Kiss with a Fist

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Vylad had just come back from his travels around the world and returned to the small community that his family friends lived in. He had already rented out an apartment. However, he later found that his new apartment wouldn't be ready for him to move into for about a week. Vylad let out a sigh as he walked down the sidewalk, hood pulled up over his head in hopes that nobody would recognize him, let alone notice him.

He paused as he reached a house and squinted as he peered at the address, taking out his phone to compare it to the address his eldest brother had texted him a few months ago. Sure enough, there it was. Garroth had mentioned moving in across from Aphmau, which meant the house opposite had to be her's. He quickly crossed the street and lowered his hood of his coat, knocking upon the door before slipping his hands into his pockets. A woman with pastel blue hair answered, and she didn't look pleased.

"Uh.. H-" he began to chirp, only to be interrupted by the woman.

"What do you want?"

"Er... Is Aphmau home? I came to see her."

The woman rolled her eyes before stepping out of his way, allowing him inside, before closing the door behind him. "Yeah, she's in her room. I'll go get her."

Vylad looked around the little hallway. It was a nice house, he thought. He could hear yelling overhead and furrowed his brows in confusion before footsteps rang as someone walked downstairs. Sure enough, Aphmau turned the corner. Describing her expression as shocked was an understatement.

"Vylad!" She ran forward to cling to him in a hug, squeezing him tight.


"What are you doing here? I thought you were out of town on work!" Despite her question, she was clearly elated to see him, and dragged him over to the couch by his arm.

"Well... Not exactly, no. I just wanted to go out on my own and explore the world."

Her eyes widened. "Do your brother know you're home?"

"Garroth and Zane? No, I haven't told them. I prefer if they didn't know, actually. I got your address from Garroth when he texted me about moving in across from you and asked to room with him. I just... He and Zane have always been there for me and I just feel like I need to get out and do things on my own."


He was a little shocked at her persistence, he had to say. No beating around the bush with Aph. It was like nothing had ever changed. "Well, besides traveling around the world and having women fall head over heels for my good looks? It's about what you would expect it to be." He sarcastically flipped his hair — or what longer hair he had — as he said this.

Aphmau scoffed. "Oh no you did not/. I am the master of sassy hair flips!" To prove her point, she sassily flipped her hair back, pretty much only managing to smack herself in the face with her own long hair.

"Oh really? Even better than Garroth and Zenix?"

It was like flicking a switch. All of a sudden, Aphmau's complexion paled. Her form stiffened and she seemed to shrink within herself with insecurity. Vylad frowned. "Er.. Is everything alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine..."

The man sighed and shook his head, reaching over to scoop up the woman beside him and place her in his lap, holding her close. "You're a horrible liar, Aph. You're crying..."

Not able to counter, she simply curled up in his arms and buried her head against his sweater, sobbing.

"Shh," Vylad soothed, gently massaging her back as the woman cried into his scarf. "It's alright... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring back bad memories..."

The pair stayed like this for a moment before the man finally broke the silence. "How has Garroth been doing?"

"W-What?" Aph sniffled, peering up at Vylad with tears still in her eyes.

"Garroth. How has he been?"

"Uh.. He's alright I guess. Why?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of Vylad's lips. "You know he likes you, right?"

Her reaction was priceless, and she stammered over her words. "H-He's a g-good f-friend, yeah..."

"No, I mean as more than a friend. My big brother likes you a lot more th-"


The man's head jerked up in confusion to see Garroth planted right in front of him, blue eyes glaring down at his brother.

"G-Garroth! Hey there, b-big brother!"


The blonde's face was flushed in embarrassment and he grumbled under his breath. "I-I have to.. Uh.. Go take care of my cat! Yeah!" With that, the man stumbled from the living room and out the door, only to be grabbed by the arm by Travis and dragged to the side of the house. His friend pulled him into the bushes by the side of the house and there Garroth realized that there was a window where he could watch Vylad and Aphmau easily.

Vylad shook his head and stood. "Sorry about that, Aph. You're a touchy subject with him."

Aphmau giggled nervously. "No, I... Uh... It's alright..."

Vylad glanced behind him and noticed the glass panel, a smug smirk forming on his lips. He turned back to Aph and stepped forward, cupping her cheeks in his hands. He could practically feel his brother's eyes baring holes into his back. "No, it isn't. He overreacted and for that I am sorry."

Aphmau let out a squeak as Vylad lowered his head and placed his lips upon hers, giving her a gentle kiss.


When he pulled away, he took note that her face had become a bright red.

Suddenly, Garroth slammed through the door and punched him hard in the shoulder, forcing him away from Aphmau in the process. Vylad stumbled back from the blow, only to have another fist slam into the side of his face, causing him to fall from the ground.

"Garroth!" Aphmau exclaimed with a gasp.

"She's mine!" Garroth growled towards Vylad before turning and storming off to his house.

"Vylad! Are you okay?"

A small groan slid past his lips before pushing himself painfully to his feet. "Yeah, I'm fine.. I have to go talk to him, though. See you tonight...?"

"Y-Yeah. You're staying at my place after all."

"Good." Vylad nodded and stepped outside, headed across the street to Garroth's house.

Kiss with a Fist || VyladmauWhere stories live. Discover now