chapter 4

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The classroom was very lively, nobody even noticed Tsubaki walking in. She sat in the seat she was assigned to and stared out the window. Something obviously cought her eyes.

"Hi, my name is Ichika Reizen nice to meet you." A boy came up to her with a cheerful axpression. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He seemed really childish but proud, and he had a really big grin.

"..." However Tsubaki didn't say a word, she just kept staring out the window.

"Hey. Did you hear me?" This time the boy sat staring, infront of her.

"Oh. My name is Tsubaki Heartnet." Tsubaki said looking at Ichika, then went straight to looking out the window.

"You're a strange one." Ichika said hiding part of his face under his hand.

"Hey! That's not very nice." Tsubaki said with a cold expression. The bell went immediately after she said that, and the boy turned around to look at the board.

"Okay class, today we have a new student joining us today." A beautiful woman came into the room, she had black hair and golden eyes. Her hair was flowing perfectly and she seemed to have a friendly aura around her.

" Could tsubaki Heartnet please stand up and introduce herself." She said with a smile.

"Sure." Tsubaki said standing up."my name is Tsubaki Heartnet, my mum died when i was young and for personal reasons my dad is now living over seas and I live with my friend who takes care of me." Tsubaki said.

"Well, that is interesting. So why don't you tell us why you dyed your hair orange." The teacher said with a wide smile.

"Huh? Who said I dyed my hair. It's my natural hair colour. Can I sit down now?" Tsubaki sai with a cautious expression.

"Oh of course, I must have kept you standing for a while, please sit down." The teacher said allowing her to sit. Right at that moment the door came flinging open. In came a girl with red hair and a bad attitude.

"Late again I see. Well you know what happens people come nto class late don't you, Ayame Hanako?"

"Come on teach cut me some slack, it's not like it's the end of the world."

"How disrespectful. You will be in serious trouble young lady, first you skipped school for the whole of last week and now your strolling inside this classroom, not to mention you interrupted Heartnet's introduction.

But I finished it about five minutes ago Tsubaki thought staring out the window.

"Oh I thought there was going to be a new student here." Ayame said walking toward Tsubaki.

"That's enough, don't intimidate the poor girl on her first day." The teacher said grabbing ayame by the color and pulling her to her chair on the otherside of the classroom.

What clowns, at least they're amusing to watch Tsubaki thought as she watched everything that was unravelling.

"Anyway, let us begin class, today we are going to learn about how humans came to the earth, I know most of you might have done that in middle school so we're just going to recap on what we know so far." The teacher said . "Now who can tell me about how the earth was created." Most people put their hands up including Tsubaki and Ichika.


"Good seems like a majority of you. Lets see." The teacher scanned the classroom and looked at Ichika.

"Mr Reizen tell me something about." The teacher said sitting at her desk.

"Yes Mrs Jyosako. The earth exploded because of the midiors that fell on the earth when dinosaurs were still around at the time.

"Very good Reizen now Heartnet can you tell me about about the first people who lived on earth." Mrs Jyosako said glancing over at Tsubaki. Tsubaki stood up in a hurry. "Yes! They were really old fashioned, there wasn't any electricity so everyone had to do things with their bear hands, and they were unevolved so they didn't know how to speak or behave." Tsubaki said, then she sat down. 

"Very good." Mrs Jyosako said with a proud smile.

This is childs play, are we elementary school or something? Tsubaki thought as she sat through a boring lecture from Mrs Jyosako.

Some time has passed and then the bell went for lunch. Tsubaki took out her lunch box, but then was interrupted by three girls.

"Hello Heartnet. We have a few things to say to you about Prince Nova!" One of the girls started looking at Tsubaki suspiciously.

"Shh. Not so loud sister April." A girl said standing beside the girl supposedly known as April. These were the Tsuki sisters. April, Juli and Mei.

"We won't allow you to interfere in our plans to go out with Nova. We won't let our months go in vain. We are the prince Nova fan club and you are not welcome to flirt with him. Thank you very much!" Mei said flicking her hair back and without another word they left. Tsubaki just sat there in confusion.

"Hey! I see you've met my fan club." Ichika said patting Tsubaki on the back."Don't let them intimidate you, they're more talkers than fighters, they won't do anything to you." Ichika said sitting down next to her.

"But Ichika, they said Nova not you." Tsubaki said staring at him.

"I am Nova, Ichika is my younger brother." Nova said holding Ichika around the neck.

"Only by five minutes." Ichika said struggling to get loose.

"Oh that makes a whole lot more sense. Ichika, you seem a bit more childish but at the same time proud." Tsubaki said opening her lunch box.

"Bullseye." Ichika said as he tried to get away from Nova with a mischievous smile.

"Are you saying I'm not proud?" Nova said staring at Tsubaki a little insulted.

"No I didn't say that, I'm just saying, with your reputation you seem more friendly but you can be mischevous." Tsubaki said while eating the sandwich she got for lunch.

"Are you saying I'm not friendly?" This time it was Nova who was trying to get away from Ichika.

"No I'm not saying that. This is ridiculous, I'm going to eat my food outside." Tsubaki said standing up and walking out of the room.

Tsubaki sat on a bench in a place that seemed like a garden.

"Mind if I sit here?" a cheerful voice called out to Tsubaki it was a girl with blond hair. She had blue eyes.

"yes I do but I sense you're going to sit here anyway." Tsubaki said not even looking up once.

"Well that's a little mean, anyway did you dye your hair. Nobody in this country or surrounding countries have ginger coloured hair." The girl said sitting next to Tsubaki. She started eating her lunch, Tsubaki just tried ignoring her.

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