While we all feel sad, moody or low from time to time, some people experience these feelings intensely, for long periods of time (weeks, months or even years) and sometimes without any apparent reason. Depression is more than just a low mood – it's a serious condition that affects your physical and mental health.
Most cases of Depression are from teenagers of our generation and it keeps on increasing.It's hard to make it stop because Depression is a difficult battle to win and it will take a lot of positivity and patience and faith to stop it.
There were times it keeps on getting worse, especially when the cause of having your depression is worse and keeps on bringing you down.
Depression may push you to lose interest in all the things you love to do (and eat) and it will let you push away from the real you, where you should be happy inside.
Depression let you be sad all the time and there were times that it pushes you to say sad stuffs and let you lose all your hope.
We cannot afford to lose a lovely soul from this Depression.
We cannot let anyone suffer from this because once they enter in this situation, it's hard to get out.
Every people has great abilities and skills and qualities that they should share with others.Each one of us has beauty and grace and its a shame that we can't show it because of something that pulls us out of ourselves.
Once you entered this battle, you're like stuck in a big maze with no map and no compass to use with.You must find a way to get out, to find yourself, to win this battle. Youust defeat the darkness that is in you. You must not bring yourself deeper in this mess, you must fight even it is hard.
I, myself has entered this battle.I experienced what the others did and felt what they're feeling.I learned how the battle worked and felt one of its traps.
I confess, it was a hard battle.As you enter it, its like entering a big battle arena and explaining all the rules and you must use what you have and can to survive.
You may not do it by your own but you may always ask for help by those people you're close with or the people that keeps pulling you back to yourself and never gave up on you.
There are times that your sadness may conguer you but don't let it reach the part that it will totally going to ruin your life.
So many traps and obstacles,like the games we used to play.
Depression is like a battle or a game.The main goal is to find the inner you to free yourself from this mess. You must never ever let go or it may lead you to cut or to suicide and don't you ever pushed yourself to do that heinous act.
But even though its complicated. The end will still be worth it.
If you ever joined this game, do you think you will survive?
Do you think you will win?
Do you think it will leave you?
But remember...
...it comes back.
*evil laughs and closed the door
Depression's game
RandomIt can leave you, it can come back. Are you ready to face depression's game?