's windows look INTO the lake! Not out onto no no. Into it! I even saw the giant squid swimming by when we first entered. A lot of other fish and creatures swim by too and you could just sit and look at it all day. I know I did for around ten minutes. The lighting condition makes it so the room is filled with green lights and gives it a kind of mysterious atmosphere.
Now enough about that. I became great friends with a girl named Natalya. Well at least I see her as a friend. She doesn't seem all to happy about it but she'll warm up eventually. If not then she'll just have to suck it up...
I shouldn't make this any longer though. School starts tomorrow and I don't wanna be late! I hope you're doing great. Say hi to Allistor for me will you?
Love (Y/N)
"Are you done yet?" Arthur asked from his seat next to me on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room. I nodded and put my quill down and showed him the letter. He nodded and put his own quill down as he was writing a letter to his brother. "Good then I think it's time to head off to bed."
"I know..." (Y/N) said leaning back in the extremely comfortable couch. "I'm not tired though! It's all too exciting."
"The others didn't seem to have a problem." The blond boy said as he looked around at the almost empty common room. (Y/N) groaned.
"Well I'm not the others." She complained. Arthur looked at her with a stern look and she rolled her eyes in repsonse. "Fine. See you tomorrow then." She put the cap on her inkwell and gathered all of her items before standing.
"Goodnight!" Arthur called as (Y/N) walked to the girls dorms making sure to be quiet as Natalya had already gone to bed.
The two was the only girls in the girls first year dorms so they got the room for themselves but something told (Y/N) that Natalya wasn't someone who liked to be woken up for no reason. (Y/N) snuck into the room closing the door behind her slowly and as quietly as possible (though it was hard since the hinges kept squeaking) and walked over to her suitcase at the end of her bed. Storing away her items she also found an envelope and folded the letter to her mom and put it in making sure to close it. She would send (O/N) out with it the next day.
With that out of the way she got her pajamas out and changed quickly before slipping into the ancient four-poster and crawled under the green and silver sheets sprawled across the bed. She pulled the equally green silk hangings all around her bed and closed her eyes listening to the soft water splashing on the wall outside. It didn't take long for her to drift off to sleep.
(Y/N) felt herself being shaken awake. She groaned and looked up to meet Natalya's blue eyes looking down at her with an empty expression. Before (Y/N) could say anything Natalya opened her mouth and spoke.
"Your boyfriend Arthur told me to wake you up." She stated standing up straight again. (Y/N) felt her face explode into a crimson red and she sat up straight glaring at the girls back.
"He is not my boyfriend!" She sneered. Natalya just waved at her as she dug out her uniform from her suitcase. "I'm being serious here! Never in a million years!"
"Calm down." Natalya said glaring back at her. "I only said it to get you up."
"Oh." (Y/N) said. She sighed and swung her legs out of bed and went to her own suitcase. She found her uniform and began putting it on in silence. The room was completely quiet until- "OH MY GOD!"
"What?!" Natalya asked shocked by the other girls sudden out burst.
"IT'S OUR FIRST DAY!" (Y/N) cheered happily as she ran over to the only half clothed platinum blond girl. "What do we have for first period?"
"U-uh..." Natalya stammered not sure what to say. "History of Magic?"
"That's right!" (Y/N) said giving Natalya a quick hug before running back to her stuff and haphazardly putting the rest on.
Natalya stood there not quite sure what was happening. (Y/N) soon finished and dug out her school bag and began stuffing her needed books into her bag. Lastly she grabbed the letter to her mom and her camera bag and made sure she had a good amount of pictures left on it. When she was satisfied she looked at her timetable one last time to be sure she had gotten everything and then smirked at Natalya.
"See ya there!" (Y/N) said happily before running out of the dorm leaving a still rather confused Natalya behind.
(Y/N) ran into the common room and looked around for her friend. She found him by the exit looking very displeased. (Y/N) also quickly spotted the source of his apparent displeasure. Gilbert. He was blabbering away to Arthur and seemingly didn't notice the green eyed males face. (Y/N) quickly ran up to the two and Arthur snapped out of his trance.
"Finally." He sighed out. With a little bit of work he managed to smile. "Good morning (Y/N)."
"Oh hey (Y/N)!" Gilbert said turning to the girl.
(Y/N) smiled. "Morning you two. You ready yet?" She asked talking specifically to Arthur. The boy nodded. "Do you know where our first class is held?"
"First floor." Arthur said simply. (Y/N) smiled once again and patted Arthur on the shoulder.
"Good then you can lead. But first breakfeast!" She cheered rembering the feast the day before. Arthur sighed and shook his head as he started walking out the stone wall keeping the common room secret.
The walk up through the dungeons and lower levels of the basement was a dark one but some of the older students were walking with them and they all had their wands glowing on the tip with Lumos. (Y/N) and Arthur stuck mostly to one kid who was wearing an eye patch and seemed slightly grumpy. The boy didn't seem more than one year older than them but he still seemed to glow superiority.
After about ten minutes of staircrawling they reached the entrance hall and walked further into the great hall where food was already at the tables and some students were already sitting. (Y/N) and Arthur filed over to the Slytherin table and sat down. They mostly sat by themselves except Natalya who soon came into the hall with her brother in tow. She plopped them both down next to (Y/N) (of course her brother sitting as far away from (Y/N) as possible) and the two started eating.
"So did you have a good nights sleep?" Arthur asked (Y/N) who was busy flinging scrambled eggs onto her plate. She smiled greatly and nodded.
"The water splashing is really relaxing." She said putting down the half empty bowl of eggs again. "What about you? Did Gilbert keep you up?"
"He was asleep." Ivan said with a small innocent smile. Arthur nodded as confirmation.
"Yes somehow he was out cold when I came up there." He said huffing. The four of them glanced over at Gilbert who was currently laughing loudly with some older students.
"He is too loud." Natalya said absentmindedly. Almost everyone nodded in agreement with the exception of (Y/N) who just shrugged.
"I think it's rather amusing to be honest." She giggled a bit but soon stopped when the others looked at her weirdly. "What?"
"Hey guys!" They all looked up to see an overly enthusiastic Vladimir on his way to sit down. "How was the dorm for the snakessss?" He pulled on the s in a teasing manner.
"Uh Vlad I don't-" (Y/N) was about to continue but Lukas suddenly stood behind the red eyed boy.
"Vladimir we're not allowed to sit at other tables." He deadpanned. Vlad looked up with a pout at Lukas, but stood up none the less.
"Fine." He grumbled a bit but found a smile again in no time. "Well I guess I'll see you guys later then!"
"Bye." (Y/N) and Arthur said simultaneously. Vlad grinned and went over to the Hufflepuff table immediately starting to grab food left and right. Meanwhile Lukas said a short goodbye and went to the Ravenclaw table.
"Well good to see they're having fun." (Y/N) said partially sarcasticly with a nod towards Lukas's retreating figure. Arthur chuckled with a nod and the two started digging in.
The low hum of students talking and eating (and the inevitable laughs from Gilbert) continued throughout the whole breakfeast. (Y/N) didn't bother talking much as she stuffed her face with eggs, sausages, more eggs, mini pancakes with syrup, and guess what? Eggs! She was loving it. Soon enough though everyone was full and everyone started to slowly disappear out into the castles corridors again. That included (Y/N) and her small group at the table.
They headed up through the castle towards the first floor with Arthur in the lead. None of them really talked as the pit patter of their own and other students footsteps were enough to fill the silence. It didn't take long for them to come to the strange moving staircases and board the first one. And surprisingly they found their classroom quite quickly.
"Right in here right?" (Y/N) asked Arthur as she turned the nob on the door.
Arthur nodded and she swung the door open to see a classroom filled with books. At the blackboard up in the front of the room sat a blue glowing silhouette. The ghost of an elderly man. The ghost looked up, grumbled, and then went back to the book laying in front of him on the table. (Y/N) looked at the others raising an eyebrow but none of them seemed to have any comments. There was no one else here so they presumed it was free to take whatever seat they'd like. The four sat down at the back of the room closest to the door. It had it's advantages being early.
It didn't take long, however, for more students to come in and take their seats. Every Slytherin from first year was here and soon class began. The ghost started off introducing himself as professor Cuthbert Binns and afterwards immediately started the lesson. The rather boring lesson. None of the people in the room seemed very interested and the class just seemed to go on for hours. But finally class was dismissed and (Y/N) and Arthur filed out of the room breathing a sigh of relief.
"Why in the world would they start us off with such a draining class?" (Y/N) whined already feeling herself growing tired of that particular class.
"Well at least it's over." Arthur sighed out.
"Hello." A monotone voice suddenly said making the two jump. Lukas had appeared out of nowhere next to them looking at them with his usual emotionless eyes. "What?"
"Where did you come from?!" Arthur exclaimed angrily. "And furthermore what are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be in class?!"
"I'm on my way to class." Lukas said shrugging. "We have a joined class."
"We do?" (Y/N) asked curiously pulling out her timetable. Just as he said they had a joined class in transfiguration. "Oh we do. Cool! We get to be together in class then."
"We should go now." Lukas said already starting to walk away. Arthur and (Y/N) immediately start walking after him. Natalya and Ivan seemed to have disappeared at some point but (Y/N) didn't bother to ask where they went.
Walking down the stairs to the ground floor the trio was joined by the other first years from Ravenclaw and Slytherin as they gathered around classroom 1B. Everyone were muttering to themselves about what to do after school, during lunch, in the evening, or even what was going to happen in class. (Y/N) and Arthur just casually talked about the letters they would be sending home.
"How about doing it after lunch?" (Y/N) suggested. "We could go up into the Owlery before class if we hurry."
"We have Charms after lunch so we might be able to make it." Arthur said nodding.
"Charms?" Lukas questioned looking at his two friends. The two nodded. "Then Vladimir will be there as well."
"Great!" (Y/N) said smiling slightly. Before anyone could say anymore the door to the classroom opened up with a squeak revealing professor McGonagall.
"Come in everyone." She said standing aside letting the Ravenclaw and Slytherin first-years enter the room.
Arthur, Lukas, and (Y/N) found some good seats to the right in the room. As everyone got seated professor McGonagall closed the door once again and walked up in front of the class looking out over everyone. The professor began giving a long speech on what they would be learning that year and (Y/N) quickly caught on, her ears perked and ready to snatch new information. (Y/N) found herself being extremely excited already and it had barely even begun.
The lesson was quick to begin and (Y/N) fished out her book, quill, inkwell, and parchment and began taking notes and reading in the book for extra information. After a bit of information about the spell they were given a match each that they had to turn into a needle. Everyone in the room got out their wands and started muttering the spell as they made the correct movements with their wands. Professor McGonagall walked between them all correcting anyone who was doing something wrong.
(Y/N) spotted out of the corner of her eye Natalya and Ivan in the opposite end of the room. She also saw Arthur, that was sitting next to her, trying fervently to turn his match into a needle. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile a bit. He had always been the competitive type even though he would never admit it. Lukas sat next to him and seemed to be slightly less worried about getting it right. But of course he was as always hard to read.
(Y/N) snapped out of her spying and returned to her own match as she saw McGonagall nearing in on her table. She muttered the spell a few times trying to look like she actually was doing something and when the professor turned away again she breathed out in relief.
As the class finished (Y/N)'s attempts were futile along with many others. Only few of the students actually got it right. Two of the Ravenclaws and one of the Slytherins. Yao Wang and Eduard von Bock both proudly presented a silver needle to professor McGonagall and so did Tim Maes. Roderich Edelstein kept muttering that he would do better next time. Gilbert was laughing a bit at him poking fun of him which didn't exactly make the situation any better... Gilbert himself had no success either though.
Professor McGonagall said her farewells with homework. Not many thought that was a great way to end... if any at all. But they all left the room soon after and walked towards the great hall where lunch was waiting for them.
"Arthur I thought for sure you would get it." (Y/N) nudged her friend in the side grinning a little at him. He turned slightly red and looked away.
"It was a cursed match I swear." He mumbled. (Y/N) giggled and looked to Lukas.
"What about you how did you do?" She asked earning an emotionless stare from him.
"I tried." He said shrugging. (Y/N) nodded.
"Can't do much else." She said. She puffed up her chest smiling proudly. "I myself am pretty sure I saw a glimmer of silver on my match at one point."
"Of course." Arthur said sarcastically rolling his eyes. (Y/N)'s chest fell again as she glared at him but with no true spite in her eyes.
"Hey don't be all sour puss just because you didn't get it right the first time." She exclaimed. Arthur was about to protest but (Y/N) stopped him. "And don't give me that 'cursed match' thing again."
"It really was-"
"Hey guys!" A cheery voice interrupted. The trio led their eyes to where the voice came from and saw Vladimir coming running from outside waving happily. His face was covered in dirt. "I just got back from Herbology! Wanna sit together?"
"You're covered in dirt." Lukas said as Vlad stopped in front of them. The crimson eyed boy got a look of confusion before his mouth formed an o.
"I'll just have to wash that later." He said shrugging. (Y/N) shook her head.
"No way mister." She said frowning a bit. Vladimir looked at her confused. "You go wash off right now or no food for you!"
"But-" He was about to object but (Y/N) looked at him with a stern look. He sighed. "Fiiiiine. Save a seat for me will ya?"
"But we aren't allowed to sit together?" (Y/N) questioned looking at Vladimir confused. He rolled his eyes with a grin.
"I asked professor Sprout about it." He dragged chuckling a bit. "In truth it's not allowed but at lunch time she told me they don't exactly split people up unless there's a reason for it."
"Oh neat." (Y/N) said smiling a bit. Her face fell soon though. "Now go wash. You're dirty."
Vlad rolled his eyes again before running towards the nearest bathroom and the three others went into the great hall. They all sat down at the Ravenclaw table which was the one to the right when you walked in. The three of them also sat as close to the doors as they could so they could get out fast when class were to start.
"Alright so we need to eat fast and then get to the Owlery before Charms." (Y/N) stated nipping on a piece of toast with butter and jam on it.
"We'll have to hurry too." Arthur continued nodding. "Charms is on the third floor in the southern tower while the Owlery is at the top of the west tower. That's quite a walk."
"You going to the west tower?" Vladimir had popped up next to them, his face now clean from any dirt. "You going to the fabled Room of Requirement?" He had a mischievous grin on his face.
"Room of Requirement?" (Y/N) questioned looking at him confused. Arthur seemed a little puzzled as well but Lukas just sighed.
"It's some kind of room he heard exists on the seventh floor in the west wing of the castle." He said looking at Vladimir with a bored expression.
"Yeah one of the older students told me about the myth!" Vlad said excitedly though quietly as if he didn't want anyone to know. "I heard it only appears for someone who has a great need for something but that no one has found it so far. There's only rumors about it!"
"You getting all excited over a myth?" Arthur asked with a tired tone in his voice. (Y/N) on the other hand was listening intently.
"Go on Vlad." She encouraged making the boy grin.
"Wouldn't it be so cool if we made that OUR place?" He almost jumped in his seat from excitement reminding (Y/N) of a small puppy who was getting attention from it's owner.
"OUR place?" Arthur questioned. Lukas rolled his eyes as if he had this before which wouldn't surprise (Y/N).
"Yeah!" Vlad nodded fiercly yet he somehow managed to keep his town low. "We could make it our hangout place and go there every day after school to just mess around in."
"It doesn't exist Vlad." Lukas sighed making the crimson eyed boy huff.
"Does too!" He said stubbornly. (Y/N) wasn't too sure what to think but she did like the idea of having anything she needed.
"Vlad if it did wouldn't the teachers have found it by now?" Arthur suggested making Vlad deflate a bit.
"But what if they have?" (Y/N) suggested. "What if they're just keeping it a secret?"
"I doubt it." Lukas said with a shrug. "By the way weren't you two in a hurry?" He looked between (Y/N) and Arthur.
"Oh yeah!" (Y/N) quickly started eating again and Arthur did the same. Not much talking happened after that other than Vlad excitedly throwing out ideas for what they could do with the room.
Arthur and (Y/N) soon finished and with a small goodbye they were off towards the west wing. They're feet walked fast and the two didn't spare any time to talk on the way. They walked up the many stairs and it was a miracle they didn't get lost honestly. The castle was so huge and many of the corridors looked alike. At one point they even thought they were going in circles until they saw a difference in the layout. Finally when they arrived at he top of the west wing tower they could hear all of the owls howling as they entered.
The room that met their eyes was weird. Hay and owl poop layed on the ground with a few skeletons of presumably mice in between. There were windows but none of them had glass in them making the temprature just as cold as outside. And on September second it wasn't that hot. There were dozens of owl sized holes where (maybe not so weirdly) owls sat either sleeping or watching the two Slytherin students with watchful eyes.
"(O/N)?" (Y/N) called looking around for her owl. A second after she had called for the grey owl it swooped down onto her shoulder. She giggled a bit and gently petted it's feathery head. "Hey there buddy. I have letter for mom. Mind helping me out?"
"I need mine delivered as well." Arthur said holding his letter up. "Allistor needed the stupid owl for himself."
"I don't think little (O/N) would mind delivering another letter." (Y/N) said rubbing her owls head affectionately. It cooed in delight, leaning into her hand a bit. "Alright hop down buddy."
The owl did as asked and floated down on a small outcropping on one of the walls. (Y/N) grabbed Arthur's letter with a small smirk and walked over to her owl tying the letters to one of it's legs.
"Aaaaand done!" (Y/N) stood up straight again looking at her handy knot. (O/N) jumped a bit and shook his leg to test the durability of the string and when he deemed it good he cooed up at (Y/N). "Alright buddy make sure to say hi to mom from me alright? And be back soon." She petted it's head again before it jumped over to a window and out into the damp September air.
"Alright let's go." Arthur said adjusting his backpack slightly. (Y/N) nodded and the two were off.
The two stormed down to the third floor as fast as they could and searched for the Charms classroom. After almost getting lost and getting directions from a passing student they finally found it and opened the door. They peeked in to see that the classroom wasn't even half full and breathed a sigh of relief over not being late. They entered and introduced themselves to the teacher who was... rather small in size. However (Y/N) had heard great things about professor Filius Flitwick and of how great he was at Charms and just for that she already found she respected him greatly. Of course so far she hadn't met a teacher who wasn't worthy of respect (professor Binns had been a bit boring but none the less wise).
They sat down in the front of the class this time and soon enough Vladimir chose to show up as well dragging a few other Hufflepuffs with him. (Y/N) waved him over and he quickly bounced over and sat down next to Arthur.
"So did you find it?" He asked in a hushed tone leaning a bit closer to the two Slytherins.
"Vlad just drop it." Arthur grumbled leaning back in his seat. "The room doesn't exist. Besides we only went to send an owl back home."
"Don't worry though Vlad!" (Y/N) said grinning widely as she observed Arthur's face for any reaction. "We have seven years to find it."
"Not you too..." Arthur groaned rubbing his face tiredly. (Y/N) chuckled evilly.
"You gotta admit it would be cool though." Vlad remarked grinning just as widely as (Y/N).
"Sure. IF IT EXISTED!" The green eyed one of the bunch almost yelled making both (Y/N) and Vlad shush him. Professor Flitwick sent them a look and though the class hadn't begun yet it was clear he wasn't too pleased. "Sorry but you two are being childish."
"Nuh-uh!" (Y/N) exclaimed teasingly sticking her tongue out at the boy. "You're the one doubting magic."
"I am not- gosh will you just stop?" Arthur asked slightly glaring at (Y/N) who just chuckled. Though he sounded harsh (Y/N) knew that was just Arthur. But she chose not to push it any further.
"Alright everyone settle down." Professor Flitwick squeaked as the last few people trotted in and took their seats. He wore a warm smile as he started to introduce himself.
The class continued after that with him demonstrating the Lumos charm and it's counter-charm Nox. It was the first one they were gonna learn that year which (Y/N) thought was a good idea since they couldn't stick to the eyepatch kid forever. Eventually he would tell them to sod off.
First they were gonna study the charm. How to pronounce it, what way to whip your wand, the history, and so on and so forth. Then at the end of the class everyone was gonna get a shot at attempting it. Professor Flitwick however said that none of them should get their hopes up because it was most likely not gonna work the first time.
Finally when everything was over not a single one of them had gotten the spell right. The professor did his best to try and correct any incorrect pronounciations or wrong wand whips but in the end no one came out of the classroom succesful.
"Alright do we have anymore classes today?" (Y/N) sighed not really sure she could take much more. She swore that last class was longer than the others.
"Did you even read our timetable?" Arthur questioned with a slight annoyance in his voice.
"Of course I did." (Y/N) said puffing her chest out trying to defend her pride. "I'm just not very good at remembering things."
"Whatever." Arthur sighed. "And to answer your question no we do not. Charms was a double class so we have the rest of the day off." That might have explained it...
"Great!" (Y/N) said relieved at the news. "What should we do now then? We have abooooooout..."
"A little over two hours until dinner." Vladimir finished for her. (Y/N) nodded in agreement with a smile.
"Soooo what should we do?" She asked thinking about it herself. "We could go explorig the castle. Or maybe even go hang out with Lukas or Natalya or-"
"Do our homework." Arthur deadpanned.
"But Arthuuuuuur!" She whined deflating a bit. "C'moooon! It's the first day in Hogwarts. We have to do something exciting!"
"I agree!" Vladimir said nodding. (Y/N) joined his nodding looking at Arthur with pleading eyes. The blond boy sighed and facepalmed but nodded as well.
"Fine. But what?" He asked glancing around. "We can't just go off in some random direction."
"First let's find Lukas!" The girl in the group exclaimed grabbing both of their arms starting to drag them off making Arthur almost drop his bag.
"I took a look at his schedule and he should have just gotten done with DADA." Vladimir said grinning as they continued.
"Then we head in that direction!" (Y/N) declared determinedly. She turned to her friends and looked at Arthur. "You lead the way!"
Arthur groaned but reluctantly lead the way towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. In the end though when they did manage to find Lukas he somehow guilt tripped them into going to the library and doing their homework. (Y/N) tried the puppy eyes and Vladimir joined in as well but it seemed the blue eyed wizard was immune to that sort of magic.

The Colors of the Rainbow: Forest Green
Fanfiction(Y/N) and Arthur two childhood friends who have known each other since birth are going to the one place they have waited for their whole lives. They are going to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. (Hetalia/Harry Potter crossover x Reader)