A light was calling me and it was pulling me in the darkness from the light and I was free. The light become nature and I was in the fall that look like the center of this dream or anything like that. I searched for someone to help me find my way and I stop when I remember everything.
"I was dead. I'm in heaven!" I said without my consciousness. I look at everywhere and there were no one. Did I die then why did I feel myself or why did I have emotions or why did I have memories of my past there are so many questions that make me think that I'm still alive but adducted by an alien or I sleep in a million years or anything like that.
"Hello my great grandson!" Some one said and I look at my back and there is someone there and I was curious how did he come there when I just checked it that no one there.
"Who are you?" I asked him and grandson what is that. He look like young and I'm his grandson, no way.
"I'm your greatest grandfather or you can call me the werewolf King" he said and smile at me.
"I'm dead right, grandpa!" I asked and adopted the situation, he just smile at me when he heard grandpa.
"No, you are just sleep but they thought you are dead! My fang is melting into your wounds and later on you will wake up!" He said and I was happy that I can see again my beloved Erica and my precious friends.
"Thanks grandpa!" I said smiling and happy. I was surprise that I was calm or not even shock in what just I heard and see right now. Maybe this world are so pure and have a peaceful mind that I can't even be scared or being suspicious about this place.
"You are here to pick your werewolf! And make your way to have your mate safe and happy. Wolfs came here!" he said like he is worry about my mate and when he said wolfs came here there are three wolf came out in the forest and in the fall.
"Grandpa my I asked what is the fourth wish you made in moon goddess? Because there is nothing said about it" I asked before I have chosen my wolf.
"My fourth wish is too have all my grandson have the blessings of the moon goddess!" He said to me like its was a good wish because the blessings of the moon goddess was amazing like now.
The color of the three wolf was look alike but I feel that I want to choose the middle wolf. I looked to my grandpa and he smile like you have a great choice and the middle wolf came forward even I didn't chose yet but the wolf chose me.
"That will be your wolf and remember sometimes you need to be bad for your mate safety but always have a kind heart." He said and I know why because of his mate die and it because of his kindness.
The wolf was just stay by my side not jump in my body or something like that. We talk and talk and talk about my life and my grandfather life. He said that I can have his land or the whole world.
"And grandson I will give you my power and the rest is up to you" he said and I saw a lady was coming here and I know she is my grandma and I smile at them both.
"The time is done you can go back now but this is my word love your mate as you love your people " my grandma said and they left me . The wolf was walking and he make me follow him and we go down in the fall and the darkness again eaten me.
"Listen everyone the nex-" the elder that took the side of the beta said but cut off by the alpha.

She's my wolfy
WerewolfI discover something! And it's dangerous .........................................................The truth is she's a werewolf but she don't know yet that I know it......................, I'm so dead....................... She's coming...