Chapter 4

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Camila POV

"What do you mean you don't know?" I growled through my teeth. My wolf was fighting to come out and it was getting hard to hold back.

"We never had a hybrid in our pack and I don't know how to treat this. I'm very sorry alpha." Her voice was filled with fear and my wolf fed off it. She was terrified because my pack knows my wolf only comes out when I'm ready to kill.

"Then what do we do?" I looked at my small bruised mate lying next to her sleeping brother. Her long hair spread around her as she slept. I longed for her eyes to open but I knew they wouldn't.

"Let her sleep and hope it will heal on its own. I will treat her to the best of my ability. Hopefully she'll be okay alpha." I looked to the ground and thought about how she would be fine in a couple of days. I would finally be able to care for and help my mate. I would be able to hold her in my arms soon without her being afraid.

"Thank you Ally, I'll move her to my room so I can watch her also I want her near me. You can come and check on her but knock first." She nodded.

I scooped my mate into my arms, holding her close to my chest. She unconsciously snuggled into my chest more causing my wolf to purr. I left the office and walked back up to my room. Making sure to be careful of my fragile mate.

When I got to my room I laid Lauren down on my bed pulling the covers just over her shoulders. I stepped out of my jeans and pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in my boxers and sports bra. I pulled the covers up sliding under them and pulling Lauren into my arms. A moan like sound left her lips as I held her and I struggled to keep my wolf in. I sighed in frustration and fell asleep with my mate in my arms.


I woke up to the sound of whining and looked down at my mate to see her tossing and turning in her sleep. She was shaking and crying softly. The sight broke my heart and my wolf wanted to kill the cause of the nightmare.

I held her close to my chest and whispered sweet nothings hoping to calm her down. It started to work and she drifted back off to sleep with her little hands holding my arms around her.

I looked down at my mate in awe of how Amazingly Beautiful she is and promised myself to never let anything bad happen to her again. I swore to myself if I ever meet the people who made her fear everything I would make them suffer.

Alpha my betas voice in my head interrupted my thoughts.

What do you want? I'm busy My beta knew better than to talk to me when I'm with my mate unless it was important. I wanted to stay with Lauren to make sure she was okay and to be with her when she wakes up.

There are rogues surrounding the area. I sighed and slowly started to throw clothes on.

How many?

Three or four but they aren't crossing the boarder.

Great. Just great. Now I have to deal with this. I'll be there in a minute

I kissed my mates head and jogged downstairs, out the door. I followed Dinah's scent to the boarder and when I got there one of my third in commands, Selena, was laying in a pool of her own blood. He wasn't dead but he was gonna be if Ally didn't see him soon. Her best friend, Demi was next to her trying to hold back tears and anger.

I turned and saw the three rogues covered in old scars and dried blood. The one on the left looked exactly like the one on the right. Both of them had brown hair and almost black eyes. The one in the middle was different with black hair and light green eyes. His eyes were nothing compared to my mates. I sneered at all three of them for hurting a pack member and being near my land.

"Which one of you hurt her?" I growled out using my alpha tone but it didn't effect any of them. I turned towards Demi and asked her. "Who did it?" I looked at Selena and her injuries. She had a long gash from her left shoulder to her hip. Demi looked vivid and I didn't blame her.

The one on the right

Demi spoke in the pack mind link and I looked towards the one she said. He had a slight smirk on his face and Demi saw it making her jump towards him shifting. The other two were about to help there friend till I growled reminding them who's land their on.

Demi dragged her claws across the mans chest causing him to fall over. The man tried to wrap his hands around Demi's throat to get her off him. But Demi was too strong and way too angry. Whenever she got angry she lost control. Demi tried to bite at his throat meaning I had to step in before she killed him.

"Demi stop!" I growled out. Demi whimpered and went back to Selena, laying her head on her arm. I mind linked Ally telling her to get out here to help Selena.

I'll be there soon.

"Why are you here?" I growled at the men incredibly angry. I had to leave my mates side and I might lose a pack member because of them. I was having a hard time keeping my wolf at bay.

"First we would like help for our friend here." The black haired one said nodding his head in the direction of the man who hurt Selena.

"You come to my land and attack a pack member and you think I'm going to him him?" I said in a slow and dark voice making the man gulp.

"Why are you on my land? And one of you better tell me soon or else." I growled.

"We are looking for two certain rogues, a little boy and a teenage girl. They ran away from our friend and we just want there safe return home." He said with a smirk and I almost saw red when he finished talking. I have to talk to Lauren first and if they are connected to her past I will kill them. "The girl was a hybrid if that helps." I growled loudly. Ally was here by now and was carrying Selena back to the house to help her.

The rogues go to the cells

I mind linked to Dinah and Demi. Dinah lunged at the one on the right as I lunged at the green eyed one. While Demi picked up the one she attacked. They were too surprised to fight back. After a few minutes we had them locked up and sent Demi to see how Selena was doing. I started making my way back to my mate trying to decide how to tell her about the rogues.

I need my mate right now. I was angry and the only one who could calm me down was her. I need her right now and she needs me.

I love work from home and can't wait for the rest of the album.

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