6. Shopping Time, With A Twist.

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*Katrina's POV*

Eleanor and the girls decided we needed to go shopping today. So that's exactly what we we're gonna do. I have a feeling it's gonna be awesome. I get dressed into plain, casual, blue dress and slip on some blue pumps to match. I also put on natural make up and I put my hair up in a bun and add a hairband. I look in the mirror and decide that it will do. 

I grab my essentials which include my keys, lipgloss, mirror, hand cream and some tissues and stick them into my bag. I skip downstairs to find that Eleanor is already downstairs in the kitchen, eating her breakfast, Pancakes with lots of chocolate sauce. 

That's one of the things I love about Eleanor, she is a model but she eats normally. I find that very inspiring.

I sit next to her, grab a pancake from the pile and start eating it. I ask Eleanor where the girls were she says that we were just gonna meet them at the shopping centre in half an hour.

 I just nod and finish eating my pancake. I haven't seen any of the boys this morning at all so they are probably still asleep. After half an hour has passed, Eleanor and I grab our bags and coats, then head for the car.

As soon as we get there we see the girls, they are standing by the fountain, staring at it in awe. Eleanor shouts "Girls" and they turn around, see us and start running over. Though on the way Jesy slips, but she manages to land smoothly. 

She just laughs and gets up. We all laugh along with her. We link arms and enter the shopping centre. The girls are all arguing about what shop to go in first.

 I manage to quieten then down and say that we should just go to the ones closest to us first then work our way out to the ones that are on the other side of the centre.

They all agree and we go into the first shop, Forever 21. Eleanor gets a necklace and some earrings, Jesy gets a really cool hot pink dress, Leigh-anne gets a purple skirt, Jade gets a top that has a mustache on it, Perrie gets a headband, dress, top and a skirt. 

I get an awesome dress and a One Direction T-Shirt that I saw and really liked. The rest of the shops we go to are, B&M, H&M, New Look, Dorothy Perkins, Jack Wills, Republic, JD Sports, Topshop and Miss Selfridge. 

We all get things ranging from Skirts to random stuff like phone cases. In other words, we spend a lot. Each of us has at least 10 bags in our hands or on our arms. 

Then Perrie decides that she wants to dye her hair purple. So we go to the hair dressers and she gets that done. She looks amazing. 

I then decide that I want Blonde highlights. After it is done I look in the mirror. It is really cool. 

By then the girls have gotten hungry and I so have I, so we decided to make our way up to the top floor. We decide to go to pizza hut. Classy. Me and Eleanor get a Hawiian pizza between us, Jesy and Jade share a pepperoni one and Perrie and Leigh-Anne share a plain cheese one.

When we have finished we pay and picked our stuff up. We thank the waitress and walk out. We walk through the centre again. But something caught my eye. 

I stop and look closer. My heart drops. It is my ex-boyfriend, Nick. He is kissing some brunette girl. Tears block my vision and I start to cry. I fall down on the ground without being able to help it and the girls are sitting next to me still trying to figure out what was going on. 

They keep asking me questions like "Are you okay?" and "What's wrong Kat?" I just shake my head and keep looking at them. Eleanor looks in the direction I am looking at and she sees them. She purses her lips and picks me up off the ground.

"How about some ice cream and a movie?" She asks softly. I smile at her and nod my head. She smiles back warmly, as do the girls. We head back to our house, all of us. But on the way we stop at the shop to buy a giant tub of ice cream and a film, we choose Mean Girls.

We get back to the house and my eyes are still red and puffy and I am shaking a bit. When we get there the boys are finally up and they smile and cheer as we walk in. Louis sees my face and he looks concerned as he asks me what happened. I just shake my head. 

The other boys have heard the concern in his voice and their attention is now on me, they look quite confused but you can see the worry in their eyes. "I don't wanna talk about it" I say simply, then I see Eleanor mouth to Louis, 'I'll tell you later', he then nods and steps back. 

Then Perrie announces that we are going upstairs to watch a film and eat ice cream. Niall frowns at the fact that he isn't going to get some of the ice cream. I giggle and everyone looks up. Niall was smiling proudly. I then just turn around and start walking upstairs.

We watch the movie all the way through, gossip, give each other advice and eat ice cream until we fall asleep.

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