chapter 7

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AN//: This one is gonna be set during the time skip, a lot of the new chapters for this are probably going to be at different time periods. so I'll just notify at the beginning what time period it is ^.^ enjoy.

Kuma had sent the Strawhats all over the place with the promise to meet back in one place in three days that Luffy had turned to two years.

Zoro POV

Luffy had changed the meeting from 3 days to 2 years and till then I made myself a vow to train harder than ever to get even stronger so that I can take down Kuma and work on becoming the strongest swordsman. Every day I trained I always fond myself thinking [I wonder if the love cook is ok] I would shake my head of those thoughts saying I need to focus so I can protect him and the others of the crew when they can't protect themselves against the threats. I started everyday waking up after thinking about how I couldn't wait to see him again or the others. I wanted to see how much everyone would have grown.

Sanji POV

I woke on this island full of men I fought with Ivankov they started to train me and teach me many things. One of the other men asked me if there was someone in my life I cared about. I responded  shocking myself I said "yeah actually" and when they asked me who I told them a moss haired idiot swordsman who's almost gotten himself killed on several occasions. Ever since I revealed that to them and myself I found my mind wandering to him more and more everyday. Believeing it was the island making me think the way I was.

Two years later on Sabody I was looking for him. I found him asleep on another ship it began to sink and I shook my head "that idiot" I muttered suddenly he came back up "I got on the wrong ship!" he said swimming to shore the two of us argued. Trying to get him to come back with me at first when I saw him I couldn't believe it was him. "Your eye" I said in shock.

Zoro POV

"Your eye" Sanji said in shock "your eyebrow" I replied he looked outraged and I couldn't help but laugh "you missing an eye is more strange than my eyebrows!" he shouted only making me laugh harder It was then I realized this was the man I had been missing the most for the past 2 years it warmed my heart and made me smile.

Sanji POV

[that idiot thinking my eyebrows were weirder than him missing an eye what a baka" I thought to myself then I realized He was the one I wanted to see the most over the past 2 years I missed him more than the ladies and It shocked the hell out of me.

                                                                                                  The End

AN//: Sorry for just writing a super short one I thought it was a good Idea and would be a lot longer apparently not haha oh well see you guys in the next one ^.^.

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