~House Of Eavesdroppers~

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As Nina, Amber and KT pulled up at Anubis House, Nina was flooded with excitement. She had waited so long to come and see everyone in Anubis House again! It was so exciting! As she got out of the car with Amber and KT behind, her phone in her pocket vibrated. She picked it up. It was a call from her Gran! She picked it up and signalled for Amber and KT to go ahead without her.

"Hi Gran!" Nina spoke clearly into the phone.

"Nina, darling!" Her Gran said cheerfully. "Have you seen anyone yet?" She asked.

"No Gran," Nina chuckled, "We just arrived. But I did meet this girl on the plane, her name was KT. Amber knew her, apparently she had replaced me after I left" Nina added happily.

"No one can ever replace you Nina. I'll let you go now. Tell Fabian to keep up the poems." As her Gran hung up, Nina was filled with mixed emotions.

Fabian. Oh no! She broke broke up with him in that letter...but...she knows that she still loves him! He's her best friend, and Nina knew that it would be a world of awkwardness. But nevertheless, Nina couldn't wait to see him! Being with him was always amazing. But she knew that before she could go see Fabian and everyone else, there was one place she wanted to visit...

The clearing in the woods.

As Nina proceeded to the sacred meeting place of Sibuna, she began to ideate about seeing Fabian for the first time in ages. Poor Nina. If only she knew how wrong she was.

She heard voices up ahead and decided to check it out. She was pretty much a professional when it came to eavesdropping. All thanks to Sibuna. She smiled, at all the memories that thought had evoked. All the memories of her club and times they had saved the world. She even remembered the time Amber had first made up the name. It was Anubis backwards.

All of the heart stopping moments suddenly came back to her. Meeting Sarah. Discovering her powers. Then there was sneaking around in Victor's office and breaking into the school, library, attic and cellar. All the times they had meetings, solved riddles, stole ankh pieces, elixir and amulets. That made Nina remember when Alfie had performed his magic trick to get the amulet back from Victor. The fact that they stole the amulets to go down into the tunnels and almost die from near impossible challenges.

Being blackmailed by Rufus and tormented by Senkhara, and her friends being hexed. That was something Nina definitely did not miss. They didn't bring her happiness at the time, but now that she looked back at them, a smile would always sweep her face. She didn't know why, but they did. These were the sort of things she had missed out on when she hadn't come back to Anubis House.

After her Gran had gotten better, she could've come back to Anubis House, but there was no way she could just abandon her sick Gran in America.

She had arrived at where she heard the voices the loudest. She hid behind a tree and poked her head around so that she could see who was speaking and what they were doing.

She was shocked to see two very familiar faces.

"Fabian! Why can't I call a Sibuna meeting?" Mara yelled, becoming more ardent by the second.

"You have to make a sacrifice and a vow. You also have to have at least the original founders permission! Mara, you're not a Sibuna!" Fabian hissed.

"Fine, but can't we at least go back to Anubis House? What are we doing out here anyway?" Mara asked irritated.

"We're trying to find Let Down," he replied, sounding equally annoyed.

"Let Down?" Mara asked, confused.

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