Chapter Sixteen

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Marie P.o.v

"This isn't a good idea Alecie, I know you want to protect yourself but you need to go to the cops" I said watching her pace the floor.

"I can't do that because one he hasn't physically touched me and he hasn't broken his restraining order, and two if I go to the cops he will kill everyone including you and I'm not having that"

My heart stopped a little from her words, "Is he that crazy?" I asked.

"Hell he passed crazy, this nigga is sick and I know his ways I went to the cops one time and look what happened" she said, I nodded knowing what she meant.

"Okay, so what do we do?" I said, she sighed and put the box on the dresser making sure the safety was on the gun before collapsing on her bed.

"I have no clue Marie, but I don't want them or you to get hurt because of me.." she said, I've never seen Alecie so weak in my life and I've know her for 3 years now and I consider her a sister and to see her like this is cutting real deep.

"Damn B, I don't even think your favorite ice cream can help this" I said, she let out a laugh and I smiled at the fact that she actually was laughing.

"I guess I should tell the guys huh, I mean I don't want shit to go down and then they not know what hit them" she said.

I sighed, "Are you sure your willing to tell them everything in your pass I mean that going to be hard" I replied.

I looked at the ceiling with tears falling down her cheeks, "I don't know... I want to tell them but at the same time that some bad memories I don't want to remember but I feel like they should know Pook" she said.

I nodded understandingly, "Well don't force yourself to tell them; tell them when you know deep down your ready to tell them" I said.

She nodded and laid her head in my lap, "I'm so scared right now Pook and I don't do scared" she said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Well you don't have to be scared because I'm here and you know I got your back bitch" I said, she shook her head and stared at the ceiling lost in deep thought.

The door opened and Julian walked in, my heart flutter a little and I hate that shit. He seems like a nice guy but I don't want to tell Alecie because I don't want her to get mad.

"They sent me in here because they are pussies" he said lying on the bed.

I and Alecie chuckled, "What do they think that?" I asked.

"Because they are sacred and the think you on your period and they don't want you to cuss them out" he said.

Alecie's face turned a dark shade red and she look pissed, "I'm not on my period!" she yelled.

I started laughing so hard that my stomach hurt and she turned and punched me in the stomach causing me to get winded and I stopped laughing trying to catch my breath.

"You bitch...." I breathe out, causing her and Julian to laugh.

Alecie P.o.v

*Monday Morning*


I slowly got dressed, I haven't left the house since Saturday and I was scared out of my mind. I looked at the box and I debated on whether or not I should take it with me.

I bit my lip and decided against it, I put on my heels and my jacket on top of my shirt. Before I grabbed my bag and walked out the room, I went to the kitchen and saw the boys sitting at the table everyone else was gone and I was grateful for that.


"Your late pumpkin" Julian said, I rolled my eyes here we got with this nicknames again.

I sat my bag down took my seat by Langston, "So I don't give a fuck; I'm still going to eat I'm already late" I snapped.

They all looked at me, and I just shrugged the cook gave me a plate and I started to eat but the shit wouldn't stay down.

I felt so sick and jumpy, I groaned in annoyance and grabbed my bags, "Let's get this shit over with" I said walking to the door. I threw Langston the keys and he caught them with easy staring at me like I was crazy.

"What Nigga? Get in the car!" I snapped again, I know I was being a bitch but I couldn't help it I always get like this when I know he's so close to me.

He shrugged and climb in the seat, I got in the front and started out the window as we began to drive. We were driving so fast but when I looked on the street I couldn't have sworn I saw him he smirked at me. As we passed him I unbuckled my seat and looked out the back window but she was gone.

I lowly sat back down, "Uhh Alecie are you okay?" Chris asked.

I bulked back up ignoring his question and biting my bottom lip, when we pulled up to the school I hopped out and ran to the building. When I got inside I felt a lot safer than when I was outside, I went to the office and got a late slip.

The boys came moment later and got there before me and Chris walked to class in silence.

I stopped at my locker and he just stared at me, "What?" I snapped slamming the locker.

"What's wrong with you?" he snapped back.

"I'm fine okay I don't want to talk about it" I said and walked away from him.

Marie P.o.v

She looked like a sad puppy, I watched Alecie eat a damn apple and silently I might add.

First off all let me tell you something about Alecie, That bitch doesn't eat apples! Especially green ones she doesn't like them because their sour. Second that bitch is never quiet! The first time I met her she was loud and energetic cussing out the teacher because he said her name wrong.

I knew what was wrong with her and the boys knew she was a little off too because she didn't even joke back with Michael and she was just sitting there looking off into space.

Out the corner of my eyes I saw Taylor and Jahnae walking toward our table and Taylor didn't look too happy. I smirked she probably heard about the party that she wasn't invited too, when she got to the table she glared at Alecie

"So you decide to have a party and not invite me?" Taylor snapped at her, Alecie looked up at her and just stared at her she didn't say shit back to her. No smart remark, no profanity, not even a glare or a smirk just a blank stare.

So I spoke up for her, "Taylor get the fuck on somewhere with that shit; It was a party for the boys and I don't know if you notice but we don't like you bitch" I snapped, she ignored me and kept looking at Alecie.

"She didn't ask you shit" Jahnae snapped, I looked at her and she instantly shut up and walked to the other side of the table and started flirting with Chris.

"So are you deaf, you can't hear me huh! Well there a shock considering the fact that you tried to sleep with my man" she sneered at Alecie.

Again Alecie just stared at her, with a blank expression I rose an eyebrow is she serious right now?

"Uh Taylor right I think you and your little friend need to get the fuck away from my table because I'm not afraid to hit a girl" Justin said, Taylor looked horrified for a minute but then ignored him.

"Fine I'll leave but just keep your bitch on a leash" she said and glared at Alecie one more time before she left.

With Jahnae following behind her after she winked at Chris and walked away, after they left we just stared at Alecie.

She didn't even look at us just continued to eat that damn apple, I snatched it out her hand and she stared at me.

"What the fuck Alecie you just let her talk to you like that and you have that damn blank stare on your face!" I said, she didn't say anything.

"Give me back my apple Pook" she said, and her voice sounded like it was strained.

"No because you don't even like apples! And you need to go over there and set that bitch straight" I said trying to snap her out this little trance she was in.

"Fine I'll just go get another one then" she said getting up and walking away, I stared after her and shook my head.

Before she got to the lunch line though Taylor walked up to her, Taylor said a couple of think to her and I started getting up I guess Alecie wasn't saying anything because when I was almost to them Taylor pour red liquid all over Alecie. The whole lunch room got silent and watch in horror waiting for Alecie to respond, I looked and saw the administrators weren't in the lunch room.

Alecie P.o.v

"Fine I just go get me another one" I said and got up, I began to walk to the line my feet feeling heavy and then I heard someone call my name.

I turned around and saw Taylor, I really don't feel like dealing with her shit today I gave her a blank expression and she stood in front of me I saw the cup in her hand and she was gripping it really tight.

"You just think you can ignore me huh? Let me tell you something you little bitch, you are a whore and I know you fucking all your 'brothers' over there so stay away from Shane do we understand each other?"

I just stared at her not blinking, and I guess she didn't like that to much because she turned angrier.

"Okay I guess I'll have to show you then!" she said and before I could stop her she poured the red liquid all over me.

I stood there and I vaguely heard the lunchroom get silent, my breathing grew hard and all I saw was red I didn't see Taylor anymore I saw HIM and before I could stop myself. I reached for that bitches hair and slammed her into the wall, I continued to slammed her head into the wall I was going to kill her.

I felt someone grab me but I didn't let go of her, I reached out and began to choke that bitch. She began to turn pale and someone finally pulled me off of her.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill that bitch!" I yelled struggling against the person.

The person dragged me out of the lunchroom and into an empty hallway, I looked and saw Chris and began to hit his chest.

"Fuck nigga! Let me go I want to kill that bitch!" I yelled, and it was true if he let me go back in there I was going to kill her.

"Alecie calm down" he said hugging me to his chest, my breathing started to become steady again and I began to hug him back crying in his chest.

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