Chapter Twenty-Four...

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Apparently, Natasha was missing.

We sped back to the tower.

Tony and Bruce were working on the casket.

They started arguing about shutting down whatever they were doing.

I barked at Bruce and he looked at me, then back up at them.

His anger was getting the better of him at the moment, but he wasn't letting the Other Guy get the best of him.

Pietro had enough and ran around the room unplugging everything.

The glass beneath him gave way, dropping him down to where Clint was.

They all started fighting again.

Thor chose that moment to burst through the ceiling, summoning lightning into the casket.

It exploded, throwing Thor across the room.

A figure arose from the casket.

He looked... odd in my opinion, but then again, I'm colorblind.

It was quiet as the figure looked up, it flew at Thor.

They fought for a few moments before Thor threw it at the window.

It stared out the window at the city.

Pietro moonwalked into the room, everyone followed. They started talking about something called an Infinity Stone and sides.

I was thankful that this new being talked some sense into them.

Then to everyone's shock, he picked up the hammer and handed it to Thor, then walked out of the room.

Everyone's face was priceless.

Thor walked in the door.

Steve told everyone to suit up.

I followed Pietro and Wanda as they suited up.
We got into the jet and started flying. 

When we got there Pietro ran off, came back and took a gun, then ran off again. I didn't want to know what he was doing...

Wanda was using her magics to evacuate the city. I was with her, making sure nothing attacked her while she was concentrating.

Robots started flying and climbing onto the bridge.

Wanda was knocked off her feet defending the people around her.

I started running around the robots, confusing them. I then started jumping around, causing them to shoot one another.

I jumped onto the last one and chewed through its wires with my vibranium teeth.

Chaos had found its way back.

The land we were on started floating. People were falling, screaming, hugging one another.

I heard Hulk roaring in the distance.

I started running after robots and ripping their cords out.

I got blasted in the side but I kept on going.

I eventually made my way to near Clint.

The ship from our adventure with Loki arrived, it started taking civilians.

Everyone made their way to the core in the church.

I stayed where the civilians were located, helping them board the ship.

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