Chapter One
"I want you all the yell, 'Greyson' he'll come out!" There were many different cheers, but i let them have it. "Greyson! Greyson! Greyson!" "Thank you Cody!" More screams.
I started to play the piano.
Started to cry, as the doctor told me,
'She was going to leave, us tonight'
So i stifled my tears, and i went to her room
And too my suprize, she had a twinkle in her eyes,
She said, 'I know that i am leaving you behind.
But don't worry, i'll be fine.
I will be high in the blue sky.
Among those beautiful Stars'
Cause in the sky, oh so high
There are beautiful Stars which shine in the light
She'll be dancing the the clouds, and she'll be singin in the rain
Among those beautiful Stars.
I held her hand as she went
She took her last breath
And tears started flowing out again
And i went to the window and i opened it
There she was, she was shining in the light
Among those beautiful Stars
I held her hand as she went,
She took her last, breath
The tears started flowing out again
And i went to the window, and i opened it
There she was, she was shining in the sky
Among those beautiful Stars
I finished Stars, and started Hold On Till The Night. "Thank you! You guys had been a great audience!" *Yells and screams* "Met me and Cody after the show!" I yelled. I ran off the stage. "Where's the greet at?" I asked the man that worked here. He pointed, and i said "Thanks." This place was HUGE. Anyway, I walked down the hallway, to a door. I looked, it said 'BACKSTAGE FOR MEET AND GREET: THIS WAY' I shurgged, and opened it. "About time your here!" Cody said. "Im great! Thanks for asking!" I added. "Well, sit down. The people are going to be here soon." "When why'd you say i was late?" I asked while grabing a chair. "I dunno." "huhm." "Hey, what's your name?" I asked. "L-Laur-ra." "Laura?" "Haha, yes." "I like it." She smiled. I wrote down 'Greyson Chance was here (:' I got bored, okay! She laughed a bit, smiled, and went over to cody's side. He gave me a look when he saw what i wrote. "What?" "Nothing..." *Insert Ninja Stare*
"Why do we have to meet him AGAIN? You just met him like, four hours ago!" I said as we worked our ways backstage. "I didn't have enough time to talk to him." "It's called a Time Limit, you didn't know that?" She gave me a dirty look, and went on trying to find her 'Future Husband'.'What's your name' became more and more annoying as we came closer and closer to the two. [Im sorry if this offends anyone, but i can't STAND Cody Simpson. First of all, He got one of my friends sick after a meet and greet, and two, I can't stand him.] "Whos 'Cody Simpson'?" I asked as i saw a poster of him. "How do you not know that?" "Well, I'd rather go see MCR right now, [MCR is My Chemical Romance, i put them in this because... TODAY'S MIKEY WAY'S BIRTHDAY!! Happy Birthday Mikey!!] Than be here. I don't like this music. Green Day and MCR are waaaay better than this-" "Just because you like that 'Emo' crap, doesn't meen i have to deal with it." "Call Gerard or Frank[From MCR] Emo one more time, you'll not live to see 'Your future husband'." I told her. They are not emo! They're just Punk Rock, or whatever. "Your never going to see that crap, im mom's favorite, remember?" I wanted to insert 'Horror stab music' right there, but she was right. She was the 'good kid' and i was the Devil. She wore all pink and 'girly' colours, i wore black, dark blue, everything she didn't like. She had light blonde hair, i had black with Red and Blue streeks. [My school colours!] Anyway, after ten mintues of waiting and argueing, we finally saw them. "Hehehehehehe. Hai" She choked out. "I swear i've seen you before." Greyson said. I just rolled my eyes, and i coffed on accident. "Oh my god! Lyn-Z!" "Uhm, how do you guys know each-other?" Shoot... "From Ellen! Duh! Remember when you were being a jerk, Elena?" I told her. Greyson looked at 'Cody', then back at us. "So when you said you had to go find the restroom, you just went to talk to my Greyson?"
Greyson's View
"So when you said you had to go find the restroom, you just went to talk to my Greyson?" She asked. Her Greyson? "That's gone a little too far, don't you think?" I told her. She gave me a look. "Im sorry, i didn't meen for that to come out that way-" "No. It's fine, Greyson. She just can't handle being wrong." She said while looking at her. It was silent for a mintue. "Awwkkkwwaaarrdd." I heard Cody say. I looked at him, *insert another Ninja Stare*. Elena just rolled her eyes, made me, yes, MADE me, sign her things, and she went to Cody at the other side of the table. "Im sorry to had to see that, Greyson." She said. "Oh no, it's okay. I've done the same to Tanner." She gave me a confushed look. "My brother." "Oh." "I-I like your hair." I said. She nodded,"Thank you." "LYN-Z MARIE EISIENBURG WE ARE LEAVING." Elena yelled, which made us both jump. "I really am sorry. She's the princess, and i'm the one that ruins it all." "Princess? Her?" I said without being rude. "Yep. She gets what she wants, i get whatever i can get myself. Like for example, She wanted to see 'her future husband', you. And i wanted to see My Chemical Romance. Guess who won?" "Her." "Yep. Awesome, right? I can't see the band that saved my life, so i had to see you, two times. No offence." "Non- Taken." She nodded in agreement. "You should get going." "Yeah, good idea. Nice meeting you again, Greyson. Proberly won't be the last time we do." "Nice seeing you guys, you, again. Yeah." "LYN-Z. MARIE. EISIENBURG. NOW!" "Bye then." I gave her a hug, and she left. WAIT. Did i just hug her? Where the heck did that come from?! "oooooooh. Greyson has a crush! Greyson has a crush! Your making that Diana from Glee Jeallloouusss." Cody said. I gently punched him in the arm. "Oww. Hurtful." He said rubbing his arm. "Shoosh." I told him. "Soooo, who is she?" "You won't stop, will you?" "Nope. You can tell me anything." "Anything?" "Yes." "Good. Your hair's messed up." "DUDE! THAT IS NOT SOMETHING TO JOKE ABOUT." He was still fixing his hair as we got on the bus. My phone went off: 'And i'll keep it in a bag, in a box. Put an 'X' on the floor. Gimmie more, gimmie more, gimmie more. SHUT UP AND SING IT WITH ME! Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na-' "CODY! Why did you change my ringtone?! WHEN did you change it?!" He shurgged like he didn't know what was going on. So i picked up my phone. "Heelllo?" I answered. "G-Greyson?" "Yees?" "Hi." "Ello. Who is this?" I asked like i didn't know who it was, i did *insert evil grin*. "Lyn-Z......." "Oh, i so knew that! What?" "I don't know..." "If you could see the evil stare i had...So what?" "I really do not know. I picked up my phone and dialed... Im bored..." "Ahhh.." Cody 'aww'ed. "Shut up, Cody!" I halfed yelled, half said. "Aw! You ruin the fun!" He got up, tryed to mess up my hair, which i hated, and i practically kicked his leg. Not really though. He faked limped the rest of the way to the bunks. "Well then." I said.

So Imma Unfriend You
FanfictionLyn-Z's life is hell. Her sister drags her along to a Greyson Chance concert. Greyson and Lyn-Z both slowly like each-other, but they don't say anything to anyone.