Request for TrickyBuddygirl1234
I was resting on my couch. There was a light knock at my front door. I sighed and stood.
I scratched my quills as I walked over to the door. I opened it and revealed Rouge and a female (a/t).
"Rouge, I wasn't expecting you,"I said, stepping aside to let them in. "I know but I wanted you to meet my friend,"Rouge smiled as she pulled the other girl inside.
I closed the door. "I see. Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Shadow,"I said. The girl looked up at me and blinked.
"Oh! Sorry!"Rouge chuckled. She made these weird hand movements and the girl smiled.
"It's nice to meet you as well. I'm (Y/n),"she said, her voice sweet and soft. "Shadow, (Y/n) is deaf. I feel stupid for not mentioning that,"Rouge said.
"Deaf?"I asked. Rouge sighed.
"She was in an accident when she was younger that caused her to lose her hearing, making her deaf."
I nodded. "What was that thing you did with your hands?"I asked. "It was sign language. That's how she knows what we're saying to her,"Rouge smiled.
I glanced at (Y/n) and caught her staring at me. She looked down at her feet with a small smile and a blush.
She tapped Rouge's shoulder and did 'sign language', as Rouge calls it. Rouge giggled.
"What'd she say?"I asked. Rouge shook her head. "Nothing nothing,"she grinned.
"Okay, well, would you like to take a seat?"I asked. Rouge translated my words and (Y/n) said,"Yes, please."
We sat down and talked for a few hours. (Y/n) is a really polite girl. She has a lovely smile and large (e/c) eyes.
After they left, I couldn't help but think about her and her pleasant personality.
The next day I was going to the library to check out more books. Also to do a little research on sign language. I want to be able to do it to talk to (Y/n) with ease.
I returned the books I had borrowed earlier this week and headed straight to the Informational Texts.
When I got there, I immediately started looking for a book on sign language. I found three that looked promising. I was walking past the mystery section to check out the books when I saw her.
(Y/n) sat at a table by herself, all of her attention on the book she was reading.
My heart skipped a beat and my face heated for a moment.
She was wearing a (f/c) sundress and matching flats. Her (h/c) hair was up in a ponytail. A small smile was painted across her delicate features. She looked lovely.
I gulped and walked over. Without her noticing, I sat down beside her. I tapped her shoulder, making her jump. She looked up at me and smiled.
"Oh! Shadow, you startled me! How are you?"
I looked around and spotted a pen and notepad. I picked it up and quickly scribbled: I'm fine. What about you?
She read it, smiled, and said,"I'm great! Just catching up on some reading."
I wrote: What are you reading?
"It's a murder mystery called The Pawn. It's my favorite book. I've read it about a thousand times."
I could really see how much she liked the book. Her voice and eyes tell it all. I smiled. Our conversation lasted for a hours.
When (Y/n) had to leave, I offered to walk her home. She accepted it with a full hearted smile and we were off. I learned way more about her.
We walked up to a small, white one story house. "Well, this is my stop. Thanks for walking me home, Shadow. I really appreciate it,"(Y/n) smiled up at me.
I smiled and nodded. She unlocked the door and opened it some. She looked back at me once more before pecking my cheek.
(Y/n) smiled again. "Thanks again,"she said. She walked inside, closing the door behind her.
I blushed deeply, still standing there in shock.
She kissed my cheek. I could probably die happy right now. You know, if I weren't immortal.
I smiled before walking off. I looked down at the books in my arms. I hope I can learn sign language soon.
A few weeks have passed away and (Y/n) started coming around a lot more. Of course, Rouge would be with her. But today is special because it's her birthday. (Y/n)'s I mean.
I haven't been this excited in my life. I managed to teach myself how to do and read sign language. So now I can talk to (Y/n)!
The whole gang was at her house. Everyone loved her. How could they not? She's adorably her. They all wished her happy birthday with the help of Rouge.
(Y/n) wore black jeans with a (f/c) blouse. She wore her hair down.
I nervously walked over and gave her a smile. "Hey, Shadow. Want me to tell (Y/n) something for you?"Rouge asked. I shook my head. "No, thank you. I just need her for a moment,"I said.
Rouge nodded. I held a hand out to (Y/n) and she took it with a smile. I led her into the kitchen.
"What is it, Shadow?"she asked. I gulped before starting to move my hands.
I talked aloud with my movements. "(Y/n), I learned sign language just so I could talk to you and tell you that you're an amazing girl. In these past few weeks, I've discovered something,"I said.
(Y/n) teared up and sniffled, smiling. She asked,"What's that?"
I hesitated for a moment before translating the words: I love you more that friends wise.
Her eyes widened and she practically tackled me in a hug.
"I-I love you, too, Shadow!"she said. I blushed, smiled, and hugged her back.
I looked over to see everyone recording us on their phones. They all had smiles on their faces. When (Y/n) saw them, she blushed profoundly.
She dug her face into my chest out of embarrassment. I chuckled and stroked her hair. She looked up at me with a smile.
I smiled back and kissed her forehead.
"This is the best birthday I've ever had."

Sonic Boys
FanfictionSonic male characters x reader one-shots. Request your favorite character and a scenario and I will write it for you!! (Warning: May have lemons. If you don't like, then keep moving, sweet cheeks!) OC REQUESTS HAVE BEEN CLOSED!!!!!!!!