Chapter 20

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"Who brought the statue with them" I asked

"It has been in my basement for years, I leave the doors locked but then I went down to clean and decided to sell it. I was bringing it to auction. These people here all had cargo to sell at the auction in New York" James said

"Well James you put us all on the dead list" I said

"Honey cakes how have I done that, with a stupid statue" James said, honey cakes that is not acceptable. I realized James had a knife in his hand so I grabbed it from him and held it to his throat.

"Well Honey cakes that is known as a Weeping Angel, it is a statue but only when you look at it. As soon as there is no living thing at it for even the time it takes to blink it strikes, they are fast. They zap you into the past and let you live to death. I am sorry but you were zapped to the 1200s" I said

"Go El" Jack fist pumped the air. I smiled and handed James his knife back.

"We need to get out of here, that angel will want to send us all further in the past to live to death" I am frantic right now.

"What is the big deal about the statue. It is a statue it can't do anything" James said got up and walked to the plane, by the angel. "I am closing my eyes" he shouted and he was still in sight. "Nothing has happened" he chuckled and then opened his eyes.

"Holy s**t" he jumped back "it moved"

"Well do you believe me now" I smirked

"Okay let's go back to the" Jack began but I shut his mouth by putting my hand over his mouth.

"Don't say it, there is never just one. It had to send them to this time, in this place for a reason" they want to feed. I have seen this before in New York, Jack was at work so I decided to go somewhere. Then I was called for the time war I had to go that second so I left a note at home and left.

"El then how do we leave" Jack asked

"We just need to gather and run. When we get to an opening call Buddy" I said

"Okay" Jack replied "since we need to well you know see at all times and it is getting dark, how dark will it be in ten minutes"

"Pitch black" Jessica answered

"Any flash lights matches, anything" I asked

"I have a box of matches" Fred said

"Okay let's make torches" Jack spoke

"I have a coloring book" Melissa spoke up "so I have crayons"

"Okay good" I smiled, crayons burn for 30 minutes long enough for us to get back to the TARDIS

"Why do you have crayons" Fred asked

"I like to color" Melissa smiled.

By the time the torches were made and a crayon lit darkness fell. It was becoming darker and darker and we could only see about five feet in front of us. I heard bushes rustle in the distance, when I turned my head I made the mistake of blinking and an angel was three feet in front of me.

"Circle now, everyone faces back to back. One leader, Jack that is you since you are in the front. Do not blink" I said

"There is one over here too, it just entered my sight" James said.

"Okay let's go" Jack said, we moved slowly through the woods.

Every time a torch was about to go our we had to make another and start it up.

"It caught back up" Melissa screeched

"The other one is over here" Jessica glared off into the darkness.

"Where is it I don't see it" I said

"It is out there, just 50 feet away"

"How do you know that we can only see five feet in front of us"

"I just know" she answered

"Did you stare into its eyes" I asked

"Maybe, I don't know"

"James bring light over here, Fred and Melissa keep an eye out while Jack finishes the torch" I ordered. Once there was light I could see Jessica's eyes, they were no longer brown they were stone.

"I am sorry I am very terribly sorry" I said to her.

"Why are you sorry" she asked

"Because, you are becoming an angel" I said "don't stare at the eyes, the windows to the soul. Always an active image in your brain. Right now you have an angel in your mind and it is turning you into one"

"I am done" Jack said and lit the torch "is there anything we can do to save her"

"Yes, by killing the angel but you can't kill stone" I said "the only other way is to have of close your eyes and never be able to see again"

"Then give me a knife and cut my eyes, anything to live" she said becoming very stern

"Close your eyes, we will find a way" Jack reassured her. As we started walking we came to the clearing where my TARDIS is the moon light allowed us to see a bit better without the coverage from the trees.

"Now, how are we going to help Jessica" Fred asked

There were four more angels surrounding the TARDIS. Oh great.

'Buddy how are you' I asked to him

'Scared. They keep trying to get in, they are stone for now though. I can't materialize around you guys because then for split seconds you won't be able to see them and they could bolt in with you' Buddy panicked

'I know. It will be okay we will make it to you'

'Please hurry, oh and the angel behind you on your right is the one in her mind'

"Jack do you have a gun" I asked

"Yes I have my blaster gun, one shot left" he said and pulled it out

"Will it disintegrate stone" I asked

"Yes" he suddenly smiled "which one is it"

"The one behind me on the right" I said.

When Jack took aim I blinked and there was stone arms around my neck. Terrific bloody terrific.

"Jack" I whimpered

"Mellissa stare at those two. James and Fred stare at the ones by that Totem Pole" Jack said and then turned to me.

"El, I have one shot. Save Jessica or you" he ran his hands through his hair "and I didn't even get to know you"

"But you do know me" I said

"I can't remember though, it might as well be the same as not knowing you" all of a sudden me closed his eyes and when he opened them he seemed even sadder.

"I have held you before when a Dalek shot you, I watched you die and come back. What if I could save you this time. I don't want to see you die"

"You don't have to just close your eyes, it will be over in a second" I said, I know there is no way out of this. But I know that will not stop Jack.

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