Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Louis' POV

Darn. Darn, darn, darn. I'm running late for first period! I can't be late today, I have to turn in my paper! Otherwise, i'll get a F on it and i'll get detention for being late. A bead of sweat formed on my forehead. A F! Unacceptable. And even worse, detention. I shivered at the thought. I can't have detention! It's for unworthy people.

I rushed down the hallway franticly, the thought of having detention encouraging me to go faster. I was going so fast, I nearly bumped into someone. Instead, I crashed into them.

I landed on the ground with an "oomph". I groaned in pain before starting my apology for ramming into the innocent person. "I am so s-" "Well, well, well.. Look who decided to crash in," a voice of a not-so-innocent person mused. I gulped before looking up at him. Harry was towering over me, grinning like a wild animal who had just found it's prey. I gulped.

"Look, i'm really sorry for bumping into you! Let's be rational about this. It seems we're both late to class, so how about we deal with this la-" his deep, intimidating chuckle interrupted me. "You think you can just bump into me and get away with it?" He raised his eyebrows at me, walking closer towards me. "N-no! It's just-" "I didn't think so," he said, before his fist collided with my face.

Pain struck through my nose as the warm liquid started to trickle from it. I groaned in pain, squeezing my eyes shut. Another sharp pain entered through my side. I gasped and opened my eyes to see him lifting his foot again, about to strike again. Before he could, the bell rang. "Shit," he cursed, grabbing his things. As soon as he had them , he started to walk off.

"This isn't over!" He shouted to me, before completely disappearing down the hall. I sighed in relief, glad that he was gone. I slowly got up, holding my hand over my nose. I carefully got all of my stuff and walked to my first class praying that I wouldn't get into any trouble.

When I stepped foot in class, Mr. Wilson was already talking about today's lesson. "You see- Mr. Tomlinson! You're uhm... Late," he told me, obviously confused to why I was late, and probably why my nose was bleeding. Like I told you, i'm never late. "I'm so sorry, I-uhh, I slept in, i'm sorry," I lied. He was quiet for a second, thinking over what I said. His eyebrows were furrowed, probably thinking if he should believe me or not. He decided to go along with it, ignoring the fact that my nose was bleeding. "Uh, alright, i'll let it by this time, since it's only your first time to be late. May I have your assignment?"

Thank you God. I nodded quickly, extremely grateful for not getting in trouble. I looked through my stuff, but I wasn't finding it, though. I started to panic, my heartbeat increasing.

This isn't good. I quickly fumbled through my folders as Mr. Wilson impatiently tapped his foot. I heard somebody snicker and some people whispering. This isn't good. My hands started to uncontrollably shake.

"I-it's not here... I promise I had it! Maybe I dropped in the halls somewhere..." I was about to walk out of the classroom to find it when an angry Mr. Wilson stopped me. "Enough! Either you have it or you don't, Mr. Tomlinson." I nervously gulped. "Uhh..... I-i-i-i uhh I-" I sighed in defeat. "I don't, sir." He shook his head disapprovingly.

"I'm afraid you have detention then," he said, dismissing me. My eyes widened and my throat tightened. No- no please no. Sweat protruded from my forehead and scalp. My breathing became uneven and my hands shook even more so. Oh no, this can't be happening, not in front of the class. When I faced the class everybody was looking at me like I had 7 heads.

"Mr. Tomlinson...." I was gasping for air, but nobody was doing anything about it. I opened my mouth as to shout for help, but all I could do was gasp for more air. "Mr. Tomlinson!" I looked at Shyanne. Her eyes were filled with worry and fear. She opened her mouth as if she were going to say something, but it was too late.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I passed out.

A/N: sorry it was sort of short :P

Heheh update soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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