Alexandria and I have been in northern Canada where the climate is cold and the biome is boreal. The average temperature here can vary from -65F to 50F.
The balsam fir was my favorite tree here. At first, I did not think that grass would grow in this area. Then, I saw a snowshoe hare nibbling on a patch of something. I went to investigate and saw that it was grass. So, I decided to do a little research on the hare. I found that it is an endangered species. The hare is a major prey for the Canadian lynx, weasel, and bobcats. To be honest with you, I really do not like being here because it is much too cold.
~~Observe, think, compare, and contrast. This is the fourth biome of our adventure. Keep calm until next time. ~~

Around the World: One Biome at a Time
AdventureLol this is just a crazy story I just thought of. It is super geeky and has a lot of facts.