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I was sitting on the couch when slendy says "E.J r u eating on my couch? We are inviting someone here, go eat in the kitchen" "okai" and i walk to the kitchen and when i hear the door bell ring and someone answers it"sup slenderman" "hello nina" "sup" "please make your self comfortable here" "ahuh" when he says "let me show you around" i hear foot steps going up the stairs. I walk to my room when i see a girl outside the bedroom next to mine and she stares at me and i enter my room. That night was so weird. So i went on a killing spree when i see a girl walking home. As i stalk her i see 'nina' walk up to the girl and she stops. She gets closes to the girl and in her ear she says "go to sleep my prince" and stabs her she then covers her mouth as shes screaming to her death 'nina' pulls the girl to an ally and puts her behide some garbage bags and cans and heads to the woods. As i watch her, no stalk her. I was amazed. Even tho she looked like jeff she knew how to keep her moves intact. My chest felt like it was burning. There. In that spot. I was in love.

Nina X E.jWhere stories live. Discover now