Chapter 2 - Bathroom Stall

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Bria peered on as Jay and his legal entourage triumphantly stormed through the Tidal office space. When she was finally convinced that the coast was clear she slowly grabbed her belongings and a few Tidal emblazoned office accessories, packed everything up and headed to straight for the front door.

As she made her way out she couldn't help but make a pit stop in the women's washroom. Her emotions overwhelmed her. Bursting into an empty stall and plopping herself onto the toilet seat Bria burst into uncontrollable tears, sobbing loudly and flailing her arms wildly. 

Every intimate memory flashed rapidly in her mind. From their first encounter to the plethora of hour long conversations they spent planning their future together. Images of his smiling face with his full round lips telling her how much he loved her. The sound of his raspy whispering voice echoed through her ear, "I don't know what it is about you B? I just...I just love you".

"All these memories. All these moments. How? Just how could he do this?" Bria cried

Replaying everything in her mind Bria just couldn't believe someone could be so heartless, especially someone she had fell so hard for. How could she have been so wrong about this man she was planning a future with only a few days prior. It made her physically ill contemplating what would be left of her personal and professional life come Monday morning.

"Maybe this is all just some sick dream I'm having. Maybe things are just too good my subconscious is trying to bring me back to earth", Bria thought to herself.

As she wiped away the drippings from her nose with toilet paper and delicately patted underneath her eyes and the corners of her mouth Bria exclaimed, "Yes, that's it! It's all some sick dream".

As she wiped away the drippings from her nose with toilet paper and delicately patted underneath her eyes and the corners of her mouth Bria exclaimed, "Yes, that's it! It's all some sick dream"

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But before she could continue encouraging herself and validating her theory there was an abrupt knock on the bathroom stall in which she was occupying.


The knocks became more aggressive. "This stall is occupied", Bria stated matter-of-factly.


Bria pulls herself off the toilet with all her belongings in hand, grabs the handle to the bathroom stall door and shouts, "I said this stall is occupied! What kind of sick individual tries to interrupt someone in the washroom? Listen, I've already had a rough day, so I really don't need someone trying to get their kicks in the women's washroom disturbing me. Now I apologize in advance but .... FUCK OFF!"

"Well that's the kind of aggression I was hoping you had in there!" the HR rep Ms. Pope exclaimed. "Now try directing it towards the right person."

"Excuse, me?" Bria shouted back.

"Bria, is it? I'm happy to be on your side but you need to 1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, 2. Get a grip on reality, and 3. Don't ever address me like that again...I mean it. I am NOT the one!" Ms. Pope firmly stated.

Bria was completely shocked into silence. Who was this woman and why did she think she had right to say anything to her? On her side? What on earth was she talking about?

"I'm sorry but...What the actual fuck? Who are you and why are you at all concerned about who I am and what reality I choose to live in?" Bria asked

"I'm the woman who is going to give you your life back."

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After a long pause and a blank stare Bria finally asked Ms. Pope what she was referring to.

"I've seen cases like this time and time again. A young impressionable girl at the beginning of her career getting derailed from her professional and personal goals all because a powerful, charismatic, older man whisks her off her feet and promises her the world and everything in it."

"Excuse me?" Bria asks.

"It's textbook Sweetie. Don't feel bad. It's hard not to get wrapped up in all this." Ms. Pope responds.

"You have no idea what you're talking about!" Bria exclaims as she moves past Ms. Pope and places her bags on the bathroom sink. She turns on the tap and grabs a few sheets of paper towel.

Ms. Pope leans on the bathroom stall and focusses on Bria's face in the mirror.

"Let me guess... Your mom raised you alone because your deadbeat father left before your sweet, innocent, chubby little face could form the words Dada. You spent your formative years focussing every bit of energy trying to get the attention of men in order to fill the void your father left. In doing so, you created a wedge so big between yourself and your mother because while she was spending years trying to find Replacement Dad you were doing your best to be anyone but a replica of the person you blamed for driving your father away. When you finally redirected your energy from men to your career the first chance you got to take the easy way out you took it. But now you've got yourself into this mess. And it's not so easy is it? Instead of picking yourself up and dusting yourself off, here you are feeling sorry for yourself crying in a bathroom stall pretending this is all just a dream."

Bria turned around to face Ms. Pope and screamed, "How dare you?"

With one hand on her hip and the other hand under her chin Ms. Pope stared blankly and Bria.

"You think you got me all figured out but you don't. How dare you?"

"How dare you?" Ms. Pope responded. "How dare you throw your life away like this on some man...some married man?"

Bria dropped to the floor, covered her face with her hands and began crying. 


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