Part Two ~ Touring

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Wednesday 8th February 2014; 9.15 am

"And here we have the pool area" The guide, Stephanie explained "We have a kiddies pool, heated pool, fresh water pool and-"

"It's a pool" Zayn cut her off "who the hell cares"

Stephanie glared at Zayn for the seventh time on the tour. Zayn had been snapping since he arrived here, nobody knew why and nobody would find out in the end anyway.

"and if you all just follow me this way..." The woman continued

Zayn stood behind all the boys and went back to the hotel room. He made sure Niall didn't see him sneak off because Niall would always have his eye on Zayn.

Zayn took the stairs to his room and he started to unpack. He opened up a black bag none of the boys had yet seen then shut his tall black curtains and locked his door.

Zayn pulled off his tight black shirt and started to unravel an earpiece in the case. He suddenly heard a knock on the door and he hid the black bag and earpiece under the bed

"Who's there?" His voice was firm and deep

"It's me" Niall's voice came from the other side of the door

Zayn unlocked the door and looked at Niall who stood alone in the hall with reddened cheeks

"Sorry" Niall gushed

Zayn stepped outside and shut his room door, none of the lads were to go in his hotel room under ANY circumstances

"It's fine" Zayn leant against his now shut door "what did you need?"

"I just... I just wanted to know why you left" Niall mumbled

"I got bored" his answer was simple

"She was kind of boring wasn't she?" Niall gave a small smile

"Why'd you leave?" Zayn asked Niall

"Got sick of walking" he answered "and I wanted to see where you went"

"I'm just here in my room" Zayn pointed behind him

"I see" Niall squeezed his upper arm as his cheeks went redder

"Why are you blushing?" Zayn stood up properly

"You're not wearing a top" Niall looked at his feet "it's not... I can't handle that well"

"What?" Zayn felt terror wash through his body "y-you're gay?"

"No!" Niall said so quickly Zayn thought he'd miss Niall in a blink "I just meant that I go all red when I see shirtless people because Im scared they'll think I'm admiring them"

"Are you?" Zayn raised an eyebrow

"No" Niall started to go quiet again

"Then you've got nothing to worry about" Zayn slapped his back "and besides we're all friends right?"

Niall gave a nod

"Love you Ni" Zayn gave a friendly smile

"Love you... Too" Niall frowned as Zayn opened his door to his room

As Zayn shut his door a group of boys with skateboards threw food at Niall and chanted 'faggot' Zayn tensed on the other side of the door but continued on with his business

Niall ran back to his hotel room and sat on the floor feeling upset after what the boys had called him

Zayn resumed with his black bag and picked up a roll of white and soft tape. He pulled down his jeans to just below his pelvis and taped part of the earpiece wire into the front of his jeans.

The next piece of tape attached the same wire to the side of his rib cage. Zayn put the tape back in the case and put the earpiece into his ear. He messed up his once coiffed hair so that the raven black strands hid the earpiece. He put his tight shirt back on and added a jean vest overtop.

What he didn't know was that Harry was now spying on him outside his room door through the peephole. Harry had seen Zayn attach the earpiece to himself and was now curious

"What are you up to Zayn?" Harry whispered so only he himself could hear

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