The Mines

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Emi Takori glanced at the mine's entrance ready to go on. The direct approach won't work unless we start a fight with those droids, risk harming the civilians inside, and attract Grievous's attention. She thought as she observed the surroundings. 

A few droids were stationed outside the entrance with carts moving in and out. Emi spotted a Kel Dorian male pushing each one of them. The full carts contained large green crystals that shone as bright as ultraviolet rays.

So that's what the Nitonma is, they've gathered too much of it already, but where's Grievous?  She wondered. He was probably deeper in the mines conducting the poor Kel Dorians to dig up the entire Nitonma supply that Dorin had. 

"What's your plan Commander Takori? I assumed you wanted to do something like, storm the mines, have another epic clash with that metalhead, round up those aliens and send them home?" Wolffe asked from behind,

Emi turned to him, "You know me so well Wolffe, but the clashing is not why I'm here, we will get Master Plo's men out of there. They don't deserve to be treated like this," she then glanced back at the mine's entrance,

"Is that the only way in?" Boost asked,

"From what I can tell here, yes. The direct approach will have to do after all. How good are you guys at sniping?"

Boost pulled out a rifle, "I can take out a few of those clinkers from here, you know, give you some covering fire Commander, but are you sure you want to go in there alone?"

Emi looked at him again, "Yes I'm sure, and once you've secure the area, I need you and Wolffe to find transport, something big, we might need it if we are going to get Master Plo's people to safety. I suspect Grievous will try something so be prepared for anything,"

"Will do Commander Takori, we have your back," Wolffe replied.

Emi leaned out towards the path, but instead of reaching for her lightsaber like she was used to doing, she glanced at one of the large rock pillars to further down the path and jumped upward toward it. She soared high and gripped the wall with her hands and feet.  During her training, she had learn many acrobatic skills and could jump great heights with the power of the force. 

She then looked back at Wolffe and Boost, and signaled them. Boost took his rifle out and looked through the scope to see one of the battle droids stop at the front entrance. A Kel Dor male who looked younger than Plo Koon came out with an empty cart.

"What are they doing?" Wolffe whispered,

Boost zoomed in closer to hear small chatter,

"The General won't accept any empty carts!"

"'s too dangerous to go any deeper!"

"Get back to work alien!"

Emi could hear it as well. Horrible, just horrible, she thought, and then she jumped towards the next pillar and heard Boost fire his rifle. She continued to leap from one pillar and then the other as the rifle fired again and again, until she reached the entrance and jumped down, landing on a headless battle droid. 

A single track making a circuit in and out of the mine was visible among the deactivated droids. Emi closed her eyes briefly and connected herself with the force. The presence of Grievous is very close, he is inside the mines, somewhere.....but I should focus on getting those Kel Dorians out of there first.

She then signaled Wolffe and Boost to move up, "When I return, be ready," She told them quietly, and then she entered the mine.

All was quiet at first, except for the sound of carts rolling on tracks, and the occasional footsteps of droids. Emi ignited her lightsaber, and the emerald green illuminated the mine revealing the two-way track ahead of her, both were branching into separate tracks entering different tunnels. Emi looked at all the directions available to her. There was no sign of any droids, civilians, or even veins of Nitonma. 

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