Hold her like you held me.
One day, you'll forget about me,
And my smile,
My eyes,
My Warm Embrace.
But those memories won't leave any holes
In your excessive Pride and Joy,
They will only be replaced by the new memories
Of the person you love
After me.
After all the places we went-
You'll forget those too.
After all the movies we watched-
You'll forget you've seen them.
After all the jokes we made-
You'll forget they're there.
After all the time I spend
Trying to forget you,
You will have forgotten me
But not last.
Apple Mosaics
RandomEveryone is a mosaic. We are all made of broken pieces until something or someone we love is found to glue us back together. Then we become a beautiful mosaic. Apples come in as a taste of personality. Some are sweet, some are sour, but all are simp...