Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
~Jaelyn's point of view~

I woke up with a pounding headache. Everything throbbed and ached. I reached for my phone on my nightstand but instead of grabbing my beloved phone I grabbed a note. I started to read the note which was probably from Jesse.

Stay hydrated, get some medicine for your hangover and I'll see you later at the gym. Your phone kept going off last night so I put it in the coffee table drawer. Someone named Lacy kept asking if you were okay. I didn't want to wake you up so I answered it and told her yes.

I was stunned that Jesse actually left me a note and had the courtesy to take care of my phone. He wasn't as cold as before and it was very comforting. I felt like I didn't always have to be very cautious with what I had to say around him anymore. Everyday we made more progress towards a healthy friendship.

Later that afternoon, Jesse was sitting on the futon with my legs on top of him. We were watching 'Rocky'.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Jesse blurted, his stormy eyes shift to my green ones.

I try to recall what I even did last night the last thing I remember happening was drinking more than one martini and going out to the dance floor with Lacy. "Nothing significant to me."

Jesse flinched as if I really struck a nerve. "Did I do something? Did we do something?"

Jesse snapped at me, a scowl plastered onto his flawless face. "You honestly think I'd take advantage of you while your drunk?"

"You're just acting weird. You even left me a note. For fuck's sake you left me medicine and told me to stay hydrated. Since when do you care?"

Jesse shot up from the couch like his ass was on fire. "I'll see you at the gym in twenty minutes." He said, grinding his teeth together.

I flashed Jesse my middle finger, accompanying it with a sweet smile. "Fine, be a bitch about it."

Twenty minutes pass and I'm at the gym clad in a sports bra and shorts. I noticed a shirtless Jesse sending lethal punches at the punching bag.

I went over to Jesse and he stopped beating the punching bag. "I'm always going to be surprised that you show up."

"Did I have a choice? You'd probably drive back and drag me here."

"I would but you want the extra money for your job." Jesse smirked, knowing that he was right.

I rolled my eyes and handed Jesse the tape so he can wrap my hands. Jesse took his time in wrapping my hands. Each movement he made with wrapping my hand made my stomach do somersaults.

His fingers danced around my hands, skillfully wrapping them. I studied his face while he wrapped my hands. His jaw was clenched and his stormy eyes looked clouded. His hair was a beautiful mess. I wanted to take my hand and tangle my fingers into his hair.

I wanted to trace his strong and alluring jawline. I wanted to run my fingers over every single tattoo that he had and know what each one meant to him. I wanted to rest my hands onto his bare chest. To feel his heart beating-to feel the life inside of him.

Jesse made me want to know everything that he was thinking and feeling. His deep voice broke me out of my trance. "Let's go, time to learn more."

I nodded, biting my lip. Hoping that this would be a successful workout.

"Last time you didn't keep your defenses up and you weren't fast enough."


I took my position at the bag and put my fists up, my gut churning. "I'm ready,"

"Punch the bag and then we might work on going against an actual person."

I took in a deep breath and jabbed the bag. I pretended that the bag is my imperfections, the things about myself that annoy me.

The way I got queasy over a guy.


How Jesse made me feel.


"Jaelyn, those punches are good but you need to pack more force into them. Also, try moving around with them and make sure to keep your guard up."

I listened Jesse's comment and used every ounce of force I had and punched the bag. I moved around swiftly, pretending that the bag was an actual person.

"Good, maybe we should have you try going against and actual person. You have the basics down."

I stopped hitting the bag and wiped off a small layer of sweat coating my forehead. "Okay,"

Jesse lead me over to a ring and we both got in it. "Ready?"

I take in a deep breath and nod. I feel queasy- I didn't actually want to be punched or hurt Jesse. I didn't like the fact that he wanted me to hurt him.

"Jae, if you're worried about hurting me don't be. Also, don't be worried about me hitting you. I won't hurt you. This is basic training right now we're taking baby steps."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay,"

I got into position and moved towards Jesse. I moved in for a punch but Jesse sent me flying to the ground.

"Your moves are predictable. Don't twitch the arm when your going to punch with first."

I got back up and hit Jesse in the stomach. He lets out a groan. "How's that, Princess?" I asked, feeling triumphant.

Jesse cracked his knuckles and smirked. "Don't get too cocky yet. This is basic training. I'm going easy on you."

He sent a light punch to my right shoulder. "Are you afraid to hurt me?"

"I'm not going to actual punch you! You'd look like a tomato."

"You just knocked me on the ground a second ago. So why not punch?" I punched Jesse's forearm as he tried to block his face.

"That's different right now. Both are different stories." He clenched his jaw, aggravation written across his face.

I ignored Jesse's comment and went in for another punch but Jesse swiftly dodged it. Beads of sweat rolled down my face, dripping onto my sports bra.

For a quick second I wiped the sweat off of my face and Jesse shoved me onto the ground. "Never lose focus."

I got up from the ground, anger boiling inside of me and I punched Jesse square in the jaw. He stumbles a little bit, shock was written across his flawless face.

Realizing what I just did a ran over to Jesse and cupped his face in my hands. "Jess, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you like that!"

Jesse froze as my thumb slowly rubbed the spot where I had hit him. I quickly removed my hands from his face, feeling awkward. I felt my face heat up.

"Jae, I'm not made of glass I'm fine. Besides, you're supposed to hit me."

"I just feel really bad about doing that."

"Would you do that to someone else in the ring?"

"No, it's was just that-"

"You would've had your ass knocked down onto the floor if you did that to someone else."

I sighed and awkwardly pulled at the tape on my hands. "Sorry,"

Jesse took a step closer towards me, causing my breath to hitch. He put his hand on my arm and ran his fingers across a small bruise. Jesse turns pallid. "Did I do this?"

"We were just boxing and hitting each other." I said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean to hit you hard enough to get a bruise." He said taking another step towards me. "Did I hit your face? Is it bruised?"

He cupped my face in his calloused hands and pulled me closer, examining my face.  "Jess, you didn't hit me there."

He slowly removed his hands from my sweaty face. "Jae, I think today's lesson is over. Let's go eat. But first shower you smell like shit."

I followed Jesse into a my favorite sandwich place called Subs Unlimited.
This was the best place in Seattle to get a delicious sandwich that was worth your time and money.

After we ordered our sandwiches, Jesse looked at me with a faint smile. "You know what Jae, you are actually tolerable to be around."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at Jesse. "Right back at you, Jess."

"Maybe we can have the day off tomorrow." He blurted, excitement in his eyes.

"Wow, Jesse, I can't believe his irresponsible that it of you." I said to him sarcastically. It would be nice to get a day off. Maybe I could go and see my family. They haven't texted or called since I moved in and it's about time I spoke to them. Hopefully my mom still didn't think I was reckless.

"Can I see my family tomorrow then? They're probably waiting for me. You could see your family."

Jesse stiffened, apparently me telling him to see his family offended him. "I don't want to see my family. They're a bunch of low life mother fuckers that only care about themselves. They don't deserve a visit from me. My Dad is lucky that I haven't went to home and went psychotic on him. I'd be like an episode of 'Arrow'."

"You can meet mine." I said nervously, picking at my chipped black nail polish.

"I already have but you don't know how I really know them."

For some reason, those words sent chills down my spine.

Happy Easter! This is my Easter gift to you guys! Sorry for such the wait school and track had made me so busy. Love you all thanks for reading!

Is it bad that I say this to my friends?
Ok I’ll keep doing it!

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                       I punched square in the face

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