The night she was born, her parents couldn't have been happier. It was a full moon and spring had just begun
They named her Ever, so she would forever bloom and be a powerful fairy
It was only till she reached 6 years of age when they started to worry. Ever didn't display much in the sense of fairy magic, maybe she was a late bloomer, but when she was 12 years old, and nothing of significance had changed, their dreams were crushed
The other kids started making fun of her, calling her Never, as in she was never going to get the great level of magic that was expected of her
Even her looks were ordinary. She had raven hair, and while her eyes were large and doe like, they were dark brown. Almost all the fae had unusual coloring to them, hair, eyes or both. She was pretty in a human sense. All colors were normal. And her wings, unlike those around her, were colorless, delicate things. They might've looked cool when they were wet and the sun shined through, but that was it. All the fairies had colorful massive wings, some even sparkled. Her wings, if someone wasn't paying attention, weren't even noticeable
Her lack of abilities hadn't helped her growing infatuation with the fae prince. He had hair gleaming like gold, and eyes like lavender colored gems. He was nice and kind, he never paid her much attention though. She was almost sure he didn't know she had existed, but he never made fun of her, and he scolded the ones that did
She was next to him all her life, yet he never noticed her, and she was too shy and humbled by her lack of abilities to even think of approaching him
Her parents had long lost hope of her developing the abilities they expected, but they had the consolation of her brother and sisters. Her brother had powerful magic, one of her sisters was so beautiful, no one could avert her or his eyes away when she passed them, even the prince, and the other was so talented, magic seemed to be drawn to her
Ever grew up lonely, almost shunned, but she tried to compensate her lack of talents by studying and training. She almost knew everything about magic, and she was physically stronger than even some of the males
The only ones that were willing to be associated with her were some of the low ranking fae. They had a lower level of magic, but even their magic was better than hers. Some of them felt sorry for her, others were happy that even amongst the elite, there were ones with low levels of magic
Ever spent almost all her time training and studying, hoping one day to be able to please her family, be of use
Her wish of being useful came true one day, sort of
There was talk about a group of humans, magic users, she'd read about them, they were witches, wizards, warloks and sorcerers. They expressed a wish to have some relations with the other magical creatures. They were sending a girl, Maya, for a human, and so young, she had a remarkable magical power and talent. They wanted a bodyguard for her, besides the one that was accompanying her, because some didn't like the collaboration between the species'. Her people volunteered her, without even asking, she was the most expendible person to them, easily replaced, maybe they even wanted her to die protecting this human. But she had to do it. It's not like she had any choice, and for the first time in years, her parents looked at her and smiled, somewhat approvingly. It wasn't the same smile directed to one of her siblings when they did well, but she would take whatever she could get
The day came when the human was expected, Ever waited for her, together with the prince. She came.. She was beautiful, she looked a lot like fae. Her hair was fiery red, her eyes blue green, with a smattering of stary freckles above her dainty nose, which somehow only added to her angelic beauty. She was petit, her looks made you want to protect her, and what's more, she radiated magic. Ever could see it in her aura. Her magic was very strong for a human, Ever guessed she might be part fae, but she wouldn't talk, not like anyone would listen
Prince Barthelomio was instantly smitten. Ever could see that, she felt a painful pang in her chest, and a bitter taste in her mouth. She now disliked this little angel, but she would still protect her, it was her duty, and it wasn't the girl's fault that the prince looked at her like a love struck puppy. He always did have a taste for unique and strange things
She sighed, and lifted her gaze, only to land at the girl's companion, he looked at her seeming amused. He was good looking. His sandy short hair stood in sandy spikes. It looked a bit like grass, the way it stood. That thought made her smile. He had a strong jaw and deep bluish grey eyes. The color was a bit extraordinary. He had a strong build, but wasn't as tall nor as good looking as the prince. Must be a fae thing. Every other fae Ever knew, with the exception of her self, was absurdely good looking. The thought made her sigh
That guy was still looking at her. He smiled and his eyes crinkled, she smiled back, deciding she liked his smile. There was something about him that felt strange though, she couldn't put her finger on it, but he didn't feel completely human

Never Ever
Fantasy#20 ever on 13/10/2019 Ever is a fairy, but amongst her people, she's nowhere near anything special, she lacks magical talent to an extent that she's almost human For the fae, magic is everything, which only means Ever is nothing She's in love with...