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Patrick Rodriguez ,a name, everybody were well aware of. How could somebody not know him? After all he was the richest man on earth. A living legend whom every aspiring business man thought as an inspiration. A self made man who had worked himself from the bottom of the society to its peak. A man who lives a royal life on his private island, where no outsiders are allowed.

Though he was considered as an inspiration, people often tend to maintain a distance from him. Simply because he was way too powerful and they were afraid that one wrong move would get them on his wrong side. And that's where nobody with a right mind would want to be. Patrick was an angry man and all it would take is one wrong word and you would be doomed for life.

A lot of people believed that Patrick Rodriguez was a monster who didn't give a damn about anything other than himself and his children,whom he cared for more than anything. And did anything and everything that he thought was best for his children. Over the years, the Rodriguez had grown so powerful that the mere mention of their name would bring chills down your spine.

The Miltons however never had the best relationship with the Rodriguez, especially after Thomas Milton ,Bennett's father, had allegedly tried to double cross him in a business merger which would have bankrupted the Rodriguez. Luckily Patrick figured out things on time and got out of the mess without much of a damage.

Once Patrick found out about Thomas's true intention, he didn't waste any time in showing the man his place. The rivalry cost Thomas a really bad sum and he almost lost everything his ancestors had left for him. Patrick didn't waste any time in invading the market almost completely wiping out the Miltons.

It took Bennett years to clean up his father's mess. Though he hated Patrick Rodriguez, he wasn't a total ediot to plan a revenge scheme against him. He had seen how bad it had cost his father, and he wasn't going to put his family into the misery they had once faced years ago. A misery they would never forget.

"Bennett are you alright?" Ryan enquired in concern. Snapping out of his thoughts Bennett nodded, "Yes I'm fine." he said as he took a sip of his drink. "Yes I can see that." Ryan replied rolling his eyes. Sure he wasn't fine, and if he was he wouldn't be sitting with him pouring himself drink after drink.

"You know you could talk to me right?" he said as he held his gaze. Bennett stared at him with an uneasy expression on his face. This was the first time he had heard something responsible from his brother. "Look I'm fine Ry, I'm just a little tired." he said rubbing his temple.

"Fine, if you don't want to talk about it ,I'm cool with it. But if you really want to talk, you know where to find me." and with that he got up from his chair and walked out without giving Bennett a second glance. Bennett let out a frustrated sigh and gulped the entire contents of his glass.

Pouring himself another drink and sipped on it. It had been hours since they returned home and he had locked himself in his office ever since. He hadn't spoken to Sapphire after her confession. He didn't know whether to be happy that she had finally trusted him enough to tell the darkest secret of her life. Or to be mad at her for keeping it from him for all these years.

But then again after all that she had gone through, she just wanted a few moments of happiness. Which he had gladly given her only to take it away almost immediately. Yes he felt guilty for what he had done to her. But then again when hasn't he? Ever since she had left,all he had ever done was drown himself in his work and alcohol.

Opening one of the drawers, he pulled out the photo frame with the picture of him holding Sapphire by the pool table with bright smile plastered on their faces. A picture that was clicked on their first date. They looked so happy in each others arms that he couldn't help but smile as he remembered that day.

He didn't know what he was supposed to do, his soon to be bride turned out to be the daughter of none other then, Patrick Rodriguez ;the man who almost destroyed his entire family and not to mention betrothed to some guy they were acquainted to. From past couple of hours he had been trying to figure out who the son of a bitch was trying to take his Sapphire away from him.

A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. "Go away." he growled irritation clear in his voice. "Bennett I just want to talk." Sapphire said in a small voice. Her voice was so soft that if the room wasn't silent, he wouldn't even have heard it. "Leave me alone Sapphire. We will talk about it tomorrow." he said pouring himself another drink.

"Give me just one minute Bennett," she pleaded as she gently knocked on the door. Gulping the contents of the glass, he slammed the glass on the table, luckily without breaking it. "Bennett please-" letting out a frustrated sigh, he got up from his chair and made his way towards the door. Unlocking the door he pulled the door wide open.

His breath immediately caught in his lungs as his eyes roamed over her body. She wore a baby blue tank top that clung to her body like a second skin, giving him a perfect view of her cleavage. And the shorts she wore barely reached her mid thighs exposing her long sexy legs. Her hair was pulled in a messy bun with a few loose strands framing her face.

And the only word he could describe her right now would be Hot. Sapphire could feel her cheeks heat up as she could feel his eyes on her body making her feel exposed before him. She glanced at her outfit and almost cried. What the hell? She was so desperate to talk to him that she hadn't paid much attention to what she had worn.

Clearing her throat awkwardly she asked, "Can we talk?" snapping out of his thoughts he nodded. Though he knew it was going to be difficult to concentrate on whatever she was going to tell he was ready to take the risk. Stepping out of the way he gestured her to come in. Closing the door behind her, she stepped into the dimly lit room her heart pounding in her chest.

"What is it you wanted to say?" he asked as he finally snapped out of his daze. "Have you been drinking?" she asked as she stared at the empty bottles of whiskey on his desk. "I don't think that's what you wanted to ask." he spat suddenly irritated by the tension in the room. It took him every muscle not to grab her and tear those clothes and take her on his desk like he had always fantasised.

Suddenly the room filled with silence. None of them spoke, they just stood there staring at each other. Taking a step back she finally looked away, "I didn't mean to -" she paused as she noticed he wasn't paying attention. "Bennett," she said taking a step back. "Yes love." he replied taking a step towards her, his eyes clouded with lust.

"I-I think you are right, we should talk tomorrow." she stammered trying to walk past him ready to make a run. But he grabbed her by her waist and pinned her against his desk. "W-what are you doing?" she hissed as she tried to free herself from his grip. "What do you want me to do love?" he asked his voice thick and soft like velvet.

"I...um...-" she was lost as his rough hand lurked it's way into her tank top,making chills run down her spine. With his other hand he removed the chop stick; that held her bun in place. Letting out her thick dark curls. He gently leaned into her and burried his face into those thick silky strands and inhaled the intoxicating scent of milk and apples.

God! How much had he missed it. Her scent her supple soft skin and not to mention those luscious plump lips he has been dying to kiss. He leaned forward and gently almost teasingly brushed his lips with her's, she gasped as his fingers brushed the laced of her bra. "B-Bennett, w-we need to stop."she whispered, but he ignored her and continued teasing her.

A loud knock at the door interrupted their little moment. Sapphire took this opportunity to put some distance between them."I think we should stop," she said her voice sounding barely like a whisper. But as expected he just ignored her and continued his little teasing game.

There was another knock at the door but this time it sounded more impatient. "Open the damn door Bennett." an awfully familiar voice demanded making him almost immediately loosen his grip over her. What the hell was he doing here? And that too middle of the night? Letting out a heavy breath he walked up to the door and answered it.

"What do you want Noel?"

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