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Social insanity is seeing the compassion and humanity, for fellow beings of Earth that randomly--call it universal irony-- come into the lives of you and me and make us evaluate the world around us;

Profanity, inhuman insensitivity, is what breaks us apart like the burning fire and icy, hands of fate and death.

Normality: what we see in everyday, existences in every way. It's not thriving, it's surviving, it's all timing. . . Begins as one wakes up, the other follows, people follow others down hope-filled hollows, based in faith. Fill our plates with doubt-dripping expectations, egotistic obligations, it all makes us come to morbid contemplations.

We need to join as nations. To fill the world with inner wisdom, we need to break free of this inner prison, life's not a competition. It's about making decisions, based upon morals that feel right; not in division.

Society will lead us into a world-wide, head-on collision. Let's make seeing humanity in ourselves and each other an addition, to the repertoire of mental nuances we stand by. Time's so short, the lives of young ones fly by. Time's so fast, it makes those who can't keep up constantly cry. 

"Why can't I fly?"

Fly away from my problems, fly away from this place. Leave this world of turmoil behind, because I cannot see the grace-- 

the grace of god I hear them preach about, the peace at mind I witness them speak about, I just want OUT!

They say hold onto this life, because there are lessons to learn. I can't help finding that a lie, because all I do inside is burn. When will others be able to discern what's right by humanity, when will it be MY turn?

Societal insanity is listening to humanity on different frequencies from our society's: the bees, the grass, the sky, those who have passed. . . And I won't be among them yet; I can change the world, I bet.

Watch me. Doubt me. Hate me. Follow me. Outgrow your society.

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