Okay so on Wednesdays ( like today actually) I help teach a small group of preschoolers. And although I love them and they are like basically my children they're ... Something. But I guess I'm kinda gonna do a tag yourself thing/ talk about the students. So buckle in this may be a wild ride.
RUBY: Okay so ruby is really sweet. She hates hand sanitizer and Kennedy. She hates most people except for me and like two other people.
ISAIAH: Has dated every girl in the class except Ruby. She hates him. He also loves John Crna. Believes that my hair is purple because I took a bath in Kool aid.
KATE: Believes she's a vampire. Alissa's girlfriend. Thinks I'm a secret mermaid. Mostly talks about Alissa and vampires. Ruby can actually stand her.
ALISSA. Kate's girlfriend. Likes dresses and monster trucks. Everyone's friend ( including ruby). Calls me 'miss friend'.
KENNEDY: Likes running away and Minnie Mouse. Sings over lesson. wONT SIT DOWN.
LITERAL SATAN: Has actually said that he is more powerful than God. Dumped chocolate milk on his head last week. Growls sometimes. Also ginger.
COLBY: Hates attention. Small. Problematic fave. Always brings chocolate milk. Knocks down other kids block towers. Always shares chocolate milk with satan.
Bye! And as usual have a great day/night/whatever!

I have no idea
RandomHi! So I really need to be doing math right now but instead I'm writing this! So I'm Rachael and a LOT of my friends have been doing this where every week you write about what's going on, so I guess I'll do that! I will probably upload the first ch...