Maybe were crazy in love

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Tonight was the night. The night Edward had dreamt of his whole life. Finally he would be with Winry for the remainder of there life. Edward would propose too Winry. He had decided to do it during dinner, in front of his family. It had seemed so simple in his mind, but he had forgotten one small detail.

His family were bonkers.

Dinner was hectic to say the least. Alphonse argued with Granny over her tobacco smoking, a battle Al knew he'd never win.

Ethan was causing all kinds of mess, refusing to eat his pasta unless it was smeared onto the roof. Winry tried to reason with the screaming child but it was obvious her patience was wearing thin. Edward sat at the head of the table procrastinating how this proposal was ever going to take place.


Maybe if he took her into the lounge room...


Or he could jump onto the table and serenade her...

"EDWARD FOR GOD SAKES HELP ME HERE!" Winry screamed at the dumbfounded blond.

Ed shook himself from his daze and headed over to Ethan, the little daemon spawn had nocked over a glass of juice by now. Edward lifted the child out of the baby chair awkwardly.

"Jeez Win, if I had of known you couldn't handle kids, I wouldn't have knocked you u- OWWWW GOD DAMN IT" Edward yelled, holding his head in pain. "Who even brings a wrench into the kitchen!" He complained. She just wouldn't part with that wrench.

Edward held the giggling little Ethan and took him up to the bathroom, siting him on the edge of the sink and wiping him clean.

Edward sighed. "How should I do this little buddy?" Ed asked him. Ethan looked up at his dad and stuck his tongue out. "Well thanks for the help" Edward laughed.

Ed lifted Ethan up and carried him to his cot, tucking in the little baby and kissing him lovingly on the forehead. Edward thought too himself, maybe it's not all that important? It just had to be done. At the place where it all started.


"Edward where are we going? My feet hurt" Winry complained, dragging her legs up the large hill.

"You'll see when we get there" Edward said stubbornly. Winry just sighed and kept on walking. The blond looked as if he was on a mission.

They soon arrived at a dusty pile of rubble and burnet timber. The remains of the Elric estate. Winry looked over at Edward, who stared intently at the mess.

"Ed...why are we here?" Winry questioned, the worry in her voice caught Edwards attention.

Edward sighed. "I've been through a lot Winry, we both have. And this place...this is where mine and Alphonse's lives began. As children, as victims of humanity's cruelty, as Alchemists...and as the people we are today" Edward said. He turned to Winry and took her hands in his.

"But you've been here with me the whole way Winry. Even when I thought I was alone, when I believed it was just me and Al against the world" Ed chuckled softly. "And I've seen you grow Win, I've seen us grow and start a family. I want us to always be together."

Edward smiled and got down on his Automale knee. Winrys eyes widened is surprise. It was happening. Edward was going to propose to Winry. He was shaking, nervous as all hell.

"Edward what a-" Winry stuttered but Edward cut her off.

"I love you Winry. I always have and I promise to always be here for you. No matter what" Edward said with a smile. He lifted the little ring box out of his jacket and opened it up.

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Thank god he didn't loose it.

"Winry Rockbell, will you marry me?" Edward asked.

Winry looked down at the beautiful ring, tears streaming down her eyes. "Yes! Oh Edward yes of course I will!" She exclaimed, lifting Edward up and wrapping her arms around him tightly. Winry was sobbing into Edwards shoulder, but he knew these were tears of joy.

Edward was thrilled, more then thrilled, ecstatic! In the heat of the moment, Edward lifted Winry up in his arms bridle style and started running her up the hill. He screamed and cried out in pure joy.


Winry laughed and flung her arms in the air. "EDWARD YOUR INSANE! YOUR PERFECT!" She cried. Edward put her down and twirled her around like a ballerina. They both laughed and cried in joy. They were the craziest, most diss-functional couple in the world, but they were in love. And Edward wanted the whole world to know.

"OI WORLD, YOU SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL AUTOMALE FREAK RIGHT HERE!?" Edward screamed at the top of his lungs, pointing to Winry. "SHE'S MY WHOLE WORLD, I LOVE YOU WINRY ROCKBELL" he screamed.


Edwards face dropped. He turned to Winry and gasped. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A INCREDIBLY ATTRACTIVE PIPSQUEAK?!" He screamed, chasing after Winry.

They laughed and ran all the way back to the house. Granny Pinako watched from the lounge room window, a satisfied grin on her wrinkly face.

"I can not believe I gave my grand daughter too him" she said. Taking a puff of her pipe.


Winry and Edward burst through the door, Winry in his arms and a smile on his face the size of Gluttony's stomach. Alphonse ran down the staircase in his pyjamas with a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong? Is there a fire?" He asked frantically.

"Only in my heart" Edward replied.

Al sighed. "So I can go back to bed then?" He asked.

Winry cut in. "Alphonse were getting married!" She exclaimed, holding out her ringed finger to Alphonse. Al squealed.

"Oh that's fantastic! Big brother I'm so happy for you!" Alphonse exclaimed as he pulled Edward into a big hug. Ed was too excited to even speak.

"Hush now, you'll wake Ethan up" Pinako said as she headed up the stairs. So they all calmed down

"So when's the wedding" Alphonse asked. Edward face palmed. "Jeez Al one thing at a time" Edward exclaimed.

"Oh right, sorry brother, I'm just so excited" Al laughed.

"Yea damn right you are" Edward spoke under his breath.

They both said there good nights to Alphonse and then headed up the staircase to bed. But Edward wasn't tired. He was wide awake, and feeling mischievous.

"Hey win"

Before Winry could even turn her head, Edward had pined her against the wall, colliding his lips with hers. She was shocked at first, but she could feel Edwards energy soak into her. They both heated up in passion and lust for each other.

Edward pulled away only to then kiss Winry's neck, moving down to her collar bone and then too her chest. A small moan escaping Winry's lips.

"W-we should find a-a bed" she breathed. Edward agreed and took her hand, leading her to the bedroom and closing the door behind them.

"Better?" Edward asked with a cheeky grin, but it soon was replaced with shock, as Winry jumped Edward, causing them to both fall onto the bed.

"Better" Winry whispered seductivly. Edwards breath hitched in the back of his throat. He couldn't take his eyes away from the lust crazed beast in front of him. This was a whole other side of Winry he had never seen before. The look in her eyes was raging fire and passion. Her pupils had dilated, and Edward loved it.

Ed reached over and pulled Winry's hair band out, letting her long blond hair fall around her beautiful face. She leant down and kissed Edward on the lips, hard. They kissed with such passion you could only read in fan fictions (see what I did their) and they pressed against each other as if it was the end of the world. Edward ran his hands up her chest, feeling every inch of her warm skin. He pulled away to remove Winry's shirt, letting out a heavy breath as he laid eyes on her.

"Your too perfect" he breathed. Winry smiled, kissing Edward on the cheek.

She pulled Edwards shirt off and started kissing his chest, running her hands over his old Automale scars. Edward shivered in ecstasy, pleading for Winry to give him what he wanted. But Winry continued to torture the blond.

She kissed and sucked at his skin, placing the odd hickey hear and there, until she worked her way down to his pants. Winry's gazed met Edwards for a second, asking for his permission. Ed simply nodded, and with that Winry pulled Ed's pants down, finding out just how desperate he truly was.

"P-please don't b-be cruel" Edward pleaded. His fists clenching the bed sheets. But Winry could only lick her lips, sending shivers down Ed's spine. "I will take as much time as I want baby" she cooed. And Edward moaned hard. "God damn you"

Winry ran her slender fingers up Edwards shaft, teasing and rubbing the spots that she knew would drive him crazy. Edward moaned and groaned her name, occasionally swearing under his breath. She began licking the tip of his cock, swirling her tongue around as if he was ice cream. Ed couldn't take it any more. He stroked her blond hair, barely resisting the urge to push her down on him.

"Please win please" he moaned. And with that final desperate plea, Winry went down hard on Edward, letting out a cry of pleasure from the blonde. Winry continued to do this, sucking and deep throating Edward until he hit breaking point.

"Aghhh W-Winry I'm gonna" Edward cried out. And then with one final lick, Edward came hard, shocking Winry, who swallowed every last bit of him.

She sat up and wiped her mouth. The odd taste luckily fading soon after. She looked up at Edward, who struggled to find his breath.

"How was I?" She asked a little nervously. Edward looked at her and smiled. "A-amazing" he breathed a shaky breath. Winry wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled.

As soon as Edward relaxed he took her hand and pulled her over to him, wrapping his arms around her body and cradling Winry under the blanket.

"Your my beautiful girl Winry" Edward whispered in her ear, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

"And your my whole world Edward" Winry whispered back as she snuggled into his chest.

And before they knew it they had fallen into a deep sleep. These two young lovers falling into each other's dreams. And Edward had never been good with feelings. But he felt that Winry was the sun, and Edward was just a small pierce of space, just happy to be near her.

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