Meeting of Middle Earth

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I hide behind a wall listening to the meeting for the Middle Earth, I’ve heard that the ring is loose and it needs to be destroyed. I wanted to help so I left my father and hobbit hole and came to Rivendall, but I’m too scared to enter knowing I was on time anyways. The last time I checked there were three people in there. Two of which were hobbits and one was elf.
“Why are we here again?” the young woman hobbit asked the elf, while she held hands with the male hobbit assuming it was her soul mate.
The elf looks up from the floor to make eye contact with her, “Because we volunteered.”
“But…,” she hesitates to finish, “we could die.”
The male elf nods, “It would be a sacrifice we might have to make to protect Middle Earth.”
“I mean, why did the ring come to us Legolas?”
‘Hm….Legolas not a bad name for a handsome elf,’ I thought to myself looking over the wall to see if anyone else had arrived.
“I don’t know,” Legolas replied trying to answer her question.
“We’re going to die,” the woman hobbit states looking like she’s going to cry.
‘Wow the downer of the ground, that’s going to be fun,’ I think to myself sarcastically.
I continue looking but being careful not for them to see me.
Legolas smiles warmly to her, “Don’t think like that little one.”
“I don’t wanna die,” she breaks down into a sob, her soul mate comforting her.
Legolas place a reassuring hand on her hand,  “I understand it’s hard for all of us.”
As he said that to her a human comes to the side of him and intertwine her fingers into his.
“Are you joining the fellowship?” she asks, wiping away her tears.
“Yes, otherwise I won’t have nothing to do forever,” the young female human replies smiling warmly to Legolas.
“But at least I have all of you. I know you will help protect us,” she looks to everyone and then makes eye contact with my crystal blue eyes, some of my almost black hair hanging over my eyes.
I quickly pull myself behind the wall not ready to show myself.
I’m guessing it’s the male hobbit asking, “What’s wrong Airsan?”
“Nothing Frodo, I’m just seeing things,” Airsan replied to Frodo.
“Well we will do whatever we can to help each other,” Legolas said trying to get back onto to the topic.
“That’s true but I don’t believe in destiny it seems to be to made up,” Airsan says while laying her hand on her what I’m assuming her husband.
The girl next to Legolas nods in agreement before saying, “The Fellowship is so small.”
“We maybe small in number Eowyn but we are strong,” Legolas replies to her statement.
‘Everyone in this fellowship has a unique name but me, why did my father name me after his mother!’ I thought bringing myself down, ‘Olivia stop it, names don’t mean anything.’
“But strong,” Airsan agrees.
“Aye. But strong,” Eowyn also agrees.
I decided that it was perfect time to make my entrance.
“Well you have one more to join you on this journey. Hi my name is Olivia Huston,” I introduce myself to the whole Fellowship shyly hoping Airsan wouldn’t recognize me.
Legolas nods politely towards me, “Welcome aboard, Olivia.”
“Welcome to the Fellowship Olivia,” Eowyn welcomed me also.
“So you were the one peeping from behind the wall, so I wasn’t going crazy,” Airsan said mostly to herself letting out a sigh of relief.
“How did you know?” I asked embarrassed, feeling my cheek warm up.
“I could very forget those crystal blue eyes with your black hair,” she laughs, “Oh by the way I’m Airsan, the person next to me is Frodo my husband…,”
‘Oh so I was right,’ I smirk to myself.
“And the elf and human your standing next to is Legolas and Eowyn,” Airsan introduced everyone.
“I know,” I reply shyly, if you haven’t notice I’m kind of socially awkward.
“What was that?” Airsan asked cocking her head to the side in confusion.
“I know already. Also can I just call you Air, Airsan?” I asked a little louder.
“Yes you may, and what? How do know?” Air asked even more confused than before.
“I was here since the beginning.”
“Alright now that we cleared that up, what weapons are you?” She asked me.
“Um…I’m good at throwing knifes and bows.” I reply to no one in particular.
Out of know were Air said, “We are the women…of the Fellowship!” with too much enthusiasm.
Legolas looks over to me, “How much experience do you have with a bow?”
“Know anything about swords?” Eowyn added.
“Yes,” Air replied before I could, “I am good at the bow. My father taught me before,” she tears up and buries her face into Frodo chest.
“How much experience do you have with the bow?” Legolas asked everyone.
I was about answer but Eowyn beat me too it.
“None,” Eowyn admitted.
“I’m pretty good. Not much,” Air answers also, Frodo in his own world.
Legolas nods taking in the new information he received.
“I bet I can beat you,” Air challenges Legolas sticking her tongue out at him grinning like a five year old.
“But I’m with a sword,” Eowyn still on the subject with weapons.
“Good that comes in handy,” Air acknowledges Eowyn.
Legolas is still on the challenge, turns to Air raising an eyebrow, smirking, “You bet you could beat me?”
“Yes! I could! Hobbits rock!” She shot back.
“I am an elf!”
‘I don’t know which side to go on. I’m both,’ I thought to myself silently.
Eowyn laughed at the comeback, “That’s a good one!”
Legolas looks over to Eowyn with his arm crossed and smiles.
“Elves are known for their skill with the bow and arrow.”
I nod my head smiling, ‘True.’
“What does that have to do with it? I’ve been trained since I could hold a bow,” Air tried to one up
“And what are Hobbits known for? I SWEAR IF YOU SAY EATING!!!” Air said pointing a finger at Legolas.
 ‘Also true,’ I thought to myself.
“I have been training to use a bow ever since I was an elf ling, and I am currently two thousand, eight hundred, seventy-six years old,” Legolas threw back to Air.
Eowyn nods slightly joining herself into the conversation, “Well one up-ing each other won’t solve anything. I think we need to have a contest to see who’s right.”
The oldest elf answered Air’s question, “Hobbits are known for their exceptional courage.”
‘Well some of them.’
“Grr. You win Legolas,” Frodo gave in for Air and kisses Air on the head.
 “Two thousand, eight hundred seventy-six?” Eowyn asks
Legolas nods, “That’s young for an elf,” replying to Eowyn.
‘Yeah but I was doomed to a life time as a hobbit, or as my father told me.’
“True,” Air agreed, “but he’s old to a hobbit. Ewe!”
 ‘She does act like a five year old,’ I chuckle to myself.
“Really, really old to a human. I’m only twenty-one.”
‘I’m glad father didn’t marry a human at least,’ I think smiling to myself once more shifting my weight.
“When we do leave for Mordor and where did every other Fellowship member go?” Air thinks out loud to herself.
“We leave for Mordor in two days and I don’t know where the rest of the members are but they should be here soon,” Legolas answered Air’s question.
I guessing everyone is telling their ages, “I’m 34 and Frodo is 33. Thank you Legolas.”
“According to Aragon I appear 23 in human years,” Legolas brags.
“But you aren’t,” Air adds.
“Why do I have to be the youngest?” Eowyn mumbles to herself thinking no one could hear.
I guess Legolas heard and places a hand onto her shoulder to comfort her.
“You’re not the youngest. Pippin is. I just don’t know where he went,” Air revenuers Eowyn.
I was about to say that I was the youngest because I’m eighteen but like always someone cuts me off.
“Where is everyone?” the human wonders out loud.
“I don’t know,” Air looks around seeing if anyone else has entered but we haven’t noticed.
“Same,” Legolas answers.
Eowyn shrugs, “Do we leave if they don’t show up?”
“They will show though, I’m sure of it, but yes. They’ll catch up to us eventually."
Eowyn nods.
Finally I had my chance to speak, “Would you guys even let me speak,” I look down at my feet not liking all the attention I brought to myself.
“Very well, Olivia. Take it away,” Air says.
‘Huh, what do you mean take it away?’ I ask myself confused but couldn’t ask because some stared to speak.
Eowyn falls silent looks over to something in the distance but I don’t bother to look.
“Well it was about time Sam,” Eowyn smiles warmly to the young Hobbit walking over to the ground holding a bow.
“So…you all don’t suppose I could practice shootin’ a bow with…,” Sam looks over to Legolas.
“Legolas? I need to practice, and I don’t think I would be much help if we ran into somethin’,” holding up the bow that is in his hand.
Legolas, the gentleman he is, smiles at Sam and answers, “Of course you could practice with me.”
“I’m better,” Air mutters just low enough so Sam can hear.
Although it was late in the conversation I ask, “What do you mean ‘take it away’, Air?”
“I mean speak, Olivia. You are free to speak.” Air clears up.
“Oh thank you.”
“Thank you,” Sam smiles to Legolas, “any special things to keep in mind when we shootin’?” Ignoring what Air said.
‘I’m liking him already and I don’t even know him.’
“I’m very confused on what’s going on!” I yell trying to get someone’s attention.
Eowyn walks over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder, “Its okay, so am I.”
“There are many things Samwise, I’ll teach you when we practice,” Legolas answers.
‘Samwise is his full name, interesting.’
Legolas probably just noticed that Eowyn has fallen silent and looks over at her.
“Does anyone listen to me?” I mumble to myself sighing in frustration, “anyways I’m very experienced with a bow. I’ve been using it all my life same with throwing knifes,” hoping someone would listen to me.
“Me too. Confusion,” I throw up my arms in the air and make them hit my side hard, “Let’s clarify. We were, our past, and how old Legolas was,” Air reminded us.
Sam comes in looking embarrassed, “Sorry I am already a burden. I’m quite new to this, see and need just a bit of practice on my aiming,” he concluded with hanging his head.
“You’re not a burden. Right Frodo,” Air turns for her husband for approval which her complies.
“Thank you. Airsan and Frodo, I don’t feel so poorly ‘bout myself no more,” Sam thanked them smiling.
“Who shall be the leader of this Fellowship?” I asked not knowing if there was any.
“Frodo was appointed the Bearer of the ring, he shall be the leader then,” Air told the Fellowship.
“I agree, anyone else disagrees with this?” I ask making sure no one disagrees.
“Yes Ma’am, I think Mr. Frodo will do a fine job leaden’ us, if you don’t min me sayin’ so Air,” Sam agreed.
“I agree with Sam,” Legolas agreed also.
“I don’t mind, Sam. Please just call me Airsan, I’ve said that many times,” Air corrected Sam.
“Yes, I know but I just don’t feel quite right callin’ you Airsan. If you’ll take my meanin’,” the male hobbit recalled.
“No, I don’t know what you mean Sam,” Air asked confused, “Why can’t you call me Airsan?”
“Well I suppose I can since you want me to Mrs. Airsan,” Sam answered awkwardly.
“It’s fine Sam, you can call me whatever you want,” Air gave up.
“Well I never knew you two were married. A probably very late congrats,” I say quietly, quite embarrassed after realizing I already knew.
“Ha. Yeah we’ve been married for two months now Olivia,” the young woman hobbit informed me.
“Congratulations,” Eowyn also congratulates the couples but not embarrassed as I was.
I had a general idea of the quest but not the much detail so I ask, “Frodo should explain what are quest is since everyone came in at different times,” I nod over to Air’s husband, hoping he would explain.
“We are going to Mordor to destroy the ring,” Frodo explained to me mostly since I was the only who was listening or so I thought.
“Thanks Frodo. Shouldn’t we start on our quest now instead of just standing here and talking?” I asked being impatient.
“We should, if you don’t mind me sayin’ so,” Sam agreed with me, leaving early.
“We are still waiting for Pippin, Olivia,” Air informed me.
“Who? I’ve heard the name before just can’t remember their background…,” I trialed off.
“Pippin Took, if that rings a bell Olivia,” Air told me.
“Thank you, that’s a lot of help.”
“You’re welcome Olivia.”
“If needed, he can catch up, or I can wait for him and join you later,” Eowyn offered.
 “I agree with Eowyn, night is staring to fall on us,” Legolas added to Eowyn statement.
“As do I Legolas,” Sam nods to Eowyn.
 I fall silent, trying to get myself together, not knowing what to do.
“Are you confused, Miss?” Sam asked me while nodding and looking down.
“I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. My name is Olivia Huston, I’m not sure if I caught your name,” I introduced myself making sure his name was correct in my book.
“It’s Sam, Samwise Gamgee, Miss Olivia,” Sam introduced himself back.
“But everyone calls him Sam,” Air yawns, “Night.”
“Thank you Sam, and night Air,” I said, “I guess we should sleep here for the night before we leave.”
The next day we were going to leave Rivendall.

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