Jameson Locke
Daily Report: At about three in the morning Lance called me, about his stomach problem. He had vomited all over the floor. Peculiarly, the cameras in his room were busted out, and he was wearing his jacket.He was obviously wiped out, so after we cleaned it up, he went directly to bed. In his jacket.
This morning, he asked to meet the other subjects. I couldn't hide it from him any more and I said he could meet them for lunch. We continued the experiments, he was triggered again, for what reason we don't know, as it's very inconsistent, but he did do a powerful barrage on one of our scientists, causing him o panic. This seems to be something we haven't seen before.
No physical damage was done, but the scientist went into a frenzy, as if someone was attacking him. Getting behind cover, reaching for his gun, before finally running out of the room. All very interesting. This seems to be the only specimen who's power has grown since they have come. We are very lucky to see this come to fruition.
However, this may make them a social outcast once we introduce them to the rest of the specimens. There power could desperate them. We've already had a casualty. We don't need another one.
I'm not sure what will happen. I will have another report about the outcome of this test later. And whether or not it leads to disaster or success. Many of the specimens have showed - to bully the others. But we are sure that Lance will be able to defend himself from the others.
This is risky, but we might lose Lance as a willing candidate if we don't introduce him too the others, as we have lost others. As far as there being a match with Jessica, we are now unsure, as matches need to compliment each other. More research will be needed to discover the right match with Lance.

The Man in the White Jacket
Science FictionLance was never an average kid, but after he's granted strange powers from an outside force, his life is turned around as he confronts the world around him, trying to change it for the better.