Chapter 35 : I Had Boxers!

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Before you guys start reading the story... i was wondering if any of you would like to help me write the end of this story? Message me if youre willing to help me! :) thanks in advance

*Next Day*

I drove to school the next morning. It was foggy and cold outside so i took a jacket 😩
I was sooo tired from last night, i left at 3 am and i had to drop off Geoffrey because he was too drunk to drive.

"Pssst! Pssst!" I turned around to see Stephanie calling me.

"Whats up?"

"Do you have a tylenol? I have a really bad head ache"

"Youre just in luck. I actually do have a tylenol"

I handed her the tylenol and she thanked me.

The classroom door opened and i turned around. Ryan walked in all beaten up... it was bad.

I ran over to him and he pushed me away.

"Ryan what happened? Are you okay?"

"Just leave me alone"

After class, i followed him out.

"Ryan we need to talk"

"About what? How you cheated on me on the day of our anniversary? Its no big deal-"

"Ryan really. If you really loved me then you would believe me-..." He cut me off.

"What if i dont love you anymore?"
A tear suddenly left my face.

"What are you trying to say?"

"That maybe i dont love you..."

"Oh. If thats what you want, then we should probably just end it here-" I said with tears leaving my eyes. I turned around and left.

"Sammie wait!" Yelled Ryan.

It only encouraged me to walk faster.

Maybe this is happening for a reason. But... i actually love Ryan. He was my first love and-...
I got cut off my thoughts. I bumped into someone and wow it was Geoffrey.

"Hey whats up-... whats wrong?" He asked concerned and wiping my tears away.

"Ryan said... he doesnt.. love me anymore-" I started crying more now.

"Did he really? Thats not very manly of him.. you dont deserve to be crying for a jerk like him"

"But why? Why did this happen to me?"

"Actually, um i just broke up with Emeraude too. I broke up with her, not the other way but... yeah"

"But... but i actually love Ryan!" I couldnt stop crying.

"Oh.... well i dont know what to say, um.. do you want to ditch school? Again? We can go talk somewhere else"

"That would be great. Please take me somewhere else"

Geoffrey drove to some office looking place.

"We're here. I want to show you something"

"Is there a lot of people in there? I dont want them to see my red puffy eyes-"

"Dont worry. This is my studio. Theres nobody in there"

We walked in and there were speakers and guitars, pianos, and other instruments in there. It had a really modern look on the inside.

I Fell In Love With The Perv (Prince Royce Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now