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The Future:

The Legend was the reason why she was in a cemetery now. What person would be in a graveyard at midnight? A crazy, reckless being. Erza couldn't help it. It was time. She was set to find the grave, the grave that contained Sir Leon Victor. It felt like someone was pulling her. Whispering in her ear, telling her to go forward. Find IT. It was a dark, chilly, foggy night. Quite different to the clear hot nights that were so common.

Half through the graveyard she came across a suspicious object. It penetrated the soil. It oddly looked like a silver cross 'What... Is that?' She murmured. The soil looked unnatural. Like there was something buried deep under it. The rustling of leaves startled her. She quickly whipped her head to the unknown subject. 'Damn It... Please don't find me... PLEASE' she thought to herself. For a long minute she stayed there, frozen. Stiff. Her soft blonde, red streaked hair stuck onto her face like super glue. Brilliant violet eyes filled with terror.

Seconds felt like hours. Minuets felt like days. Sweat beaded her forehead like bullets. She crouched and waited. By the time the unknown person left she almost fainted.

Collapsing on the hard, rocky soil she felt something dig under her back. She was immediately alert. 'Erzaaa...Come to me...Come to me NOW!!' She heard someone say in her mind. 'Dig... For me love' the voice was strangely compelling. A wave of relief burst into her. She didn't know what was happening. It was like her hands had a mind of their own. She began to dig.

And dig.

And dig.

She stopped till she found a hard metal barrier. 'Ouch!' She wailed. Her hand hit the Metal barrier's edge it made a deep cut through the side of her palm. 'Ow... Damn it.' She pressed her bleeding palm to the hem of her once new white shirt. Now caked in dirt and blood. She ripped the side of the shirt. 'Pity it was new. How am I going to be able to explain this?' She sighed. She took the fabric and wrapped it the wound. 'That should to it' she murmured. She got of her knees. She began to wipe the dirt of the jeans she wore. She cracked her knuckles.

It was time.

'Yes... Love... Open it and I'll cherish you for eternity' the voice said. She rolled her eyes at that. She must be hearing things. The cemetery must be playing tricks on her. Erza began to investigate the grave. She crouched again, her hands tracing the symbol engraved on the coffin lid. It seemed familiar. The coffin looked like it was buried yesterday but at the same time old. Very old.

She stood up; Erza rolled her shoulders before the cramp settled in. She blew out a breath. 'Time to get working' Erza Said. She slid her hand down her back pockets of her jeans. She took out a pair of hair pins. There was a crowbar next her, which she found in the Shed of her backyard.

She chose the thinnest hair pin she found. It was the only one who could be suitable to fit the lock. She began to work her magic. A few moments later the lock opened. She straightened up and did the happy dance. The voice in her head chuckled. She immediately stoped, her cheeks burned at the thought of someone seeing her. Opps. She unlocked the lock and placed it in her back pocket. Her fresh wound stung. Erza hissed at the pain and cradled her palm. She blew out a steady breath. 'There's no going back now' she sounded like she was convincing herself. She bent and took the crowbar.

Her eyes now a bright shade of violet searched for a dent in the side of the coffin. Trying to find a hole so she could slide the crowbar in. 'You're mine Erza' the voice growled possessively barely inaudible.


On the side of the black sleek coffin was a dent. It was wide enough to fit a crowbar. She took the crowbar with sweaty hands. Her hands trembled. She crouched low; her heart beating so fast it felt it was going to beat out of her chest. She slid the crowbar in. Jackpot! She began to pull. Her arms were already protesting against the action. Her strength was rapidly declining. A few moments later she felt like she was winning. The coffin lid was beginning to separate. 'One more minute Erza... That's it!' She convinced herself. She had succeeded

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