here's a longish chapter for ya
"I can't see out of it."
"You can't?" Luke gasped and cupped Michael's okay cheek.
"No... Oh my goodness Luke, I'm not gonna be the same! I'm gonna have to wear an eyepatch and it's gonna be so ugly on me. I'm gonna be ugly. Why would someone do this to us? You didn't leave the stove on or anything, right?" A tear escaped Michael's unbandaged eye but Luke wiped it away.
"No I didn't sweetheart... But I can tell you one thing. You'll be as beautiful as you were yesterday, today and the day after that. We'll find who did this to you. I think I have an idea as to who it is though..."
• • •
Luke stormed into Forever21 with Michael on his mind. That same day, Luke left the hospital in need to find Emma. With his luck, it was her shift.
He pushed racks of clothing over and stomped throughout the store in a search to find his ex. Instead, he found Riley and gripped her arm harshly.
"Where the fuck is Emma!" he shouted. Riley's eyes widened as she pointed to the jewelry section where Emma was fixing things and putting them where the belong. He was about to do the same for her.
"Oh ha ha, I fucking know it was you!" Luke pulled the back of her shirt and faced her towards him. He pushed her to the floor and pushed her wrists to the ground. The few customers around them only glanced and minded their own business.
"Get off of me!" Emma shouted and kicked her feet.
"I won't press charges if you just come with me now," Luke firmly mentioned and slapped his hand over her mouth. She wriggled around a little bit more and finally gave up. Luke took his hand away.
"Where's your proof, Lukey boy? How do you know I burned it down?" Emma narrowed her eyes and Luke smiled.
"I never mentioned anything about burning anything down. You seem to know what I'm talking about. Now let's go."
Emma didn't disobey because she knew she'd be caught either way.
"If you're wondering, my friends saw you running across the yard. My mom's dog would be sneakier than you. Oh, and did you know that Michael's half blind? Yeah. So that happened."
Emma didn't say anything.
Luke dragged Emma to his vehicle and shoved her in the drivers seat. He was so pissed off and Emma would be lying if she said she wasn't scared and nervous. Luke is about to turn her in.
"Luke." Emma looked at him but he didn't acknowledge her. "Luke!" She sighed. "I'm really sorry. I don't know why I thought burning down your house would do anything because I realize it doesn't--"
"Do you really realize that, Emma? Michael is half blind and now I have to repair my house! I'm under so much stress and now I have to deal with your stupid ass! What the fuck were you thinking?" Luke screamed at Emma. Her bottom lip started to tremble.
"I wasn't thinking! Okay?! Just turn me in!" The blonde girl started crying as she looked out her window, slumped in her seat. "You're not the only one under stress."
"You're the one who did this to yourself."
• • •
"Hey cutie..." Luke walked into Michael's hospital room with a bouquet of flowers and McDonalds. "Are you hungry?"
Michael nodded his head and sat up, taking the tulips away from Luke, and smiling. "Yes I am. Thank you for these by the way. They're pretty."
"I like to get pretty things for a pretty boy. How are you feeling?" Luke asked him and handed him his food and McFlurry.
"Killer headache. I'm a little sore at the shoulders and my lips are chapped. I need pain killers," he explained.
"Should I call the nurse?"
"She already gave them to me but they haven't kicked in yet. But, you can massage my shoulders?" Michael looked hopefully at Luke and Luke grinned.
"Turn around then." Michael faced the wall and Luke pulled a chair up to the edge of the bed to sit in. He sat down and gripped Michael's shoulders, squeezing them hard and working his hands. Michael squeaked and winced. "In order for me to work the knots out, I have to press hard. If you want me to stop then just tell me."
Michael nodded his bandaged head and let his body relax, letting Luke work some magic. Luke stood up and peeked over Michaels shoulders to look at his face but he was still working his fingers. Michael's lips were parted and his eyebrows were furrowed just a little
bit. Well, the eyebrow that didn't have a bandage over it was furrowed."That feels so good. Thank you," Michael slightly moaned and Luke smiled, kissing his jawline.
"So... I found Emma and brought her to the police station. She fought back at first but finally gave up. But yeah, she's behind bars right now. I still need to get with my insurance company and see if they can cover the house repair..." Luke informed Michael.
"Ohh. So--"
"Michael Clifford? You're being released to go home now. We just need to take off your bandage and then the doctor will come in to give you a prescribed medication... Unless you feel the need to stay another night?" The nurse came in and set a glass of water down for Michael.
"We can take it off now. I'm ready to go home," Michael sighed. "My mum doesn't even know."
"Oh shit," Luke gasped and ran his fingers through his hair. "I totally forgot to tell your mum!" He did. He was so focused on Emma and getting Michael to the hospital that Karen didn't even cross his mind. But she would surely understand in this situation, right? Then again, this is her son. She must be worried sick that he didn't return home last night.
While the nurse was getting scissors for the bandage, Michael explained what happened to his phone. "It probably got lost in the fire and which means I can't call her. But it's okay. We'll see her when you drop me off."
"Of course." Luke grabbed Michael's hand as the nurse made her way over. She sat on the bed next to Michael and took some of the bandage in her hand.
"Okay, hold still..." She started snipping away at the bandage.
"I'm scared to see what I look like," Michael breathed in.
"You'll be fine, Mikey."
"I'm not too sure."
The nurse slipped the bandage off his head and threw it to the side. "Okay, do you want to look in the mirror?" she asked.
"Yes." Luke grabbed Michael's hand and helped him up since this was his first time walking being half blind. Then they walked to the bathroom.
The scar wasn't that bad. Some of his face was scorched and a little pink, but it wouldn't be noticeable with a little foundation. Plus, overtime, the scar will fade. He wasn't too worried.
"It's not as bad as I thought it would be," Michael gave a small smile and Luke hugged him from behind, kissing the top of his head.
A/N: awe awe :')
okay so I'm seeing sleeping with sirens in 8 days with morgan and our friend Kim and I'm eXCITED BUT SCARED BECAUSE OF MOSH PITS AND I DONt wanna lose my mom.
Q: are you happy with the slfl setlist? will you be going to slfl?
A: yes! although morgan is upset that invisible isn't on there but I'm super happy because we get to hear wrapped. we're going June 8th.
if you want to see the setlist, just search slfl 5sos setlist on Google and it should be the first link :)
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j'taime-Riley x