Marry me now my beauty queen
Common now you can lean on meNo Master is dominant
neither is any king.
My beauty queen is all that's relevant.
So common now and put on this ring.Oh barren beauty queen of mine
Thy worship thee
with admiration and glee.
I don't want you to worry about the future,
just leave that up to me.Common now my beauty queen
Return the love or this is the last you'll
Ever see of me.Believe in me I beg of you.
Believe in us I want you to.

Between the Lines there Lies a Story of Me
PoetryNOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON (different edition) Reviews: 5 stars! Reviewed By Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite No one needs to love poetry to appreciate this wonderful collection of poems. Between The Lines There Lies a Story of Me by Sabaine feature...