Chapter Six

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Chapter six

Everyone buzzed around the house on Christmas eve, and I still hadn't talked to Chase since our awkward encounter yesterday.

I spent most of the day baking cookies with Samantha and Margret or wrapping presents for everyone else. I did go for a run today with Beckett, which helped my mood. It felt good to finally be doing what I love again. No distractions,  just my music and the pounding of my feet on the concrete.

When Beckett and I got back, we were told not to go in the guest room (weirdly enough my room) and Chases room, which confused me, but I forgot all about it when I smelled the food that Samantha's chef was cooking.

I wandered aimlessly across the house, not really knowing what to do if I couldn't go into my room. I had to get dressed for Christmas eve dinner in a few hours so I hoped whoever was in there got out soon.

I sat on the couch, napping and watching TV for about two hours until Matthew and Carson finally emerged from the guest room with Chase right behind them.

"What were you guys doing in there?" I asked Carson when he sat down next to me on the couch.

"Can't say, but you'll like it little sis," he replied, peeling a banana and laying down.

I rolled my eyes and got back up to go into my room. Nothing was out of place, so I went into my closet and got on a nice maroon skater dress with lace near my chest. My hair was straightened, so all I did was brush it and curled the ends.

Samantha seemed impressed by my outfit when I walked down the stairs. She nodded and smiled.

"You look beautiful as always," she said.

I blushed and smiled, "Thank you," I said hugging her.

The rest of the family was sitting around the couch watching what I assumed was a re-run of iCarly.

"I miss when this show was on TV," Chase said frowning. I smiled and sat down next to him, watching the show as well.

"Mom I got gum stuck in my hair!" Mara yelled, running into the living room in her dress evidently with a piece of pink bubble gum in her hair. Chase broke down in laughter and I smacked his arm.

"Shush! Don't make it worse!" I whispered. He sobered up, still giggling when Mara yelped.

"Sit still!" Samantha shouted and Mara cried from the kitchen.

"I'm dead," Chase said, wiping his eyes on my sleeve and I pulled my arm away.

"Your so gross!" I said, brushing my dress off.

I wanted to ask him so many things. Are him and Reyna back together? How did I never know he could sing? Why was he playing soccer in the rain?

But I kept my mouth shut and we continued watching iCarly.

"Do you want to do something? I'm so bored," Chase complained. He got up from the couch and took my hand, taking me by surprise and pulling me up.

I shrugged and he pulled me into the snowing backyard.

"I didn't know it was snowing!" I shouted, picking up snow despite my coldness. Chase laughed and leaned against the doorway.

I looked back at him and he smiled.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing," he mumbled, still smiling.

"Whatever!" I said in a sing-song voice, just making him chuckle again.

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