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Dylan's POV //

she pulled away , " oh my god Dylan , I'm so sorry " she said , wtf , " it's cool , I should go now " I said , wtf just happened , I walked out of her house . Did she regret kissing me ? Or did she feel bad because of Steven ? Fuck

Emily's POV //

Omg what did I do ? I realized a bit too late , I'm not gonna lie , it's not that I regretted it but Steven , now I'm just as bad as him , UGHHHH , but wait I pulled away so I'm not as bad as Steven :) . I didn't know what to do , I went upstairs put my earbuds on and just listened to music . The first song that came on was " I hate u I love u " by gnash , it put me in my feels so much 😂 , I was so bored , I took a mirror selfie for IG & captioned it " I should stop reminiscing 😅😅 " , lyrics from the song , when I had posted it I saw Steven comment " 😍😓 " , he had been messaging me earlier but I didn't take the time to answer so I figured I should I should just answer right now .
I started going through all the messages he sent me , awe 😭😭😭😭
S - I'm so sorry em
S - I love you so much
S - baby I miss you :(
S - please let me explain
S - babe ?
S - listen , I Iove you so much , I know I fucked up , but I'm so sorry , it was a dare , i know you probably don't care if it was a dare or not but I'm so sorry !
* end of messages *

Emily's POV //

He had sent me like 100000 messages before that , I didn't know what to answer , I was going to tell him to call me when I heard someone downstairs lol WTF 😂 , " honey I'm home " , omg it was my mom !💘 , I ran downstairs . She was closing the door , she had her purse in one hand and was putting her suitcase down , " OMG mom , why didn't you tell me you were coming home ? " , I said giving her a hug , " I wanted to surprise you " she said smiling , " well you did , I thought I was gonna be kidnapped or something when I heard the door " I told her laughing . " I thought you were in San Fran ? " I told her , " they postponed the meeting " she told me , " ohhh , well tell me how'd it go ? " we sat down on the stools by our counter and we just talked . Me and my mom get along so well 💘💘 . " so tell me babe , what's wrong with you ? " she asked me after finishing her story , " what ? what do you mean ? " I asked her getting up to get a glass of water , " em I know damn well when somethings bothering you , so now tell me what is it ? " she asked me , " Steven " I said just looking down , " what ? Why ? " she asked , " look , you know how Rachel had a party for her birthday , well when we got there he like ditched me for his friends , but I was ok with that because we're like always together , so it didn't bother me , & besides I was with rach & Dylan " , " oh Dylan's back " , she cut me off , " yesssss " I told her smiling , " awe , I remember when you had the biggest crush on him " she told me , " oh my god , throwback " I said laughing , " I always thought you two would get together " she told me , I just smiled at the thought of Dylan , he means so much to me , " but anyways continue " she told me ,  " okay well like I was saying , we were just chillen & I got up to use the restroom & when I walked in I seen Steven making out with some girl , and I haven't really talked to him , but earlier he came over & started saying that it was all a dare & oh my god I just don't know what to do mom , do I forgive him ? " I asked her , " well I don't know em , that's up to you " she told me ,  " he's legit been blowing up my phone all day " I told her , " I think I'm just gonna call him " I continued , " just do what makes you happy , I don't wanna see you getting hurt " my mom said , " okay mom " I said giving her another hug and heading upstairs .

Stevens POV //

I was at the skatepark with my bros when I got a message from em saying " call me " I put my board down and called her ASAP 😩 .
    * phone call *
S - em ?
E - yeah ?
S - I'm so sorry
S - I feel so bad -
E - chill , I forgive you
S - are you serious ?
E - yes Steven
S - thank you so much em , you don't know how much I love you
E - okay well I gotta go now
S - ight bye
  * end of phone call *

Emily's POV //

Omg that phone call was so akaward 😂😂 , when I hung up a got a message form rach saying to go to her house , so i did .

Stevens POV //

She sounded so sad , I felt so bad , I need to make it up to her , I just needa know how .

Emily's POV //

I put some black ripped shorts on since I was just wearing spandex and went to Rachel's . When I got there she was with Brandon , yay third wheeling 🙄🙄 . We were watching tv in her living room & I was on my phone , " aye lets go on younow ? " I asked rach , " oh my god yes , we haven't been on that in forever , " she told me , she went to go get her computer . She got her Mac book & we took a selfie on it and we all posted it on IG saying " come watch us :) " . We went live and we had about 100 viewers since Brandon was here 🤔😂 , " ask us questions " I said , & we started getting a bunch of questions . As I was reading the comments it said * @maxsofficial is watching * , everybody started commenting " max is here " & " omg max is watching " .

Rachel's POV //

A bunch of people were asking em questions about Steven , I wanted to tell them to chill but that would've been rude 😅 . " aye lets guest max " Brandon said , so we did .

Emily POV //

" heyy maxso " I said as he got on the guesting thing , " what's up em " he said smiling , " yo what's up bro " Brandon said , rach just smile and waved at him . Hopefully they're on good terms now 😅 . We stayed on younow for like 2 hours 😂 , it was lit . I went home around nine , took a shower and went to bed ☺️ .

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