Hailey P.O.V
Me: guys, guys
All: yeah
Me: I was told about a evil queen for she might take all of our powers, our wings and our man
Brook: that evil fairie is not ganna touch my boo and she is not ganna touch me
All: mmmmmmhmmmm
Emily: what are we going to do
Brook: if we combine our powers together then maybe we can defeat her
Sophia: we need more people
Stephani: we need our boys , hey there prod let's bring him over here
prod: *walks over to you* what you want
Me: I need you to send your boys over we need your help
Sophia: do you remember pacifica northwest
Prod: yeah I remembered that fat black minded bitch why
Me: well she's after all of us and you and your squad too
Stephani: that's why we need your help
roc, ray, and prince:*runs to us*
ROC: so strip
Me:we need your help
Ryan: listen I can undo your bra if u can't do it
Prod: nigga you ain't gonna touch her and she is not ganna strip
ROC: so why you called us then
Sophia: look we are in trouble, all of us and We really need your help
Me: she is after All of us
???: acually I'm after you
Me:*turns around*
???: so you are Hailey
Me: y-yes and you are-
???: I am your worst nightmare
Prod: what do you want *steps in front of Hailey*
???: all I want is a conversation with the girls that will give me what they have or you and your buddies could take their place
All the boys said that they'll take their place and that's when the warning came.
So when she zapped them they came in their unfairie form, they were humans and a good-lokking one too.😍😍😍
Sophia: why them I don't want to be a fairie if that means not being with my boo
Roc;: I'm your boo
Sophia:*slowly nods*
ROC: its not to late to be like us
???: hello I'm the butterfly fairie and-, am I too late
All:*slowly nods*
Bf: oh I'm so sorr- *gets zapped*
Eq: how dare you warn them now you are are like those ugly boys over there hahahaha
Me: did you can our mans ugly *put hair in bun*
Sophia: oh hell now *taking off jewerls* let's go
Emily: I'm ready C'mon *cracking fingers*
Brrok: we goin kick yo ass, bitch *taking off shoes*
All: beating her up
Eq: stop I beg stop please what if I could make you like your boys here
Me: only if we can still be fairies
Eq: you got it *zapped them*
(Here they are)