Chapter 2

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Disclaimer in chapter 1.

My heart stops when the man of my dreams walks through the door.

Stella POV

I quickly compose myself luckily it doesn't seem like he has noticed my shock. I look closer at him and he seems nervous as he stands in front of my desk.
' Hey Frank, what brings you to my office ?' I asked
' Oh ermm' aw its sweet when hes nervous ' I came to ask you a very important question' he said rapidly.
'Go ahead Frank ask away' I say walking round tobhis side of my desk smiling at him.
'Ok. So would you, and please don't say yes for the sake of it but would you ..'
I decide i should save him and interupt 'Yes of course I would love to go on a date with you and be your Girlfriend, theres only ever been you Frank.' Frank looks over joyed and was both rush into each others arms and I wish we could stay like that for erernity.
I feel him move as if to pull away but instead he placed a delicate kiss on my for head and then rested his forehead against mine.

Franks phone bleeped. He sighed and apologised. He looked at his phone in dispare. He told me to look at the message that was taking him away from me Mrs King was asking where he was she had a list of jobs for him to do. I sighed and said 'Well you had better go before she gets any angrier.' And walked away. I think Frank saw that i was disappointed which made him walk over to me and tilt my head up gently. Looked me in the eyes and wispered 'Your my star Stella Knight' and gave me a sweet chaste kiss on the lips that was so breif I was sure if it wasnt for the elecricity that shot through me When he kissed me I wouldnt have believed it had happened. By the time I came back to reality the door was swinging to a close.

I took out my phone and quickly text Frank:
Heyy Frank :)
I'll be down later with the new mission. And keep us a secret because MI9 still don't allow relationships :(
Missing you already
Stella x

I sent the message then realised he probably knew to keep us quiet and i could have surprised him later. Oh I hope he doesnt think im controlling! We have only been together 5 minuets!

My phone viberated my desk I picked it up and saw the message from Frank:
Heyy Stel :)
I won't tell anyone! though they will ask why im skipping down the halls ! :P I cannot wait to see you later it will be orth doing Mrs kings jobs just so I can see you.
Bet I miss you more
Frank x

Thanks to the text I calmed down. He did not think I was a control freek and he was as happy as me! With these thoughts in mind I sat down to finish the paperwork as quickly as possible so I could see frank again.

Frank POV

Arrrgh Mrs King can be so annoying! She just ruined the happiest moment of my life since me and Stel broke up.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and expecting another text from Mrs King I cheaked it. To my surprise it was my favorite person. Stella had text me even though we had only just parted.
The text was cute she was worried about what the boss would do. I hd to reply uickly because knowing Stella she'll be worried that she is being pushy !

There sent my text back that should calm her down! Better get back before Mrs King gets really angry, anyway I get to see Stella later that will get me through.

I hope the team don't guess that me and Stel are back together because they are freakily perceptive of things like that! Well I say they but I bet Tom and possibly Dan won't notice its Aneisha and Keri im worried about !

Im now back at base and head up the lift so I can chnge into my caretakers uniform and out of my suit. I see Mrs king shouting at some year 7 kids. I go up to her and interupt her telling off, once she turned giving me a massive list of what i need to do the kids run off greatful she is distracted!

I glance at the list, Its got about 20 things on there !! This would take me the best part of the day! Well at least I have the motivation of seeing Stella once its done.

A/N please comment I want to know if this is any good and if i should carry on.

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