3 years later
"Amnesia! Lilac!" I shout through my apartment. "Yes mummy?" Amnesia says. "Go get your sister honey." I tell her as she runs off. "Lilac!!" She squeals. After 3 minutes Amnesia comes back with Lilac. "Yes mummy?" They both ask. "Come with me to get ready to see uncle Mikey and uncle Ashton." I say. "UNCLE MIKEY!" Amnesia squeals. "UNCLE ASHY!" Lilac squeals as they run into their room. I go into the girls room and get them dressed into a 5 seconds of summer flowy tank top, black skinny jeans and a long sweater cardigan. I put Amnesia's brown hair into a cute little messy bun. I matched our outfits and I don't even know why. I did the same to my hair and lilacs hair and they look adorable. "Okay girls come on let's get in the car" I say picking them up when they run in the living room. I walk to the car and buckle them up and hop in the front seat. We drive to the arena, the whole way there the girls sang jet black heart. "Okay girls were here and be good!" I say. The girls nod their heads. We got front row seats and backstage passes to the boys concert. We walked in and took our seats in front row. Around ten minutes later Hey Violet came onstage. They played a couple songs then the boys came out. The girls squealed when they came running out." Mummy can we get on your shoulder?" Amnesia begs. "Sure" I say sitting them on my shoulders. They yelled out the lyrics to every song. The show came to an end we walked up to the security guard. "Hello ma'm do you have passes?" The security guard asks. I nod and show him our passes. He moves and let's us go backstage. Mikey was sitting on the couch playing on his phone. "UNCLE MIKEY!!!" Amnesia squealed and ran over to him. Then Ashton came in from his shower. "UNCLE ASHY!!" Lilac squeals and runs over to him. Then Calum and Luke came in. I waved at them while the girls were all over Mikey and Ashton. Calum ran to me and hugged me."Hey guys!!" I say.
"Hey Leah!" They shout
"Who are these cuties" Luke asks.
"My children." I reply
"How old are they?"
"We're 3!" Amnesia says
"What are they're names" Luke asks
"I'm Amnesia!" Amnesia says pointing at herself
"I'm lilac!" Lilac says pointing at herself
"Those are cute names! Where's the father?" Luke asks.
"I was his one night stand and I got pregnant." I say
"What a dick!" Luke exclaims.
"You don't even know" I say under my breath.
"What was that?" Luke asks.
"Nothing" I say.
"Mikey can I talk to you outside?" I ask.
"Sure." Mikey says.
"What do you need to talk about?" Mikey asks
"Uh-uhh lukeistheirdad" I say quickly
"WHAT!" Mikey shouts.
"Leah you need to tell him" Mikey says seriously.
"Okay." I sigh
"Tell him to come out here." I tell Mikey.
"Yeh Leah?" Luke asks.
"Your Amnesia and lilacs dad." I say.
"WHAT!" He shouts
"Why didn't you tell me!" He shouts.
I didn't reply
"REALLY LEAH!" He shouts then slaps me across the face
"THATS EXACTLY WHY!" I shout then storm into the dressing room. I pick the girls up. "Bye guys I'm leaving!" I say "why?" Mikey asks.
"Why don't you fucking ask Luke" I say pointing to him"What did you fucking do Luke" Mikey asks.
" I-i slapped Leah across the face for not telling me I was the father of amnesia and lilac." He mumbles.
Amnesia walks over to Luke. "I HATE YOU AND I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!" Amnesia shouts and runs to me. We walk out and Amnesia and Lilac start crying. "I hate daddy!" Amnesia whimpers. "I agree with you baby" I whisper in her ear. "I'll never forgive daddy for hurting you" Amnesia shouts.___________________________lukes a bastard haha this chapter is dedicated to my boo's once again. Hemmotran and thebandom109 k thanks bye
Word goal is dun dun dun : 700
Word count is dun dun dun dun dun dunnnn dun dun: 702 heh dun

FanfictionLeah has the "good girl" image at school but she's really not. One day she decided to just let the image go and be herself. She develops a crush towards the most popular boy in school. Luke hemmings. But he's dating the school slut Amelia. Let's jus...