I was awoken by the sudden noise from beneathe me; My body half buried under the sheets and my arm clutched around my pillow.Father and mother had been argueing.. again. Work related no doubt. My father was a proud politician and did his fair bit for our family financially but his presence at times such as at the table at dinner or birthdays often went amiss due to his work. My mother often felt drained having to play the role of a single mother four days a week while a happily married mother of two doting children the other three.
I rolled out of the grasp of my covers and peered over the window ledge to see my father looking as sharp as ever in his suit which was freshly pressed by my mother. In his left hand he held a large olive black suitcase holding paperwork and notes he had taken from Westminister and in the other he held a cigarette which really unfogged the lense and made him appear not as professional as he may have seemed at first glance.
My mother stormed up the stairs, it was as if an earthquake had errupted in my house merely moments after my eyes broke into the world after 8 hours of rest. "Gabrielle, Im going out." "Mother, it's 11am, I'm ment to be goi-" The shock of her spontaneous revelation had led me to cut her off without second thought. "Did I ask for the time, Gabrielle? Did I ask for your back chat? No I did not. I keep this roof over you and your brothers head and expect very little in return. Don't question me young lady.. do you hear me?" Her sudden outburst had left me feeling very stunned that it took me a few seconds before I had gathered the common sense to nod at her. I dared not to question her she was having one of her "funny turns" again I could tell. In my sixteenth year on this earth, I could truly say my life was going nowhere.
My brother was called Parker; he was only a year older than me. Everyone loved and was proud of Parker.. Oh how they adored him. At school Parker was forever surrounded by girls just eagarly trying to get a quick glance of him as he walked down the hallways and at home whenever family visited, it was always Parker they would call on before anyone else. Parker was a pretty smart guy although I may seem jealous of him one thing I know he is not is stuck up. He's mostly an A grade student (with the occasional B) but we'd never be one to boast on his success.. I guess he always liked to keep himself to himself so no one would intrude on his buisness. He had a small set of friends; the same ones he has since he was growing up in primary school. Parker hated change. It made him somewhat admirable to me how he could stick out the same people for so long. His light brown hair looked blonde in the sun, it was a medium length, he had perfect skin, straight white teeth and his voice was deep yet soothing. He was a simple boy over all, he studied in his room alone most weekdays for an hour or two with his earphones in, leaving the room only for food or to let a fellow friend in. On the weekends we never saw Parker often apart from the odd saturday night he'd come stumbling in oon one of his drunken ventures. He was used to doing his own thing and enjoyed his independance so him being around wasn't a problem when mother was out.
Parker still wasn't home then again it was still early Sunday morning, he was due back anytime really. I lay in my room bored left trying to amuse myself with my own devices, failing miserabely, I was alone.