Sammy calmed down and sat next to the coffins until it was time to take it to the hearse. Sammy refused to go in any car except for the one Harmony's body was in.
It was a short drive to cemetery. In solemn silence we walked to the grave site. The coffin got there first, and it sat, waiting for everyone to come, flowers in hand. Sammy laid next to the coffin, occasionally sighing of sadness.
Mr. And Mrs. Baker put their flowers on her grave first, being her mother and stepfather. After waiting for a few other family members, Zeke and I stepped forward, placing our dark flowers on her mahogany coffin. With tears in my eyes we watched as those who loved her place their colorful flowers on the dark coffin.
Harmony would have cried had she seen this. She always felt so alone in this god forsaken world. Now I knew that there were so many people who loved her. Students who she thought hated her now crying over her enclosed body. They cried into each other, saying things like 'I should have protected her' 'maybe if I was friends with her she wouldn't be gone'. Every word sent tears down my face. They actually cared. Harmony wouldn't be able to believe it.
It seemed that nearly everyone had placed their flowers down, until I looked around, at the last person the place their flower. Ryan. He looked so scared as he walked forward. Sammy
stood, recognizing the fear. He looked up at Ryan, as if trying to help him. Ryan gave the flower to Sammy, who took it in his mouth. Ryan pointing to the coffin, telling Sammy to put it on there. He obeyed, standing up on two paws, and placed the flower on top of the others.A few more words were said by the bishop and others in the crowd. Once everyone finished, a few men stepped forward to lower the flowered coffin into the grave.
Once is was lowered down. People slowly began to leave. As the sadly shuffled away, Sammy once again began to howl his mournful howl. The on that chilled your bones. Everyone could tell that this dog had really cared for Harmony, and was mourning her loss. Part of me wondered if he blamed himself, or if he understood.
"Come on Sammy." I motioned for him to follow.
He stayed close behind me, but he kept looking back at the grave of his master. He hopped in with Zeke and I, into the the Baker's car.
"Thank you for your words today, Jocelynn. It really meant a lot to us, and it would have to her too." Mr. Baker stated. "She really loved you guys, you know. Whenever you would leave, she would talk about how great you are."
"Thank you, Mr. Baker." I said.
"Oh, please call me Rob." He replied.
He dropped us off at my house, where when Zeke and I walked in, my mother bombarded us with hugs.
"Oh Joce, I'm so sorry we couldn't make it. I know how much she meant to you. I'm so sorry." She cried
"It's fine mom. I'm used to it." I mumbled.
She looked hurt, and I knew she heard what I said. I didn't really care. I doubted that she even tried to make it. I lead Zeke into my room where we sat on my bed, and I cried into his shoulder. This was all my fault.

Once upon a Suicide
Teen FictionSay hello to Jocelynn. Her life is peaceful, until school starts again. Her best friend Harmony and herself are social outcasts, in a small circle of people like them. They are all bullied, but holding it together. Until Harmony jumps off her apartm...