Adam's POV
I was out shopping with Paige since Max and Ross went on vacation. "So, you ready to-?" She nodded, but she sighed. "I don't know, it's hard for my anxi-." She stopped, looking scared with her widened eyes. "Paigey, I know all about anxiety, and depression, other stuff too. My point is, you can talk to me. You may not have told Max or Ross but you can trust me." She smiled but looked confused. "Paigey?" I laughed and nodded. "Yes, Paigey Waigey." She laughed.
We headed to a restaurant and sat down, talking about what she was gonna say. "Anyways, I don't know because it's hard for my anxiety. It's-." "Too much pressure?" She nodded. My phone started ringing and I pulled it out of my pocket. Max. I pressed the accept button and held it to my ear.
"Yes?" I said in a fancy voice, making Paige laugh. "Where's Paige? I want to talk to her." I gave the phone to Paige and started talking. Midway through, she looked like she was about to cry. I stuck out my hand and she passed me the phone. "And I-." "What did you do?!" He told me about how he wants her to go to school, and make new friends. By now, Paige was crying a little.
I hung the phone up on Max and got up, taking Paige with me. We're going to Alesa.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they end up at Paige's home~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was 3:45 right now and we (Paige and I) were playing games on the Xbox she has at home. Left 4 Dead 2. I suck, she rocks at it. I was going the opposite way every time. Don't judge me!
She laughed as I died from jumping in the water. "Yep, okay, we can't swim!" I yell. She laughed but it turned into a yawn. "Tired?" She nodded. "I'm always tired." I laughed and got up, shutting off the game once she was done. "Let's go to my place, you can cuddle with the dogs." She smiled and we headed to my car.
We put on music and I started to sing...weirdly. She laughed at my dancing. "Come on, let's see you do it!" I smiled and she started to sing too. She's like the daughter I've never had!
We got to my place and she went straight to the living room, watching T.V. She said hi to Alesa first. She's not that rude. I looked at the time, 7:30. "Were we gone for that long?" She nodded and we headed to the living room. I died of cuteness when I saw Paige asleep on the couch. Cuddled with Rascal.
I went over and picked her up, carrying her to the guest bedroom. I put her down and Rascal came, laying beside her, falling asleep shortly too. I took a picture and posted it one Instagram. '@Mithzanmax and @RealHouse_Owner. She's safe and sound here.' I smiled and left the room to go eat.
Sorry my chapters are short, I'm trying to figure out what to put for different POV's. Next up is you're choice. Comment down below whose POV should be next! See ya later me Slayers!

We're Judged (MithRoss Sequel)
FanfictionMax and Ross, a married gay couple. They've been married for 3 months and was starting to want a family. A daughter. They went to the adoption centre and saw the perfect one, but she has some problems.