Chris X Reader: Gaming Brings Us Closer

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Requested by RinkaUrushiba_ !
You sat in one of your black spinning chairs in your bedroom, logging onto your computer, water beside you. You grabbed it, taking a short sip, and placing it back down on the surface, typing your password quickly to go on your user. It reads welcome, with three dots, and a circle, spinning, until finally, you reach your desktop.

You look through your array of games, keeping one eye out for your favorite. Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3. You notice where the game was located, it luring you in. You clicked twice on the left mouse button, hovering over it as you did so, until finally your screen begun playing its beginning cutscene you were  becoming used to.

You took yet another sip of your cold glass of water, it refreshing you, as the screen showed one of the characters. You looked to the icon, Zombies, a smile curving your lips upward. Now, as you connected to online service, you checked to see if any of your friends were online. None were unfortunately.

You returned to your game, joining a lobby, readying up. There was a boy on the other end, him having a mic, which made you feel the need to use yours. So you did.

You plugged your microphone into a USB on your computer, making yourself hearable.

"Hello?" You greeted, hoping this wasn't one that doubted your talents in this sort of game.

You heard something from the other end, but no words.

"Dude, I know you can hear me." You said, now feeling rejected, ignored.

"I hear you clearly." The boy spoke up, him talking with someone else in the room. It was faint voices, but you heard it. "Dude, we got a girl in this match."

You checked the lobby, rolling your eyes to their comments. You chuckled unnoticeably, as you found yourself alone with him.

"Alright, (Gamertag). Let's see what you got." The timer now running down, the guy on the other end, still obviously doubting you, dialed down his tone, now serious. It was gonna only be both of you in this one.

Then... 3.... 2... 1...

The match shall begin.

"Don't underestimate me." You insisted, readying your fingertips on WASD, your other remaining hand on the mouse. "I will show you what I've got, and it sure as hell should be better than you."

"A challenge, eh?" He acted surprised, you going over the top. "I'm gonna win, aren't I?"

You found yourself laughing a bit, this guy feeling like someone you would get along greatly with. "Suuure." You dragged, the voices of your character sounding in your headphones. "We'll see."

-"Cursed? In what way- am I cursed?"-

The match begun, both of you now becoming silent. The other guy occasionally talking with the other man in the room, them both having a grand old time.

You killed a decent amount of zombies that round, shanking them with your combat knife, besides him leading in first place, if he considers it a contest.

"Not seeing you show, (Gamertag)." He laughed sheepishly, you hearing a slap of two hands on the other end. "You see that win coming to me? I know I do."

"Just call me, (Y/N). I'd rather hear it that way." You demanded, your voice firm, as you reloaded your new Sheiva you decided to purchase with the points you gathered. "And, no. I see it coming to me, right about... Now." You begun to fire off your gun, killing a load of zombies that were in your way, your points rising drastically. But still, he led.

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora